Scouty help



hi i have asked you guys here for some information so please do not flame me

i have several questions to ask of you scouts out there

why do scouts want to be briton, we use a bow and dex is primant dam stat, so a saracen would be the better choice

yet again why dont you guys want to do 50 longbow, we use a a bow as our primary weopon we should want it 2 getas much dam in with it as possible

why do ppl want 2 put lots into melle when instead of longbow, if they want 2 do hand 2 hand combat be a tank, right ??

and also with spellcrafting could you put 11 specs points into all of ur spec lines e.g.

50lb +11=61
42 sheild +11=53
33 stealth +11=44
21 thrust +11=32

would that work??

thank you 2 all who post a message as i am quite stuck


when you reach the higher levels the differences between races become really small: like 50/60 extra hp or doing 30 more damage. some other thread here bout scout spec or check:

i think its a good archer place


Britons are considerd to have more "survivablity" ie higher CON, also the have higher STR which makes them a better choice for slash. Also just as we albs see a Lurikeen/Kobold/Elf and think "Ha easy frag!" so enemies think when they see Saracen but the truth is for scouts there really isnt much in it between a Briton and a Saracen. If u intend to use a buffbot Briton is a better choice or possibly even Highlander. because Mythic say all stats over 300 do nothing. So while the extra dex on a saracen will help when unbuffed its overkill when fully buffed. Apart from anything else the Saracen player model is smaller which helps with rogue-like activities ;)

50 bow is nice and the template u suggest looks fine. But maybe u want more melee ability considering the days of the "lonewolf" scout are over with See Hidden RA and u will be grouping alot. On the subject of See Hidden, they wont need that RA up when u only have 44 stealth. Stealth at anything less than your lvl gives assasins a good chance to "see" u anyway with thier built in Detect Hidden skill. 44 stealth @ lvl50 would make u visible from about a 2horse lengths or more im guessing. Whereas with stealth @lvl they have to be nearly ontop of you. "Sacrificing" 2-5 points in bow could buy u better stealth and better melee and make u a better rounded char. If all u want to do or be is a pure sniper then go 50 bow by all means. But it seriously limits your options, till respec anyway...


Current spec:
longbow 46, stealth 40, thrust 18, shield 42
+11 items, +3 rr
balanced spec, good before 1.50

longbow 46-47, stealth 30 +/-, slash 29, shield 42
assassin killer spec

maybe longbow 50, slash 40+/-, shield 42, zip stealth
heavy artillery spec

with the coming of camoflage, some stealth will be necessary if u wanna use it. see 1.52 patch notes.

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