


In case people are wondering where I am nowadays, I've been levelling a scout up.

He's currently level 14, wearing a full set of orange con 99% armour, and using a 99% bastard sword, 99% shield, and MP longbow, all yellow con.

The set is also SC'd, capping his stats - 79 strength, 81 constitution, 115 dexterity, 89 quickness.

Current spec is 14 +3 longbow, 13+1 slash - for respeccing purposes later on.

My problem is: Why the hell does he miss so much? The archer nerfs to bow I can understand - I take orange con nymphs down to 50% health with two standard hits, but then it comes down to melee... not uncommon to see 4 misses in a row, and on average seems to be missing about 50% of his swings.

So. What am I doing wrong?

You'll probably find me fleeing from 6 or 7 grove nymphs chasing me across Salisbury Plains after I critical on one of their buddies. Ta ta.


Ooops Roa crit pulls with social mobs are kind of naughty. If you do excess damage in the 1st shot chances are it will call for help. I know this applies to Pygmy Goblins anyway, so its probably the same for Nymphs.

As for Scouts missing so much and fumbles I have no idea :/

Turel Haven

I may be totally wrong here, but it may have something to do with the styles avaliable to you?

I'm guessing you're using Uppercut, which only has a Low To Hit bonus attached. I know with my Inf if I try to use the Uppercut/Opal Slash chain, he almost always misses the Uppercut, whereas with Garrotte missing is a rarity. So maybe you just need to hang in there till you get some better styles...

Just a thought, and like I said, may have nothing to with your missing problem :/


Could be it Turel, I am using Uppercut at the minute. Maybe should start using Enrage, higher to hit bonus and similar damage.


Your weaponskill is likely to be naff compared to what you're use to on an armsman as well.

SoulFly Amarok

Originally posted by Roalith
Could be it Turel, I am using Uppercut at the minute. Maybe should start using Enrage, higher to hit bonus and similar damage.

Enrage has no tohit bonus.


Hi Roa,

Salazzar here,

Well m8, as people have said, the styles you use are important, it is better to use the best "to hit" style till you get up a few levels and get some better options.

Also do not forget you are a Archer class so you do most damage with your bow, i noticed i was pooh in melee, so that is why i popped alot of points in shield, you do good damage and with higher styles you get some nice stuns.

If you want to have a chat about it in game msg me m8



Originally posted by Roalith
In case people are wondering where I am nowadays, I've been levelling a scout up.

not uncommon to see 4 misses in a row, and on average seems to be missing about 50% of his swings.

<cheers Roalith> Had wondered where you were old chap.

Remember, Scouts are on a melee table only just up from Casters. Your pointy-stick thing abilities will be sub-par at best. At worst, they are really terrible. Try landing a slam on something once you get it - it is not uncommon for me to burn 3/4 or an endurance bat before getting it to land.

Nymphs are usually fine providing you are not unlucky with your crit shot - criting a crit shot does tend to make them call for help immediately.

As a scout you will learn a few good fighting techniques

1) Find a hill - your range is far better : the frog hill south of the broken bridge is a famous archer place when you are suitable level. As are the Dunters.

2) Unless fully melee specced, you will usually find yourself deciding to run if your crit shot misses (when solo). Sprint is the Archer crowd control technique.

3) Always use the best arrows : range, accuracy and damage etc.

4) (you know about choosing right arrows for mob but added it just in case new scouts reading)

5) Find selected archer / caster mobs. Archer ones are wonderful - they stop to plink at you and generally die. Cornwall hunters are good examples. On the other hand, some caster mobs cannot be interrupted by arrows (ants in cornwall). These are vicious prey as they will interrupt your shot even if you filling them full of arrows.

If it is any consolation, my little scout soloed virtually all the way until 35 or so. And then on, i think every other level was solo until early 40's when it became impossible.


What you are doing wrong, Roalith, is your choise of mobs. Find mobs you can kill with your bow only. :) After all, that precious longbow is your primary weapon.
Go for blue or yellow-con that dies fast and doesn't bring any friends. You really want to pull with a critshot... I wouldn't dream of relying on my melee skill to take down a mob.
But these are just my opinions.


The misses really pissed me off too but things improved slightly after about lvl 20 (I had all SC'd and MP bows too). Stick with it


I was playing my scout last night (level 44) and it was fairly common for me to miss my crit and then fumble with my bow. I had fumble fumble miss at one point.

None of my stuff is spell crafted, but I have capped Dex, Con nearly capped Qui and most pieces are 98% or so (gotta love ROG) But when I had to go into melee (quite frequently) It would take a long time to kill. I was buffed to the hilt as well. I was grouped with a cleric and we were struggling sometimes to take down yellows. And I was using arrows that did max damage to the mobs as well.

I don't get on with my scout any more.


Originally posted by Jamagei
I was grouped with a cleric and we were struggling sometimes to take down yellows. And I was using arrows that did max damage to the mobs as well.

I don't get on with my scout any more.

This is odd. Level 48 scout : 42 shield, 21 thrust, 42 LB and 36 stealth (or something like that). 99% Heavy Long Bow and less than ideal armour (AF90). Capped quick/dex.

My scout has been able to solo orange entrance mobs in Avalon city since he was 47 with the aid of just a quickness buff or potion. Especially true of the North entrance ones where the pathing is screwed and 4/5 arrows are the norm. At 48, he can often do it without a Quick buff 50% of the time.

Without buffs, he will solo any yellow con foe assuming the first crit shot lands and the right arrow type is chosen for the mob. If crit shot does not land, run and retry ; otherwise known as Scout Crown Control

I know everyone complains about scout fumble/miss rate but in PvE Scouts can certainly solo yellow con unless unlucky.

RvR is a fundamentally different thing. With the insame resists combined with misses/BT/fumble/evade/block, he has to work hard to get RP.

However, tonight he gets Longshot/Volley : should be fun.


Maybe I was unlucky, I am only using a 94% qual drop bow (which I am sure didn't help)

My spec at 44 is 42+10 Shield, 39+10 LB, 15+10 Thrust, 25+10 Stealth. I still don't get on with my Scout though. Been 44 for months now, Friars are much more fun :)


Grove nimphs have an AF buff I think. Makes you miss often. Try another mob and see if you still miss alot.

If you do, then roll another class :p

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