scouts in rvr?



Why is it that ppl often get mad at me telling me
im not helping in rvr groups that i only stealth and run away when group beeing attacked.
I just stand back using my bow, when i see last man in group die take a run and stealth.
its not like im gonna save the group by myself or kill all the this normal?
do all scouts get this? or is it just me getting yelled at from time to time:(


When in an RvR group adopt a caster to guard. When fighting use your bow, staying near the caster. If he gets attacked slam the attacker, then get in a few shots with bow, when the stun wears go into melee and try to guard the caster.

When the group dies, die with them, you will only get split up and lose rp from stealthing away.


u join the group

u roam with the group

you die with the group


Don't worry Nee, when next patch comes you'll be uber with the Rapid Fire and penetrating arrow :D


loxley is so right.. i hate when ppl run away becuz you cant win the fight. rly sux


Nothing wrong with stealthing during or before a fight though. Sometimes its very useful if you can suprise a bard by popping out of stealth.


Originally posted by gunner440
u join the group

u roam with the group

you die with the group

There you have it ;)


I really agree with the staying in the group and so forth.. you get RP with the group.. if you cant rez you die with the group. Whats the point in stealthing away? if the whole group is dead then they have to regroup anyways, therefore you are the one left out and makes it hard. But I often see you stealthed and using your bow.. you have slam and you can do alot for the group as well by staying close in a attack. :p


Guard is your friend, stick guard on your groups key member and stay close to them, theres nothing more annoying to an enemy then trying to kill someone and the person next to them keeps blocking your attacks :D Then use your shield Slam style, switch back to bow and Crit shot them, then back to shield again, if theres a paladin in your group you wont need to worry about endurance and alot of the time slam does more damage then your sword attacks anyway, wether it stuns or not.


yeah but just yelled at me telling me i ALWAYS stealth and stand by watching everyone die...i dont have slam my scout is really bad speced and my sword do under 30 damage with style


Originally posted by taranee
yeah but just yelled at me telling me i ALWAYS stealth and stand by watching everyone die...i dont have slam my scout is really bad speced and my sword do under 30 damage with style

I suggest you put a skill respec stone as your main priority on the 'things to buy list' ;)


i havent used my respec yet...some ppl tells me to go thrust...others says slash is better...i dont know what to do


lol get enough in shield for slam... :rolleyes:
also you have a slam style from behind.. you can use that as well. so when the next patch comes you can respec better.. cause...well you know your spec is messed up anyways.


If you want to play a group scout, you have to act like a group scout:

1. ASSIST.. do /macro asssist /assist %t and when you get inc, click on the group bar member you want to assist, be that a range nuker or a tank in the thick of things and shoot what that tank or caster is hitting, targets die SOOO much quicker.. Try not to pick your own targets, because most likely you will have crowd control of some sort, the key to group play is playing like a group, not every solo their own target. Just like in xp groups->DONT BREAK THE MEZZ!

2. DIE with your group. Yes we know you can stealth and run away and live, but then your group is down to 7 and not 8 when they port back, and if for some reason you dont make it back to apk alive, and they cannot rez you, they will have to wait til next port to come get you.. So unless you are POSITIVE you will be there to meet them next port, die with the grp.

3. Use stealth to your groups advantage to scout targets or areas.. set up ambushes, tell your group when to charge etc.. Make sure to constantly inform on /g where you are so you do not get left behind if you are 'scouting'

4. Slam and guard, i also suggest a quick macro for guard so you can switch your guard to the different clerics/casters that might need it. You should be standing back near them and able to see if they come under attack. (as suggested above)

Scouts hurt.. I never realized how much til I moved to hib, but OUCH! I havent had rangers or hunters ever hit me that hard.. You guys do caster type damage on a melee resist table. So we cannot get the RA avoidance of melee and classes do not get melee resist buffs.. we are limited to 26%+ any racial bonuses in melee. So you are not as screwed as the fire wizzie or other casters by resists/resist buffs/AoM/Baod Ras.

Also, *get slam*...........


Sorry about the essaylike post, if you don't need spec advice just skip down to the last two paragraphs and read what I wrote about the respecs. :)

If you want a nicely balanced template(also considering the love archers are getting in the bow specline in 1.62) it would be something like:

45 Longbow
29 Slash
34 Stealth
42 Shield

This is a cookie cutter template which isn't bad in any areas, but doesn't excel in anything, ofcourse diminishing returns affect everything though.. Feel free to add or remove points into what you feel is vital with your style of play.

In 1.62 we're getting something called Penetrating Arrow which will do exactly that on Pulsing Bladeturns, it penetrates it. It will only break and go through BT's that are casted on other people. It will not work on the classes that give PBT or BT. This means that PA won't work on Wardens/Theurgists/Runemasters that has their own PBT/BT on themselves. It will only work on targets that have gotten PBT or BT from someone else. And it doesn't work on the self BT that casters get.

Penetrating Arrow 1 is at 30 Longbow spec and does only 50% of normal damage against a PBT, PA 2 is at 40 spec and does 75% of normal damage and PA 3 is full normal damage against PBT. All version pop the PBT. PA is a passive skill, meaning it's always on.

We also get something called Rapid Fire which is a mode we can switch on when we want and allows us to release the shot whenever we like aslong as 50% of our drawtime has gone by.

The different versions of RF are only different because RF 1 (at 35 Longbow spec) uses more endurance per shot than RF 2 (at 45 Longbowspec). The damage you do is scaled up with how long time you let the draw wait untill you release. If you release the arrow at exactly 50% of your drawtime you will do 50% of normal damage. If you release at 75%, you'll do 75% damage, etc.

So, with the spec I suggested up there you'll get PA 2(75% damage against PBT) and RF 2(the least endurance hogging RF). And you'll do decent damage overall with bow without being totally lost if you're without a buffbot.

With 29 Slash you'll get Amethyst Slash, perhaps the best anytime style in the game and not too bad damage with your slasher.

Slash or Thrust is a question that is probably one of the most debated issues when it comes to Scout specs. And the debate usually ends with people agreeing that it's a personal choice. You get higher weaponskill with thrust and you won't get as crippled as a slash user if an assassin debuffs you since thrust weaponskill is affect by both str and dex equally. Slash is 100% strength based and that's bad if you get strength debuffed. You'll get evaded alot more and that opens up for both more damage done to you, stunstyles etc and the pretty obvious missed chance to do damage which won't exactly kill anyone but yourself. ;)

Purge helps against debuffs though, so if you have that, then you'll get around debuffs every 30th minute unless the assassin reapplies poisons. Though a solo archer might want to look at Ignore Pain/First Aid before Purge.

With 34 Stealth you'll get enough stealth to roam around unless you do alot of stealthing in emain or you do alot of stealthing near high level mobs. I've got 33 stealth and I'm happy with it.

What you do and how you usually play has alot to say in how high stealth you want of course. If you are in groups alot I'd still get atleast 30 stealth.

42 Shield is more or less the standard unless you do any other extreme spec choices like 50 Thrust etc. Gives you Slam which will be used often enough. It's alot of points spent, but it gives you a tide turning ability. Unless someone purges in your face that is. :p

Most of this is from a solo perspective, but groupwise(which seems to be more inline with your style of play looking at your posts in this thread) I'd look at slash since you won't get str/con debuffed that much and you'll most likely(hopefully :)) get heals/cure poison/etc etc to aid you if that happens. This might put slash in a better spot since it's more reliable damage when you look at the anytime styles. It's at a disadvantage against Midgardian chain, Hibernian Leather and Reinforced though, but good against Midgardian Leather, Midgardian Studded and Hibernian Scale armour. Good against Hib support/tanks(scale) and Midgard stealthers, but worse against Hib stealthers and Mid support/tanks. Thrust is neutral against all Hib and good against Mid support/tanks, but at a disadvantage against Mid stealthers. So as a damagetype thrust is better. But your melee won't be what your group relies on for damage, hopefully. :) With bow you can switch damagetypes, so that's not an issue of course.

You could also lower stealth if you're not going to be soloing that much and add the points to bow or melee, though unless you are going for 50 bow I wouldn't add more to it.

About your full respec. Have you dinged more than once since we got it? If it's so it's lost and you'll have to wait for the single line respecs we get in 1.62 or if you're lucky enough, get a dragon respec stone.

If you still have the full respec we got many patches ago, you MUST use it BEFORE we are patched to 1.62 or else the new single line respec will over ride the full respec and you'll lose the full respec chance.


Originally posted by Tranquil-
Sorry about the essaylike post, if you don't need spec advice just skip down to the last two paragraphs and read what I wrote about the respecs. :)

If you want a nicely balanced template(also considering the love archers are getting in the bow specline in 1.62) it would be something like:

45 Longbow
29 Slash
34 Stealth
42 Shield

This is a cookie cutter template which isn't bad in any areas, but doesn't excel in anything, ofcourse diminishing returns affect everything though.. Feel free to add or remove points into what you feel is vital with your style of play.

In 1.62 we're getting something called Penetrating Arrow which will do exactly that on Pulsing Bladeturns, it penetrates it. It will only break and go through BT's that are casted on other people. It will not work on the classes that give PBT or BT. This means that PA won't work on Wardens/Theurgists/Runemasters that has their own PBT/BT on themselves. It will only work on targets that have gotten PBT or BT from someone else. And it doesn't work on the self BT that casters get.

Penetrating Arrow 1 is at 30 Longbow spec and does only 50% of normal damage against a PBT, PA 2 is at 40 spec and does 75% of normal damage and PA 3 is full normal damage against PBT. All version pop the PBT. PA is a passive skill, meaning it's always on.

We also get something called Rapid Fire which is a mode we can switch on when we want and allows us to release the shot whenever we like aslong as 50% of our drawtime has gone by.

The different versions of RF are only different because RF 1 (at 35 Longbow spec) uses more endurance per shot than RF 2 (at 45 Longbowspec). The damage you do is scaled up with how long time you let the draw wait untill you release. If you release the arrow at exactly 50% of your drawtime you will do 50% of normal damage. If you release at 75%, you'll do 75% damage, etc.

So, with the spec I suggested up there you'll get PA 2(75% damage against PBT) and RF 2(the least endurance hogging RF). And you'll do decent damage overall with bow without being totally lost if you're without a buffbot.

With 29 Slash you'll get Amethyst Slash, perhaps the best anytime style in the game and not too bad damage with your slasher.

Slash or Thrust is a question that is probably one of the most debated issues when it comes to Scout specs. And the debate usually ends with people agreeing that it's a personal choice. You get higher weaponskill with thrust and you won't get as crippled as a slash user if an assassin debuffs you since thrust weaponskill is affect by both str and dex equally. Slash is 100% strength based and that's bad if you get strength debuffed. You'll get evaded alot more and that opens up for both more damage done to you, stunstyles etc and the pretty obvious missed chance to do damage which won't exactly kill anyone but yourself. ;)

Purge helps against debuffs though, so if you have that, then you'll get around debuffs every 30th minute unless the assassin reapplies poisons. Though a solo archer might want to look at Ignore Pain/First Aid before Purge.

With 34 Stealth you'll get enough stealth to roam around unless you do alot of stealthing in emain or you do alot of stealthing near high level mobs. I've got 33 stealth and I'm happy with it.

What you do and how you usually play has alot to say in how high stealth you want of course. If you are in groups alot I'd still get atleast 30 stealth.

42 Shield is more or less the standard unless you do any other extreme spec choices like 50 Thrust etc. Gives you Slam which will be used often enough. It's alot of points spent, but it gives you a tide turning ability. Unless someone purges in your face that is. :p

Most of this is from a solo perspective, but groupwise(which seems to be more inline with your style of play looking at your posts in this thread) I'd look at slash since you won't get str/con debuffed that much and you'll most likely(hopefully :)) get heals/cure poison/etc etc to aid you if that happens. This might put slash in a better spot since it's more reliable damage when you look at the anytime styles. It's at a disadvantage against Midgardian chain, Hibernian Leather and Reinforced though, but good against Midgardian Leather, Midgardian Studded and Hibernian Scale armour. Good against Hib support/tanks(scale) and Midgard stealthers, but worse against Hib stealthers and Mid support/tanks. Thrust is neutral against all Hib and good against Mid support/tanks, but at a disadvantage against Mid stealthers. So as a damagetype thrust is better. But your melee won't be what your group relies on for damage, hopefully. :) With bow you can switch damagetypes, so that's not an issue of course.

You could also lower stealth if you're not going to be soloing that much and add the points to bow or melee, though unless you are going for 50 bow I wouldn't add more to it.

About your full respec. Have you dinged more than once since we got it? If it's so it's lost and you'll have to wait for the single line respecs we get in 1.62 or if you're lucky enough, get a dragon respec stone.

If you still have the full respec we got many patches ago, you MUST use it BEFORE we are patched to 1.62 or else the new single line respec will over ride the full respec and you'll lose the full respec chance.

omg go to bed lol

nice thread though


GIVF RF !!! ...

Im 21 Thrust, 42 Shield, 50 LB, 33 Stealth ... and Im looking forward to 1.62 :)

I can't wait till we get DC back, then Im gonna be there DAY and NIGHT :)

or atleast in that area :p


Originally posted by taranee
i havent used my respec yet...some ppl tells me to go thrust...others says slash is better...i dont know what to do

Thrust has better damage vs mids/Slash is better for hibs.

At the end of the day its a matter of personal preference :)

However, I would also like to point out because thrust is based on 50/50 str/dex, you won't be hurting as much as you would specced slash (100% str) when you get str/con debuffed.


but then agian trust styles sux.. and i hit with 4.4 speed weapon and 29+11+RR slash for 2xx on zerkers etc


well if u happen to be stealthed when all ur grp have just been finished off its not worth shooting into the now bored 4fg of mids imo :)


Originally posted by wilddork--
but then agian trust styles sux.. and i hit with 4.4 speed weapon and 29+11+RR slash for 2xx on zerkers etc

can i see a screenshot of that? u doing 200+ dmg on lvl 50 zerker with 29+11+RR. in a none epic armor.

edit: if ur buffed and he is not dont bother.


i dont take ss.. next time i will ;) although im allways buffed..

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