Scouting tips



Just advanced to novice CH and loveing every second of it, but i had a few problems on the way with gaining scouting xp, so i wanted to post a few of the tips i found and hope others will post up their own preferred method of gaining scouting xp to help anyone in the same boat i found myself as a noobie scout.

Threat -

This is basic stuff, but if its yellow/red dont try to fight it, even if you win it wont be worth the down-time. However dont altogether avoid red/yellow con creatures (see below).

Destroy Missions -

You can get these at any mission terminal, choose 2 close together in the same direction (clicking the refresh button brings up a new list of missions, so there are a lot to choose from). Having 2 missions close together just makes it easier and quicker to do.
Apart from the cash (bonus :)) this is a good way to locate a nest of the creatures you want to hunt wihtout having to trapse around for ages looking for them.

Corellia -

Durnies and Crazed Durnies are slower than you are, so are easy to kill and should never even get a hit in (unless you are an unarmed specialist). Crazed Durnies grant 44 scouting xp for using Mask Scent and a further 79 for harvesting them plus a boatload of basic xp.

Tatooine -

Sevorts (Sp?) - nice scouting xp, low hp's.
Kreetles - easy kills (1 hit usually), poor xp but a nest will spew out lots of the lil critters and they are aggro, so you get a nice bit of scouting xp and a lot of mobs to kill in a small space.

Babies -

I know it sounds cruel, but kill em whenever you get the chance, they are a simple kill and can be harvested for the same resources as the adult :)

Mask Scent Fading -

If you encounter a red-con aggro nest of creatures, dont run away instantly. Put up your mask-scent and strafe the camp, keeping in weapon range (but dont attack them for gods sake) but dont get too close. Quite often you can gain a large amount of mask-scent scouting xp and still be out of their aggro range if your mask fails so can get away easily without even having to fight.

I know this is prolly not as comprehensive as some online guides, but this is all from personal experience, so its up-to-date at least.


some red cons are worth killiing.. snorbals on Lok for example... excellent hide that sells for atleast 15cr a piece, if not more

and they run away easily... and give 3k weapon xp, 200 scouting xp per kill


would be master scout if wilderness xp didn't stand stil


during beta i would join a large group that was heading out to hunt something. As soon as they started attacking anything i would throw down a camp and wait. Medics would heal the brawlers, entertainers would play for the marksmen and my survival xp would rocket as soon as the camp was disbanded ;)

old.pala hellraiser

Nice tips thanks for that, just made a scout, trying to get him to creature handler. Though I am on a new server with no friends atm /cry.


wich one Hellraiser , i'm having the game tomorow maybe ( no friends either here :))


Made creature handler on monday

i agree with all the tips

diseased bocatts are good exp too

OH main top tip is spend your 15k on a probot - u will never need to shoot again :)


Desperately seeking a PA


Originally posted by benedictines

OH main top tip is spend your 15k on a probot - u will never need to shoot again :)

Thats a HUGE kettle of worms right there, wont open it up here, suffice to say that a lot of CH's would crucify you for doing it that way :)

Hint- Rancor+Rancor+Rancor+Probot = NERF CH'S OMFG!!!! cry's from the general population :)


Originally posted by Durzel
Probots are for people with no skills.

Yes, no COMBAT skills, thats why non-combat professions use them a lot for self-protection and who can blame them.

Probots are an excellent tool, how else could a Medic harvest the hides he/she needs without spending skill points in a weapon profession and thus lessening their abilities to heal?

Or how could an Artisan collect rare resources from dangerous areas without a bodyguard?

Sorry if what i said was misunderstood, i believe probots and droids in general are essential and necessary tools.


Originally posted by Faeldawn
Yes, no COMBAT skills, thats why non-combat professions use them a lot for self-protection and who can blame them.

Probots are an excellent tool, how else could a Medic harvest the hides he/she needs without spending skill points in a weapon profession and thus lessening their abilities to heal?
He/she could (should?) buy them from scouts. That's surely how the whole economy and class interaction should work? What incentive would there be for me to go to a cantina or medical centre if I could just carry around a "master" "BF droid" or "Medi droid". Wouldn't that make medics largely redundant? I've got about 3k of hide sat in my inventory simply because with Probots no one even need care anymore if they're not a combat centric profession.

Or how could an Artisan collect rare resources from dangerous areas without a bodyguard?
He/she could hire a marksman to assist them. Again, player economy in effect.


Player economies are all well and good, but that means you are reliant on another for something you could easily obtain yourself.

Most medics have a one or two players who supply them with the materials they need, but as any medic will tell you they make very little cash at this profession, same as entertainers unless they are either very lucky or very good. Being self-sufficient is very handy.

"He/she could hire a marksman to assist them. Again, player economy in effect"

- You find me a marksman who is willing to guard an artisan for several hours with possibly zero combat and therefore zero xp to show for it for a small amount of cash, bear in mind that a fighter caste can make 3k in 15 minutes doing destroy missions easily...

I agree with you that this SHOULD be the way things are done, but players are real people, and this is a game, not their real professions.

"I've got about 3k of hide sat in my inventory simply because with Probots no one even need care anymore if they're not a combat centric profession."

- Personally i give all my hides/bone away for free to whatever medic heals me, as a scout class i have little need for cash and find medics always are happy to recieve payment in materials...only hide i stockpile is a little bit to make tents/traps etc. Hide/Bone is a commone resource, and has very small cash value.

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