



I made an uber solo rvr char. that is ruined, I cant be arsed to level the theurg to 50. mythic has made a fantastic game, so sad they ruin it just like D2 was ruined.
(Dont hijack the thread with comments to the whine above)

To answer questions:
No, I will prolly stay in game and Dragon Knights, just with another char (minst / theurg / cleric / sorc).


sad to see you go...
tried grouping with an inf or minstrel, instead of quitting? :|
btw, does this mean i can have that flute for free? :E


:mad: never played with you (oo errr) or got a bow off you, but always nice to see there are some people who are or (mad enough) to dedicate their gaming time to help others, so a :clap: to you sir.

Herbal Remedy

ody :( whoes going to clean molly now :(
atleast wait until they put camoflage in :(

Hit ^_^

go kill som bwacas untill camoflage then :p
sad to see you "go" if not.


Sad to see that yet another respected member of the DAoC community is selling their account. I've never had any interaction with you, but I can totally emphasise with your position. I myself have a 1000+ crafter and a L50 mythic nerfed char (Sorc, pls show them love, any kind will do), and I ask myself every day, why do I carry on? I just hope that if you really do decide to sell in the end, whoever picks up the account will keep up the good work for albion. From a fellow crafer, you'll be sorely missed...


Ody, keep that account, you can still have it if you won't use it.
You'll want it later.

Besides, I want to know I can count on my competition :cool:



Dont mean to ask but could you tell me (an maybe others) where u went wrong with ya scout plz m8,if u didnt an its jus cos there nerfed then nps.But if its specs plz tell me so i know m8 :D,Be sadly missed if u leave m8 :(


just wait for camouflage to come in 1.52, and archers will be able to use their stealth like it was before ;)


Seems the moderators maculated my orinigal message, oh well.

If anyone should wanna contact me:

Here is my main reason to leave:
I made a char for solo rvr + fast rp
I went through hell to get to 50
That char can no longer solo effeciently, but relies on groups to get rp.
The char is not entirely runied, its still a good supportchar, but it is no longer what i made.

I know very many ppl ingame, but I wont pay 10€ a month just for the opportunity to chat.


Originally posted by Insurrextion
just wait for camouflage to come in 1.52, and archers will be able to use their stealth like it was before ;)

Er no not quite. Ok camo will get u to, and thru AMG prolly but as soon as u attack its 10mins till u can re-camo. Ample time for the dead casters bard/skald m8+assasin to go find u. It sux. Basically I have a lvl44 char thats only usable at keep defs/assaults. Gonna take it to 45 so everything is orange and leave it there until Mythic WAKE THE FUCK UP! about See Hidden. Until that happens I reckon best thing a scout can do in a RvR group is run around slamming ppl and put guard on the theurg/sorc (assuming theres no trees handy).


Sad to see you leave, ody.

Make sure the new guy will make 16.5 dps :) or atleast continue craft.


about camoflage:
It may unnerf scouts a bit so we can scout again.
but it wont bring the playstyle that i made my char for back.


If you decide to sell the account Ody, I will happily buy it off you and keep your good name going with the crafting.

I have been considering getting a 3rd account, but perhaps this would be a better oppurtunity for me. I dont want to corner the market with trades, just serve Albion in the best possible way. Hey I must be really sad :rolleyes:

Email me using private message on here ?



Originally posted by old.Kiarra
If you decide to sell the account Ody, I will happily buy it off you and keep your good name going with the crafting.

I have been considering getting a 3rd account, but perhaps this would be a better oppurtunity for me. I dont want to corner the market with trades, just serve Albion in the best possible way. Hey I must be really sad :rolleyes:

Email me using private message on here ?



You are buying out your opponents! :D



As long as crafters don't produce Microsoft quality at Microsoft prices, it's all good ;)

Still, you must stay Ody, I can't take those bwcas anymore... 0.4 bubs on them already :eek:


ur retiring ody? aaarch :( wondered why my /whos turned up with no matches all night
(btw do i still get the bow i asked 4 ?)


Sad to see this... Really, why you dont want to group with scout? You still have range, stealth to get to good position, can take out casters/assassins fast.

Well if you are made up your mind then Im just worried about a bow too. Thought about waiting for 1.52 but seeing this... Needing a bow asap :)


Waiting to lvl my scout (42) with the 1.53 patch, i heard that scouts get a little less nerfed in the 1.52 patch and get crush arrows for tank killing :/


I hate the way that scout have been nerfed. Why are infiltrators made into what scouts were?
Yes, infs were effective in rvr, but so are infiltrators really.
Getting sick and tired of the endless number of infiltrators about. Stupid idiots even try to kill my lvl 50 armsman, like sure thing....
Anyway, I can understand why Mythic wanted to nerf archers a bit, but they could have made it so that we had to wait a bit longer after a shot to stealth... that way scouts could still solo..

But now, a scout walks down the hill at the apk and is slaughtered really... Just increase the chance for an inf to find a scout, but do not give him see hidden...
Regards, Glottis


I will be online tonight and craft.

No way im letting my customers down when they have already ordered stuff ;)



Don't leave us mate,the no. 1 sellsman of Albion can't leave us :(
Who's going to offer bows during legionraids now? :p
Who's gonna clean Apk from assasins now?
We need your bows to keep our scouts go on in this game



doh i mustve missed u ody,got on at 9 gmt u werent there


A few points about this post.....

1) I know exactly how odyseus feels.

2) its worse for a ranger (mainly cuz you have bucket loads of lvl 50 inf's and hib has very few active shades (and a scout can fend of a shade)

3) True Sight is perfectly acceptable....

4) See Hidden is ridiculous.... Mystic just arnt aware how bad this is for archer classes.

5) Yes Archers can perform well in groups. But so can any class... And a lot of people played stealth classes to solo...

6) the only real effective solo class in the game are now Assasins. This is the reality of it. But I doubt it what mystic intended. (sure with buffs other classes can solo well)

7) not much can be done about it... quit or adapt... I quit for a week... but I came back and have adapted to it a bit now....


Im waiting for PVP, gonna try one more class (mentalist i think((Inf outside chance)) If I enjoy this more than my archer, I stay on PvP..... If not ill probably leave for the same reasons as odyseus...

Mystic have to bit a more cautious when wielding that Gimp bat... It really has caused a lot of people to quit.


Originally posted by censi
A few points about this post.....

1) I know exactly how odyseus feels.

2) its worse for a ranger (mainly cuz you have bucket loads of lvl 50 inf's and hib has very few active shades (and a scout can fend of a shade)

3) True Sight is perfectly acceptable....

4) See Hidden is ridiculous.... Mystic just arnt aware how bad this is for archer classes.

5) Yes Archers can perform well in groups. But so can any class... And a lot of people played stealth classes to solo...

6) the only real effective solo class in the game are now Assasins. This is the reality of it. But I doubt it what mystic intended. (sure with buffs other classes can solo well)

7) not much can be done about it... quit or adapt... I quit for a week... but I came back and have adapted to it a bit now....


Im waiting for PVP, gonna try one more class (mentalist i think((Inf outside chance)) If I enjoy this more than my archer, I stay on PvP..... If not ill probably leave for the same reasons as odyseus...

Mystic have to bit a more cautious when wielding that Gimp bat... It really has caused a lot of people to quit.



Ye Censi, ure prolly right about the abundant number of infils around.

imo skalds and assassins are only viable solo classes. (i should have made a firewiz from day 1, they will never be nerfed)


Its a shame its true about see hidden,I nearly quit myself over it...all those hours spent leveling my scout to be able to walk solo in rvr. My high melee skills for a scout all made my character albeit unusal a great laugh to play.

Then one day at mmg i get ganked by a group of 3 assasins 4 times in 6 mins, ammusing in one way damn annoying in another.

Yeah ok so ive killed a few in rvr Adwing was funny the other night 1 shot him 4 times in a row at amg So i can quiet understand the amusement the assasins are having.

I have had to completely rethink how I play scout and that is namely be grouped or die.

I never wished to make a 3rd rate tank with a bow the way I have to play is as if I was a wizard class.

I have some great items and a rather high weaponskill higher even than odysseus.

I myself am waiting to see what camouflage brings and respec holds before I decide if I am to stay or go...Ok so atleast camouflage will enable a scout to scout again instead of using infiltrators on raids but this really wasnt what i made my scout to do.

If i solo see hidden is a problem if i group its chain mez or near sight.

RvR is no way like it used to be, perhaps if we had never of had it any different we wouldnt be so annoyed now.

The only thing that helps are using trees and the terrain wonder if later on it might be possible to get rid of my stealh altogether and spec in tree instead.


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