scout template



If you were to make a gimped Scout, I could help, but normal scouts! As if I know ... ;[


bet my scout is more gimped than yours ;P


Originally posted by BJ|Bored
bet my scout is more gimped than yours ;P

Yeah!? Lets have a gimp off! I'll start;

Highlander, Thrust, with dex capped at 146 ...

Your go ;D ...

Sharp Thing

shield 42
stealth 38
longbow 45
trust 24

perfect shield scout :)


Personally I'm keeping my Stealth a bit lower (not sure if im gonna add to my base 27 atm, on the premise that if I'm still playing at 1.50 they may well be wasted points) and chunk my Melee up, at least then I might be able to inflict damage when my shots miss ;D


Longbow: 50
Shield: 42
Trust: 16
Stealth: 36


pfy..... :touch:
highlander thrust vs leather-wearing 1.50 assassins? :uhoh:


My scout will be like this...

Stealth 42
Thrust 21
Shield 42
Bow 43

with items both bow and stealth will be 45+, which is good enough imo...

and i ll also have slam..

and a high dmg thrust style at skill 21 (which i already have :p)

ah and one more thing...all skill points used this remaining at lvl 50


go high slash, high LB, 42shield and 30atleast in stealth


I have been considering this a long time, and i think these are some solutions to making a scout that is viable also after 1.50:

Maximum damage, saracen:
longbow: 50
shield: 42
slash: 29
stealth: 26

More sniperminded, saracen:
longbow: 46
shield: 42
slash: 29
stealth: 33

Assassinkiller, highlander:
longbow: 41
shield: 42
slash: 40
stealth: 27

I would personally go for the maximum damage option and be a support char in parties.


Originally posted by LandShark
pfy..... :touch:
highlander thrust vs leather-wearing 1.50 assassins? :uhoh:

Heh, if/when the respec comes it'll be slash. The joys of not 'researching' you character ;D


whats the bonus with training in stealth? more invisble in close range? move faster in stealth? anyone know?


The max damage one.. and if you get 50.5 you can get 2 more slvls in either slash or stealth.. or one in each..
Speccs really only decides how YOU want to play.. and vice versa..

Stealth is not that necessary to have at a high level.. if you have it atleast 1/2 your clvl people will have a hard time seeing you..26 is ok, if you want to crank up your melee a bit it's also possible to lower stealth abit, but try to always have it above 1/2 your level w/items.. you'll decide yourself how high you want it, 26-->37 or 20-->27 on top of that realmbonuses add.. your call. You will still be able to scout the terrain with lower stealth.. it's just the bubble around you that get's bigger, you can't crawl between an assassins legs..

Still not sure how I want my saracen scout to be conserning melee, a saracen scout will never be strong, I specced 15 dex/10 quick when rolling her(~84 strength atm w/items, not quite sure about the number though.. the dex I can't remember, I'm not on a pc where I have daoc available). Not sure if I want to hit with thrust 60(-5) or slash 30(+5). :) I'm not sure if it's going to be like that, but thrust is dex based and strength modified(50/50).. and slash is 100% strength. Something else to keep in mind.. most likely enemies will have slash resist, atleast more than thrust resist.. Stealth is getting a lower prioroty from now on.. it will still work the way it used to, untill 1.50, a sniper is less wanted in groups and you will probably not want to be in one as much either.. Sniperspeccs are getting more rare and that iswhat Mythic is trying to do, get rid of snipers. I think that if you start to get more experience with groups now, you will get better when the later patches arrive.. This specc is a group oriented scout specc.

(ah.. you wanted a briton.. you'll get maybe 100 more hitpoints at lvl 50, maybe more, but that can be added with items later... dex will be capped with a dexy saracen at high lvls, but untill it's capped you'll have the edge.. I want dex more than those hitpoints, and to finish off.. if you want to avoid melee loosen up on the melee and go a bit more for stealth.. It's up to you.. ) Quite a messy post, or atleast what I feel..


I'd go for

30 Stealth
39 Slash
42 Shield
40 Longbow


mine is gonna be

LB 50
thrust 16
shield 42
stealth 36 (think thats right)

but will respec l8r to slash


One little thing about stealth:

Its useless after 1.50.

Sure u can sneak around for long periods of time, but the time of shooting into groups is over, there will always be an assassin around with see hidden.

That means u get spotted, then killed. Forget solo rp hunting at least concerning larger contingents of enemies.

Small groups or singles are the only way to solo, imagine going all the way to CG, killing a few, someone gets hold of an assassin, bam ure dead.

No more running around Ygg for 3-4 hours on a killing spree without the stupid ;) mids having a chance of finding u.

This is actually fine, its a sign of overpowered classes. What one could wish for is something else to substitute the lost stealth.

My conclusion: Sod the stealth, bow, melee and shield are way more important.


Hmm, I've been checking this at and using their excellent application, Classes of Camelot Companion, and I think I will go for this:

LB: 46
Stealth: 38
Thrust: 44
Shield: 18

No, wait! Don't start screaming at me yet... :) Check it out first. I say screw that 42 in shield, that everone is going on about. I think I got that covered in the 44 thrust.

Hmm, actually I could go even lower on the shield maybe... :D


scouts do mediocre melee damage at best so even if you max spec your melee it wont help you deal out a lot of damage

- Odies


I haven't played a tank class, so I'm not really sure about the amount of damage they do. But yesterday I was in group where the ones doing melee was me, an armsman and an infiltrator. I repeatedly, and unintentionally, took the aggro off the armsman when I did a couple of my thrust combat styles. And also to me it seemed that I, in the long run, actually outdid my own longbow...

The bow hits hard, but it's really slow. In melee I don't hit so hard, but I hit fast, and with the chain styles I do quite a lot of damage.


A note on shield and why 42 is so great to have:

42 shield gives SLAM, a long duration stun maneuver with no opening. When someone reaches u and wants to melee, u SLAM him and fire 2 shots, SLAM again, fire another shot.

This takes care of most of the opponents a scout realistically encounters.

As for 44 thrust, that would give u a long duration movement reduction, which is also ok, but i would by far prefer a stun.
Not all need to hit u with their club to damage u (debuff, insta dd, bow etc.)


"When someone reaches u and wants to melee, u SLAM him and fire 2 shots, SLAM again, fire another shot. "

stun is on a 1 min timer, but still slam once and kill or slam once and run.


Yes Odysseus, I know about slam at 42 in shield. But if I understood your description correctly, it has to be a pretty long duration on that stun. It would involve slam, switch to bow, draw, shoot, draw, shoot, switch to shield and slam again, and so on...

Would that actually work? If so, it's pretty neat... :)

Well, I still haven't decided how to spec, but as I wrote earlier, I'm surprised by the amount of damage a scout seemed to be able to dish out in melee...

Edit: Didn't see Morsan's post. That sounds a bit more realistic... But still... snare or stun...


Its not that Scouts are weak at damage, they are weak because of their low hp and leather studded armour. The problem is most of my thrust styles need some sort of opening and are not use anytime. But when you do pull one off the damage is awesome. I was doing 38 then 52 hp of damage on yellow when pulling off an evade reliant ratfang /wolftooth combo. Far more than my pally was doing at level 15. Saying that in rvr scouts shield spec is usually to get away by stunning , not to aid melee. I will still be going high stealth as i figure it will be a long time till the scout nerf patch and a respec is not far behind that anyway.


Yes Odysseus, I know about slam at 42 in shield. But if I understood your description correctly, it has to be a pretty long duration on that stun. It would involve slam, switch to bow, draw, shoot, draw, shoot, switch to shield and slam again, and so on...

Would that actually work? If so, it's pretty neat...

There is no IF about it, there are plenty of scouts with slam and that IS how it works


As for the timer on stun, I will be completely honest and say I have never been in a situation where i slammed a second time and got out bow.
I have slammed a 2. time and run and got away with it.

I do not know if that sort of stun effects is limited by the same timer as the stun created by spells, but it is not unlikely at all.
Maybe someone has a source for some reliable information here.

As for the duration of the stun, its either 8 or 9 sec, allowing me to fire 2 arrows into my opponent.

In PvE, the 2. stun has half duration, allowing for only 1 arrow after that, but its normally plenty.

Note that the slam can be used both offensively by allowing u to use bow or as a sure getaway - slam, run, stealth - there is no way u will get hit on your getaway (not by the original opponent any way).

One last thing: slam is a wonderful aid for levelling solo - and gives u an angle to getting parties.


Odysseus, I'm just curious, how have you spec'ed your scout?

I noticed, in your first post in this thread, that in all the options you listed, stealth was pretty low. And also you listed slash, not thrust, even for saracen... Hmm, could you explain?


My own spec is
46 longbow, 41 stealth, 42 bow, 18 thrust

Its pretty balanced, keeps me alive for long periods of time, lets me travel swiftly and undetected in stealth.

It would be arrogant to say it was optimal, but I find it rather enjoyable and it suits my playstyle.

Thrust vs. slash:
thrust is good against chain
thrust is good for ppl with high dex
slash has bonus against studded and leather
slash is overall better in pve

if u melee anything in chain ure daft (and dead)
a scout will 99% of the times forced into melee deal with other stealthers - leather armor

That is why i recommend slash, both to level better and to defend against stealthers.
I have not checked the excact bonusses slash gets vs leather, im just quoting the vgn boards.
A thorough look should be taken on the actual numbers, but the experiences i have with it show me that slash is likely to do a lot more damage.
Try shooting trees with thrust, then slash arrows. Damage varies with as much as 75-80% (trees have huge penalty vs. slash)

The reason for the suggestions of low stealth is because of See Hidden, patch 1.50, that will drastically alter the way stealth works. See elsewhere on this board for a discussion.


I'm going 33 Stealth 29Thrust 46Longbow 42Shield

Was gonna go with more stealth/less thrust but I find I can give most non-stealthers the slip with 20+8 from items atm so 33 + items/RRs should be plenty :clap:

Oh my scout shot Eleasias earlier for 149dmg non-crit and hes 13lvls higher, roll-on 50... :flame:

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