scout needs help in speccing longbow



I recently made a scout and he's near bg1 at the moment. Now i'm planning my lvl 50 spec and i read a lot about speccing 50 LB. However with SC it's easy to get 50 LB by speccing 37 + 11 + RR3.

Now my question is what's the difference damage wise between
50 + 11 + RR
and 37+ 11 + RR.
Is it worth those points?

Atm planning this spec :
37 stealth ( 50 after SC + RR3 )
37 LB ( same )
50 shield ( brutalize ( 10s stun = 2 crit + 1 normal) + no need for MoB )
22 thrust ( restover )

As i'm planning on duoing with my infi friend in bg and in rvr i think this spec will be very nice. When they are on me i will block like crazy, stunning them for 12s while my infi friends hits them :p
When they are on him i can slam ( or him df ) and keep shooting.

I hope on some crazy fights like that.

So any ideas on the LB? or the spec in general?


/em PA's mobius

guess my infi doesn't like you mob :p
what you upto these days?

btw. answer my question :p


Someone once told me that every point over 50 in LB will get you 9 extra damage. So if you spec to 50 and have +11 you could do up to 99 extra damage....
Don't know if this is true cause I only got my scout upto lvl 43.

I specced full LB so at lvl 43 I had 54 LB (with items and RR)
LB is your main damage output so I would spec it all the way

Most fun with my scout was in those big fights. I would just stand back and fire into the melee. In this way killing a lvl 50 was no prob :D

Most common spec is :

LB : 50
Shield : 42
Stealth : 35
slash/thrust : 18


As speccing over 50 usually has diminishing returns i very much doubt that longbow will give set damage increase per level.


You spec in skills by right-clicking on your own trainer. :D

EDIT: He said he needed help in speccing (or her..dunno)

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