Scout Items For Sale



Need to clear vault and therefore I have some items here for sale. I would give them away but I need the money for crafting. I will appraise offers as they are made. PM me here or ingame or leave a post on this thread.

2 x Stonecrush Vest +24 hits, +7 Dex, 2% Thrust af 92

Coral gloves +15qui, 2% crush, 2% slash af 88

Baleful dead gloves body 8%, qui +7, dex +7 af 92

Coral Helm +7dex, +7 str cold 8% af 88

2x Arms of Baleful Dead +15 hits, +10 str, +3 qui af 92

Coral Leggings con +15, +2 Stealth af 88

Baleful dead boots cold 6%, heat 6%, dex +12 af 92

Shields (round only)
Protector of the harvest (blue to 50) +4 shield, +4 dex, 4% thrust resist.

Jet Bone (yell to 50) 4% crush, 4% energy, +7str, +15 hits

Ellyll (yell to 50) 6% cold, 6% heat, +7 qui, +7 dex.

I also have a luminous drywood longbow 95% quality dps 14.7 and spd 5.4. This served me well till level 50.

Qualities are all mainly 89% as usual tho I think a couple of items are a couple of % more.

These are all items I have used and I treasure a great deal, they are superb scout items and would like to see them go to good homes.

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