scout help!


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 16, 2005
where is it best level an autotraining scout?. atm it's full shield/thrust. it kills painfully slow in instances. it is lvl 27 atm.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 28, 2004
with auto training use a necro.

Bow dmg is where a scout excels at


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Or if you're specced as a blockscout at the moment, try making/joining groups. Scouts make good blockbots and you'll get along much faster in a group blitzing an adventure wing than grinding endless task instances.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 16, 2005
thank you for the replies aswell. i onöy have one account. and groups it's kind of low of atm at my level. trying to get an necro to level me tho.

i got another question aswell. but about the spec i'll use. the scout will be an so called "sniper spec". so i'm going for 50 lb how foolish it may sound to others ears. how high stealth should i have?.

another thing. in my temp i'll create. should i priortize dmg over speed or a different way. another question are wich bow are best braggarts or fools? braggarts has slower speed but i will get better frontload.

edit: it will be an very RvR oriented scout and i will solo pretty much.


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
Demon2k3 said:
thank you for the replies aswell. i onöy have one account. and groups it's kind of low of atm at my level. trying to get an necro to level me tho.

i got another question aswell. but about the spec i'll use. the scout will be an so called "sniper spec". so i'm going for 50 lb how foolish it may sound to others ears. how high stealth should i have?.

another thing. in my temp i'll create. should i priortize dmg over speed or a different way. another question are wich bow are best braggarts or fools? braggarts has slower speed but i will get better frontload.

edit: it will be an very RvR oriented scout and i will solo pretty much.

I'd go no higher than 35 stealth. After that things start getting expensive and the returns are only good for the first few RR's, and wasting points in a spec isnt a good idea if you're looking at being RvR oriented.

Get your quickness as close to 250 as possible, this is the hardcap for bow speed and soft cap for melee speed(afaik). However this doesnt mean that you should skip on strength or dexterity - I'd say you'll want atleast STR DEX and CON capped in a template, as well as getting you're longbow and stealth skills capped too.

Braggarts and fools are both nice from what I hear. I've always used foolsbow so I cant give a comment on Braggarts, but when I was 45bowspec I could easily do 1000+ on certain targets with fools bow(buffed).

I'd recommend going 45 bow unless you intend to live inside towers, but if you're already decided then I suppose its up to you :) For a long while I was an advocate of the 50 bow spec, however after actually trying a 45 bow (and now a 37 bow) spec, I've really started to feel as though the extra points to get up to 50 are not as worth it as they seem at first.


Can't get enough of FH
Oct 20, 2004
CuddleBunny! said:
Contrary to popular belief pressing enter wont work , you have to "click" the yes button , and yes , my spelling sucks


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 16, 2005
how big is the dmg difference between 50 bow spec and 45 bow spec?
so 45 bow 35 stealth should do then for rvr. ty for your answers :). not the one from cuddle bunny tho, those are just noobish (really).


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
demon - i autotrained my scout - my spec at the moment is 50lb / 38stealth / 42 shield and 16 thrust -

Im RR4 atm (thanks to all the hibs on DC :) and have got Mastery of stealth3 / falcons eye3 (excellent for crits) and a few other ra's (trueshot is a really good one :))

My damage is insane - crits are for 1000 or more, and when i use quickshot i will hit for 300-500 (with both relics the damage is at the higher end) and get a critical on them as well.

Arti's - GSV / winged helm / foolsbow / band of stars / golm / som are the essentials :)


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
nerf forgot to say that with my spec my melee damage sucks BIG time - i do more damage with shield styles :)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I used to be 50lb, 18 slash until rr3-4. But then, that was pre FZ nerf (FZ on a 2 minute timer etc.), so it doesn´t really count. The difference between 50 lb and 45 lb is - from my experience - nothing to write home about. However, the extra melee damage gained from those points when you put the into slash/thrust is. One thing you need to live with when you´re specced 50lb is: as soon as you´re getting into melee, you´re toast.

If you really want to level autotrained and unbuffed, you´ll have a hard and painful time lying ahead of you. Make sure you always know what mobs are weak to the damage you´re doing. There are a number of good Scout guides available (*cough*Kalloths*cough* ;)), read them!

As for RAs... and artis well, that´s a philosophy and I seem to have a different philosophy than rampant :)
I`m specced mos5 (crit assassins out of stealth), purge, IP, rest into passives until next IP/Purge level ... no need for (unrelyable) damage amplifiers like FE and one-time wonders like trueshot, although with a pure sniper spec as rampant seems to run, they might make sense. Braggarts Bow, MSG, GSV, SoM as well as Battler and Malice (just for the /use) are the artis I`m using. Don´t go for too many artis, or the rest of your template will suffer.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 23, 2005
As an unbuffed solo scout in rvr you'll prolly experience the same frustrations as you are in pve especially at low lvls.
If any of your guildies have scouts I suggest running with them at least till rr5
Of course zerging with other lowbies can be fun and pretty rewarding on the arpee front until you find your feet


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 16, 2005
thank you for the input :). i don't like how scouts are in melee someway. but i'll admit extra dmg from styles can't hurt, i can still go sniper spec with 45 lb right? what Ra's i'll surely use are MoS5 and FE3 or 4.

I will also try and not go with the zerg that much, there must be other hunting grounds. i don't like zerging myself, but sometimes i got to do it on my pally bcz i suck :).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Currently have 40 longbow (+15 RR and item bonuses) - with 9% TOA bonus archery damage a crit with Braggart's caps for 1101 which isn't too shabby and allowed me to mess around with my spec a bit.

Spec is 40 bow, 50 thrust, 30 stealth and 28 shield. Quite nice to be able to melée decently for a change and I don't miss slam. I can use less endurance on a beartooth or dragonfang and watch that stun get purged instead of wasting a ton of end on slam. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 28, 2004
ive been playing a scout, even un toa'd and with non max stats and blue armour im having alot of fun in rvr! tbh auto train if you want but you dont really need too. i play with 40something bow " cant remember spec 100%" 42 shield for slam 35 stealth and rest in thrust atm. seems to do ok atm for myself

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