SC-template for friars



Still, it's a long way to 50 for my friar (currently lvl 44) but I am already thinking ahead of my SC-template for him. I optimized my SC-template for my theurgist, no need to change anything anymore from him.

My friar, on the other hand, will be another story. I am uncertain what is important (to cap) for him. After doing some research I noticed:

* +rejuv. seems like a waste for me. I use the lvl 18 specline rejuv. spell to heal, and it doesn't change in value with +0 rejuv or +10. It's always a steady 215 / heal. Perhaps with enough +rejuv I can reduce variance to my best baseline-heal, but in terms of heal/power I don't think it makes much sense to use that one. Anyone an idea how much the best baseline heal for a friar does with 18+11+~3 so say rejuv at 32?

* +enhance seems like a waste to. I got, as endspec, 49 enhance. That should be enough to give the highest, biggest, best buffs for my friar, correct?

* +parry. Boggled. I will go 9 parry (as endspec) and sure +11 makes alot of difference here. But is even 9+11+~3 worth to put points in? How bugged is parry in real-RvR. I got no style which comes from a parry, so no need to do it for a major increase in landing that style successfull.

* +staff. Seems very important to me. I got 39 staff as endspec and it gives a 'huge' damage-increase as well chance-to-land on opponents when I bring it up to 39+11+~3. So that one needs attention.

* Piety. For my theurgists it is important to have capped INT, since it gives more damage on my primary way of offensive (nuking). It also should give me a bigger mana-pool, but I never noticed that in game. I didn't do any test with piety yet, but how much heals I can pull off more with the difference off +75 piety (capped) on items ? Any idea? Has someone tested that?

* Quickness. Hmmm.. Tricky one... An increase in quickness gives increased chance to evade and faster weapon-swing, but reduced damage (as we see on zerkers). So I should cap it for the best evade, correct? Any ideas on a nice trade-off? Eg. is +37 quickness on items good (enough) too ?

* Various resists. Analyzing the damage-tables on the various websites I noticed matter shouldn't be encountered too much. As a bonus I have +24% matter resists on my buffs in enhance line. Is it worth the risk to reduce matter resists (to get some room on my SC-template)? I also got heat and cold 24% resist-buffs, but both are worth the effort to cap I guess :)

* Strength. Yes, strength :) Strength doesn't do shit for a friar EXCEPT the capacity to carry heavy stuff.

My friar has 60 strength @ char-creation and will get +15 on levelling. So 75 strength. The last buff on strength will yield an additional 50 strength. I wanna be able to carry a ram (Yeah I am sick) on my own (no specline strgth/const buffs from a cleric). To get there I need to carry 204. I think armour weights around 40, so around 250 carrying capacity. How much strength do I need for that, if I get Lifter 2 as RA ?

OK, lots of questions, shine your light on it please :)

If you got hints for good friar-jewelry, please tell me :)

BTW: My spec will be Staff 39, Enhance 49, Rejuv 18, Parry 9. In case you wanna know and didn't read it earlier :)


I am having EXACTLY the same problem and the only template I can find online uses MP leather and 2 x Cracked Gear rings. :/



Originally posted by Apathy
I am having EXACTLY the same problem and the only template I can find online uses MP leather and 2 x Cracked Gear rings. :/


Well tbh cracked gear rings are nice, but somehow I think that +rejuv sucks up it's utility (in my spec) and with a bit of luck you can attain ROG-rings with nicer overall utility.

But not sure about it. And I think 1.60 gives some nice jewelry again, perhaps I should wander around in epic for a while (if I ever ding 50 that is) and wait for inspiration :)


Well, I have 34 rej and with +11 +RR I will be getting close to 50. And that gives no variance at all on base and I think a +spec bonus too...

+staff is important. +enh is not needed. +parry is probably a good idea since +11 is +5.5% chance to parry.

Matter and Spirit resists don't need to be totally capped.

I's all really fiddlesome. :/



Ignoring +rejuv and +enhance seems sensible.

Given the group block/parry bug parry in grouped situations is not good. Put +11 parry if you can spare the points for it - but Id suggest its not a priority. The number of times my armsman parries (3x parry spec after +items/RR) is low enough that Ill respec parry to spare points only given the chance.

+piety should increase your mana pool as you said. Useful for both healing and your power->end conversion. Cant hurt if the space is available to have it, but not a priority either.

Quickness should be capped - both for evade and for damage over time. Youll already be using your self-haste buffs which have the same effect on style damage as +qui, so trying for a low-qui zerker style template would seem rather perverse.

Matter resist isnt the most important - but remember that since Alchemy arrived many people are using the DoT procs - which are matter. Still since you always have your 24% resist up not capping it wont hurt too much.

Finally - as a friar you wont be able to carry a ram solo, not even self-buffed with lifter 2. Unbuffed youll have 75 str, so 75 carrying capacity. Each level of lifter will give 20% - so +15 per lvl, +30 from lifter 2. +50 from buffs and +75 from items would give 230 capacity. Allowing for your items youll be rooted if you try to carry a full ram solo ;)


I have 247 str unbuffed and can carry a ram+my two swords + my bow + armour + crafting tools + arrows.

Just :)

+125 from buffs
75 base

you need +50 from your items I'd say ;)


Originally posted by Draylor

Finally - as a friar you wont be able to carry a ram solo, not even self-buffed with lifter 2. Unbuffed youll have 75 str, so 75 carrying capacity. Each level of lifter will give 20% - so +15 per lvl, +30 from lifter 2. +50 from buffs and +75 from items would give 230 capacity. Allowing for your items youll be rooted if you try to carry a full ram solo ;)

A ram weighs around 200 enc (I can carry one unbuffed with lifter 1 - just... puts me at 247/247 :) with all my equipment)

lifter is 20% extra of your full strength = at 300 capped str I get 360 enc.

so friar with 75 str+ 50 from buffs+75 from items = 200
+20% of that is 240.

Only 10 shy of a ram (and possibly not even that if your equipment weighs less than fings)


fully buffed

bout 4%heat, 6dex and 50hps short of stat caps

has +16staff +13parry and +13reju

this is a cheapo version of the usual 2x cracked gear template, i only used one :D

i got:

avernal neck
granite belt
pygmy gem
cracked gear
friar epic ring
Bracer of the strong
Veiled eyes bracer

yes alot of my leather and staff is MP, but leather mp stuff is not that pricey (i guess i spent maybe 2.5plat on leather and spellcrafting)

i have 25+13reju atm and i love it, the grp heal is just sweet =P like 110-117 and it casts very fast :)


and leave the rams to the tincans, i used to do em alot but nowadays there is more important stuff u can do in a siege...


Originally posted by Flimgoblin friar with 75 str+ 50 from buffs+75 from items = 200
+20% of that is 240.

But a friar wouldn't neccessarily be putting any +str items on as the only thing it does give is extra carry capacity.


Must say I love the stats Jiggs has but:

It's not my main, it's just a fun alt. I am a caster in nature and liked the idea of having 'something else'. But with a bit of magic-fluff, so friar seemed like the sensible choice.

Spending alot (2.5 plat is alot for me....) on MP-armour is not an option, I go for full 99% set....

The cracked gear drops from Towerkeeper, with a bit of help I should be able to get it, since most spawns can be solo'ed with my theurg, else I take the necro which is camped in Gwyntell to aid me in my camp-killing :p

But, in the end I understand I should cap dex/qui/con/hp, with a bit of str and pie. Also +staff and perhaps +parry. Resists should be wicely spend I guess :)

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