SC question



I know not technically the right forum but i know more people reads this one so if u will indulge me a moment pls.
Im kinda new to the sc ing lark

How much can u reliably overcharge a lvl 24 99% item with 13 imbue points please?

I gather it depends on lvl of crafter so any examples would be great.



Originally posted by darbey
I know not technically the right forum but i know more people reads this one so if u will indulge me a moment pls.
Im kinda new to the sc ing lark

How much can u reliably overcharge a lvl 24 99% item with 13 imbue points please?

I gather it depends on lvl of crafter so any examples would be great.


I've heard reports you can always imbue a 99% item with a 4 point overcharge no matter what the level of the item.

15/13 is safe I know from experience. But I don't do it anymore, OC'ing Thidranki stuff takes too much time.

Better just use uber jewelry you got from one of your level 50's to get insane stats from jewelry and build the rest around it.

I've used alot of pygme-stuff in Thidranki alts. Tho the Gem of Spirit Abhorrent won't work in Thidranki (pretty odd, considering it's level 40 item) the rest works great and has some nice stats on it.


I Believe u can overcharge any item with 5 points if u can find a crafter willing to do it.

I know for a fact that a lvl 1 item can be overcharged with 5 points to give 6 imbue points (MP Cloaks)

But u will probably have a hard time finding a SC'er willing to do the 5 points overcharge on the Lvl 25 items unless u are willing to pay dearly for it ^^

I have done SC sets for all my alts and I never overcharge before Lvl 50 sets, just not worth the effort / time used.


I've had a 6/1 OC done on a lvl0 MP cloak before.
(20hits, 1bow, 1stealth, 1thrust :p)

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