SB ToA template using LG cold/heat weapons


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Config Report


Str:77 Hits:244

Con:81 Dex:56



Body:26 Energy:27

Crush:26 Cold:28

Matter:26 Thrust:26

Heat:28 Spirit:5



11 Envenom 11 Stealth
11 Axe 11 Critical Strike
11 Left Axe

Cap Increases

40 Hits

Other Bonuses

5 Fatigue
20 AF Bonus
7 Melee Speed Bonus
10 Style Damage Bonus

Imbue Points: 37.0 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 38%

Gem 1: 5 Crush Resist - 99 flawed Fiery Shielding

Gem 2: 9 Thrust Resist - 99 polished Airy Shielding

Gem 3: 7 Body Resist - 99 imperfect Dusty Shielding

Gem 4: 76 Hits - 99 perfect Blood Essence

Utility: 61.0

Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 38%

Gem 1: 4 Axe - 99 flawed Earthen War Rune

Gem 2: 22 Strength - 99 precious Fiery Essence

Gem 3: 22 Quickness - 99 precious Airy Essence

Gem 4: 4 Left Axe - 99 flawed Icy War Rune

Utility: 69.3333333333

Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 38%

Gem 1: 4 Left Axe - 99 flawed Icy War Rune

Gem 2: 25 Constitution - 99 flawless Earthen Essence

Gem 3: 9 Matter Resist - 99 polished Earthen Shielding

Gem 4: 3 Axe - 99 rough Earthen War Rune

Utility: 69.6666666667

Imbue Points: 36.0 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 58%

Gem 1: 4 Axe - 99 flawed Earthen War Rune

Gem 2: 13 Quickness - 99 imperfect Airy Essence

Gem 3: 76 Hits - 99 perfect Blood Essence

Gem 4: 3 Left Axe - 99 rough Icy War Rune

Utility: 62.6666666667

Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 38%

Gem 1: 6 Critical Strike - 99 polished Heated Battle Jewel

Gem 2: 5 Slash Resist - 99 flawed Watery Shielding

Gem 3: 5 Matter Resist - 99 flawed Earthen Shielding

Gem 4: 13 Dexterity - 99 imperfect Vapor Essence

Utility: 58.6666666667

Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 (100 Qual) Overcharge: 38%

Gem 1: 2 Stealth - 99 uncut Airy Battle Jewel

Gem 2: 13 Quickness - 99 imperfect Airy Essence

Gem 3: 15 Energy Resist - 99 flawless Light Shielding

Gem 4: 2 Critical Strike - 99 uncut Heated Battle Jewel

Utility: 58.6666666667

Right Hand
Name: LG heat

Level: 51 Quality: 99

DPS: Bonus:

Effect 1: 28 Constitution

Effect 2: 8 Heat Resist

Effect 3: 8 Cold Resist

Effect 4: Empty

Effect 5: Empty

Effect 6: Empty

Effect 7: Empty

Effect 8: Empty

Effect 9: Empty

Effect 10: Empty

Utility: 50.6666666667

Left Hand
Name: Legendary hatchet

Level: 51 Quality: 99

DPS: Bonus:

Effect 1: 28 Constitution

Effect 2: 8 Cold Resist

Effect 3: 8 Heat Resist

Effect 4: Empty

Effect 5: Empty

Effect 6: Empty

Effect 7: Empty

Effect 8: Empty

Effect 9: Empty

Effect 10: Empty

Utility: 50.6666666667

Name: Exeptional Infernal Necklace

Level: 51 Quality: 99


Effect 1: 48 Hits

Effect 2: 7 Body Resist

Effect 3: 7 Energy Resist

Effect 4: 7 Thrust Resist

Effect 5: Empty

Effect 6: Empty

Effect 7: Empty

Effect 8: Empty

Effect 9: Empty

Effect 10: Empty

Utility: 54.0

Name: Shades of mist

Level: 51 Quality: 99


Effect 1: 3 Stealth

Effect 2: 15 Strength

Effect 3: 15 Quickness

Effect 4: 10 AF Bonus

Effect 5: 5 Melee Speed Bonus

Effect 6: Empty

Effect 7: Empty

Effect 8: Empty

Effect 9: Empty

Effect 10: Empty

Utility: 35.0

Name: Harpy Feather Charm

Level: 51 Quality: 99


Effect 1: 6 Heat Resist

Effect 2: 6 Cold Resist

Effect 3: 6 Matter Resist

Effect 4: 6 Body Resist

Effect 5: 44 Hits

Effect 6: Empty

Effect 7: Empty

Effect 8: Empty

Effect 9: Empty

Effect 10: Empty

Utility: 59.0

Name: Belt of the sun

Level: 51 Quality: 99


Effect 1: 5 Fatigue

Effect 2: 40 Hits Cap Increase

Effect 3: 10 Strength

Effect 4: 10 Dexterity

Effect 5: 5 Energy Resist

Effect 6: 5 Spirit Resist

Effect 7: 5 Crush Resist

Effect 8: Empty

Effect 9: Empty

Effect 10: Empty

Utility: 43.3333333333

Right Ring
Name: Ring of Dances

Level: 51 Quality: 99


Effect 1: 3 Stealth

Effect 2: 12 Strength

Effect 3: 12 Dexterity

Effect 4: 5 Crush Resist

Effect 5: 5 Slash Resist

Effect 6: 10 AF Bonus

Effect 7: Empty

Effect 8: Empty

Effect 9: Empty

Effect 10: Empty

Utility: 51.0

Left Ring
Name: Desmona's ring

Level: 51 Quality: 99


Effect 1: 21 Dexterity

Effect 2: 18 Strength

Effect 3: 3 Critical Strike

Effect 4: 3 Envenom

Effect 5: 3 Stealth

Effect 6: 10 Style Damage Bonus

Effect 7: Empty

Effect 8: Empty

Effect 9: Empty

Effect 10: Empty

Utility: 71.0

Right Wrist
Name: Cyclone Bracer

Level: 51 Quality: 99


Effect 1: 11 Crush Resist

Effect 2: 10 Slash Resist

Effect 3: 10 Thrust Resist

Effect 4: 2 Melee Speed Bonus

Effect 5: Empty

Effect 6: Empty

Effect 7: Empty

Effect 8: Empty

Effect 9: Empty

Effect 10: Empty

Utility: 62

Left Wrist
Name: Ebon Hide Bracer

Level: 51 Quality: 99


Effect 1: 6 Cold Resist

Effect 2: 6 Body Resist

Effect 3: 6 Heat Resist

Effect 4: 6 Slash Resist

Effect 5: 6 Matter Resist

Effect 6: Empty

Effect 7: Empty

Effect 8: Empty

Effect 9: Empty

Effect 10: Empty

Utility: 60

Any thoughts? :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2003
Name: Desmona's ring
Effect 1: 21 Dexterity
Effect 2: 18 Strength
Effect 3: 3 Critical Strike
Effect 4: 3 Envenom
Effect 5: 3 Stealth
Effect 6: 10 Style Damage Bonus


Do you know what the stats on that one will be after 1.68?

...oh..and better try overcapping con, or you will be de-buffing yourself when switching weapons (cold/heat)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
not a bad template. best ive seen for sb, maybe change a couple of things as hekate says.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Dont think the ring has 10% style in 1.68 against players atleast.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
well, i am trying for the ring and got to get a char to ml9 for the bracer too xD

so 2 rather rare items, but im pretty satisfied with it :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
I really find it annoying that Mythic insists on putting +con/+hits on legendary weapons and alot of the artifact weapons too.

Really nice template though Grivne... only thing is the very rare items and the problematic setup on the feet/hands - but really, thats details. :)

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