SB specs



Sorry, yes its another SB spec thread.

Just wondering has anyone tried a spec like this or so..

rest envenom

im thinking of giving it a try, cause 1) im a lazy git so applying poisons is hassel for me, 2) im a lazy git and farming for those extra few gold to buy poisons and get my suit uber SC'ed for +11 env is also a pain for me :)

Or any good other specs, i want to bury people with PA chain as fast as possible, but not using a 2hander, sorry im convinced LA does more damage over time than 2hander by a long way


44 axe
44 leftaxe
39 cs
33 ste
rest env

My spec works fine.



Trying 50 CS with my SB want the Hamstring > Leaper > Rib Seperation > Ripper chain might not work but i want to give it a try anyhow uber pa as well :p


Thats pretty much how mine is specced Melachi. I find that it works pretty well even on the rare occasion i meet a solo inf. Tried 50 CS but in RvR i only managed to get off the full evade chain once :)


Well i personally think poisons would and will help great deal, but i dont want to drop creeping death + pa to go full env tho.
Also think the damage upgrade from 39 to 44LA isn't anything to really cry for., afterall weaponskill should come from Axe line, no :) ?

Planning for :
44 axe
35(34) stl
22(23-sh) env- +11+rr should get second to last debuff soon enough


44 Axe Style -> useless since the prereq does low damage, you >need< to hit the AR

44 LA Sytle -> can hit harder than SS, but mostly about the same damage

44 CS Style -> 3rd in a chain, less damage than the previous mostly.

imo the 44/50 styles just ain't worth it.
1 spec in your Weapon line gets you ~6-8 WS more (not sure),
1 point more in Str equals 7 WS.

Bile's Specc works fine. Hit the link in my sig if you want to see the stats with it.


You're rr7 and have a bit lower base stealth + bit more env than lower rr sb-s can afford.

Well thing with Bile spec is the envenom ends at some silly point, the dot is not really something u desperately need higher level one (alchemy for teh win anyway), the str/con debuff u get at 37 env already too and to get 47 debuff u need high rr :( .

That's why i'd personally go for, depends of autotrain or not, 22/23-sh env for second best debuff :|

So just imo, Bile spec is for higher RR really and for now i'd better see 44 axe for the extra bit of [ 5*(6 to 8) ] weapskill as mentioned :s .


just go 39/40 Weap and put the other points into Stealth/Env... and get Aug.Str I and you'll already made up the missing WS.
Mind you, I don't have full autotraining either.


Originally posted by Astraad
Thats pretty much how mine is specced Melachi. I find that it works pretty well even on the rare occasion i meet a solo inf. Tried 50 CS but in RvR i only managed to get off the full evade chain once :)

I had thought of that but never thought the full chain would be that rare heh, only planning to play my sb in df at 50 anyhow so blues/greens might not block/parry/evade as much il give it a shot if it sucks too much il go for a regular spec.


Either bile's or 44 axe 39 la 34 cs 33 stealth 28 env , I dont miss the 3 style in the pa chain, but thats a matter of preference I guesse



I dunno - low envenom simply means you have to rely on your damage output! With infs af buffs etc seems to me you losing one of you primary damage dealers. For instance got jumped by Mactheknife in DF today (level 50) and me level 42. He attacked my buffbot first - as they do - (who was in the process of healing me) - i swapped over and repoisoned my weaps leaving my buffbot to die. Hit Mac as soon as i could with level 35 lethal and debuff 37 - half way through i hit him again with my 2nd lethal poisoned weap - was all down to the last hit - he hit me first though hehe. Without poison i sure as hell would not have got his health down so far in so short a time using la!

Full poison for me as soon as possible as it cuts through any armour and opens up loads of different tactics to make playing a SB far more interesting - to my mind anyways!

Certifiable (Norse SB 42)


Re: Envenom

Originally posted by Thug
I dunno - low envenom simply means you have to rely on your damage output! With infs af buffs etc seems to me you losing one of you primary damage dealers. For instance got jumped by Mactheknife in DF today (level 50) and me level 43. He attacked my buffbot first - as they do - (who was in the process of healing me) - i swapped over and repoisoned my weaps leaving my buffbot to die. Hit Mac as soon as i could with level 35 and debuff 37 - half way through i hit him again with my 2nd poisoned weap - was all down to the last hit - he hit me first though hehe. Without poison i sure as hell would not have got his health down so far in so short a time using la!

Full poison for me as soon as possible as it cuts through any armour and opens up loads of different tactics to make playing a SB far more interesting - to my mind anyways!

Certifiable (Norse SB 43)

Sb V Infil fight is over in about 8 hits dot not even finish doing damage yet, debuff is nice but can be purged and gets resisted.



Given quite a lot of thought to this - they purge then wot? Well either you are nearly dead from their damage output (ain't seen much evidence of this so far as i have been lasting quite a long time already at 42 (red to me)) so that wotever you do will be a waste of time - or you simply repoison with a fresh weapon. Anyways level 47 debuff will sure hurt an inf - both lowering his hits and damage considerably. Unlikely he will resist 2-3 such poisons. I have been known to fight using 8 poisoned weapons and swapping them for each strike i make - can do so again and intend too if need be! Also imbalance can hold them after purge with lifebane ticking away that gonna drop them loads - have used this tactic loads of times uptil now (with lower poisons) and really can't see why it won't work again! Not only can this be used on infs but lots of others!

Certifiable (Norse SB 42)

Edit: be a long time before i go inf hunting at level 50 cos first of all i intend to get myself a lgm alchemist (fair way there already) - looks to me to be very important!


used same when I was 5spec but after playing this spec no way i go back.


Re: Purge

Originally posted by Thug
... - both lowering his hits and damage considerably...

<cough> str/DEX based weapons <cough>


Debuffing thrust infs?

Still worthwhile for lowering their hits. Not hard to see if they slash or thrust infs - you know as soon as they hit you with a weapon of sorts!

Not sure how many infs i will be coming across (not many initially as in Darkness) but tactics uptil now have been to learn their names and whether they are slash or thrust - base tactics accordingly!


PS - posting on Barrysworld gets me worked up something awful - think it is the lack of commitment and staying power i feel that a lot of SBs have. Knock me down with nerfs and i try harder and harder to overcome the obstacles. I could beat buffed slash infs at level 24 after la nerf and am sure i can do so again at level 50! My main pastime in Thid was to hunt infs whilst solo. If i didn't think i could kill them after i had found them then why would i bother? Think i don't know about thrust based weaps? - blimey give me some credit!!


1-49 for an infil is a rather different game for an infil.

at 50 :


Diamond Slash

Dual Shadows

...but there's more than enough threads all-over BW and the VN Boards about the 'balance' between Assassins.

Just a question, what does a SB have that an Infil can't do better ?


Originally posted by Cozak
Trying 50 CS with my SB want the Hamstring > Leaper > Rib Seperation > Ripper chain might not work but i want to give it a try anyhow uber pa as well :p

No such thing as an uber PA as an SB.

for a start you would need to use 2h to get it.. which is too slow for the follow up styles.

and with LA you would have to have 50 LA + 11 from items, +9 from rr10 and DR5 before you start to see your damage compair well to that of a 50 thrust/cs infil ;p


Originally posted by old.Hellskor
1-49 for an infil is a rather different game for an infil.

at 50 :


Diamond Slash

Dual Shadows

...but there's more than enough threads all-over BW and the VN Boards about the 'balance' between Assassins.

Just a question, what does a SB have that an Infil can't do better ?

For leveling NS > Inf and SB by far.

Diamond back is an awesome style to level with :D lvl 26 on my shade and i love the style loads :D

nothing beats evading the first attack from an orange mob and getting it down to 50% hp before it comes out of the stun :p


Level 50?

Well already nearly killed Samac and Mactheknife - i admit they attacked my buffbot first so no perf or i would have been face down straight away. But Mac was on full health today when i faced him and he nearly died after - i was unbuffed as he dropped my buffbot first! Mac was a full slash inf and red to me. If he was yellow or probably orange he would have died for sure! He had to quickly sit down to get some health - infact i thought a poison tick would have finished him off!!

Mac and Samac both hit me for at least 2x the amount i hit them for but both got in serious trouble! I honestly can't see much of a problem at level 50 cos by then i will be have buffs/sc and also alchemy to boost me further.

As for them moves well sure - but la sure gotta nice stun too - enough time for me to utilize snowsquall and god knows wot else. Never had a stun before so that gonna help loads!

Will die lots i know that - but i know i will give some infs a run for their money - looking forward to some real tough fights!



You should differentiate between Infiltrator and Gimpfiltrator, admittedly, the later is the majority.

Let's take Samac, last two fights against him I lost ... about 100HPs atmost.
Why ?
Plain simple ran through him and chopped him up. He did draw his weapons, but kinda failed to turn around. On both occassions.

There's plenty of those gimps that don't know what they're doing, like PAing a mob near you (F8 targetting4tehwin), messing up styles (happy Hammy-chain spamming ... without an evade) or those that use Snare and Attack Speed Debuff (aka SM-filtrators)


Good and Bad infs!

Obviously - but it means i will kill lots of infs though either way!

Thing that bothers me is that i was put off from levelling to 50 cos loads told me sbs were crap at such a level and i listened to them! Well against the real good infs SBs are way outgunned etc but the majority can be killed so it was worth me levelling all along. Tis a great class to play even now and has always been the case.

I created at least 20 sbs for Thid (levelling from 1 each time) - each one different than the last. Did this so i could test new tactics/specs out. I am nothing if not thorough. I still think i will do fine at 50 - infact am positive about it!

I get too worked up playing this game sometimes and need to remember that it is just that - a game hehe!

Anyways we gonna get some luv from Mythic at some time for sure - but maybe the af cleric buffs should be looked at first cos i was hitting both Samac and Mac for quite a lot for my level - and both were unbuffed as far as i could make out.



Re: Good and Bad infs!

Originally posted by Thug

Anyways we gonna get some luv from Mythic at some time for sure ....

:ROFLMAO: that time there's surely an alternative to DAoC out as well ;)


Making sb movie atm maybe u will realize what sb can do and what can be done to them.
I kill friars polerams not loosing 20%hp and next an infil killes me in 7 hits we talking 2120 hp here and no PA used.
Infil > sb in everything ,anything we can do they can do better minus PA with 2H which is something u do when u have a sure target, that u would have killed anyways.

Is like comparing Pac healer to a Sorz, u pick who u want as main CC.



just hard to find an Armsman before you hit the dozen infils.


40 sword
39 la
36 cs
32 stealth
32 envenom

Works fine, gives me 50 stealth and envenom with capped bonuses. Plus the venoms are a huge help tbh, wouldn't give em up for anything, with the right realm abilityies I break 80 LA barrier, aand do 100% dmg. Namelt Duelist Reflexes 4.


Above spec

Regarding above spec.

Quite like the look of that spec you are using. I intend to respec later after a few realm rank levels - but gonna be a bit silly initially so that my stealth/envenom hits 50 quite quickly! Money don't seem to be a prob with my sb/shaman combo as they make loads - so a respec stone should not break the bank later on i should think!

Am not going with your spec though at the beginning cos i found that belting any inf as soon as i see it as opposed to lining up pa/bs has given me the upper hand - also shocks em a bit! Though with your spec later on i could well revert to using crit on openings - as i tend to fire off my perf/bs very quickly anyways.

My own spec at 50 gonna be:

Stealth 36
Envenom 36
La 46
Axe 39
Crit 10

With high enough realm rankings your spec looks like one i could well end up using. Or i could well push for high la damage with ma and duel reflexes - have to see how sharp infs are at 50 and whether they can perf me or not with my 50 in stealth (eventually). Last time in Thid i only got perfed once (24 in stealth).


Edit: accidently stuck a new thead instead of replying - oops!


I personally think having all 3 melee skills high is wasteful, you don't get the best utilisation of all 3 skills.

I would say go EITHER high Weap+LA, OR high Weap + CS.


Originally posted by old.Hellskor
just hard to find an Armsman before you hit the dozen infils.

LOL hard to find ANYTHING before that happens... even yourself....


Originally posted by Damon_D
LOL hard to find ANYTHING before that happens... even yourself....

Try not to run on the road and pass milegates at times when others do ?

To many stealthers with no patiance take u time pick u target and avoid the infil zerg if u cant handle it.


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