I was wondering if anyone have tryed battler as main hand and Malice as offhand or the other way around. Do you hit to slow (fully buffed w/o the haste buff from aug healer)? Or is it actually worth using these 2 weapons at the same time ?
Mimen said:you cant use battler offhand ( cos its left axe). I used to use 2 4.2 spd weapons with healer haste , it went fine. Without haste is was still ok, if you duo you will do fine, solo will be a bit harder cos of your swing speed, but even then its still not OMG slow.
I was actually planning to go battler/malice b4 i decided i had had enough.
Jox said:I have activated both Bat & MAl, but it was a misstake.
1. No natural haste effect.
2. ½ chance to proc resistance-debuff.
3. Try to fight Slytale with slash.
Mimen said:you cant use battler offhand ( cos its left axe). I used to use 2 4.2 spd weapons with healer haste , it went fine. Without haste is was still ok, if you duo you will do fine, solo will be a bit harder cos of your swing speed, but even then its still not OMG slow.
I was actually planning to go battler/malice b4 i decided i had had enough.
Fenrisa said:I don't want to alarm you but you can use a Left Axe weapon in an off-hand if you want, its only so that you can only use axes in your left hand if it has the left hand ability.
What Mimen obviously meant was that Battler lacks the Left Axe Usable option and hence, as we all know, cannot be equipped offhand.
Personally I`m going Battler/Malices switching main hand with 1h heat lw(leather users)/1h cold lw(plate users) depending on the required situation.
Fenrisa said:I don't want to alarm you but you can use a Left Axe weapon in an off-hand if you want, its only so that you can only use axes in your left hand if it has the left hand ability.
Other thing, your offhand is not the damage dealer. In my opinion your main hand should be the damage dealer, so SPD has to be as high as possible (4.2 / 4.6? (not sure about these SPD settings)and 16.5DPS) and your off-hand as fast as possible (2.6SPD, with lower 15.0DPS)
This will make yourself hit like a fast dual-wield, but still be able to do damage as an assasin should do.
Strega said:Personally I`m going Battler/Malices switching main hand with 1h heat lw(leather users)/1h cold lw(plate users) depending on the required situation.
Stru said:Using Battler + Heat Offhand with Haste4 soon 5
Works fine
Ozirus said:How do you deal with the second abla debuff on battler when you switching, the timer resets so you can never use it?