SB Live and 500E's a no no



just wondering if anyone else has had problems with sb live's and 500E cpu's.

just built a couple in the shop and every time a sound is to be played i get a nice blue screen with error in vxd emu10k.
So the vxd for the sb live's chip just seems to be causing an error all the time. The only constant in the two machines is a 500 coppermine.

anyone else had the same probs??


No mate, built around 5 500e machines, all equipped with SB Live Player cards in them, which are physically identical to the sb live standard anway with the exception of the digital out - Seems to be fine - bad batch maybe? we had one mass batch of b0rked p2's a while ago now - they would post, clock at 3ghz and give you a two hour wait before it just turned off and gave up :p
Even the big boys fuck up sometimes...



no mate, found the prob
we were using live 1024's with digi out btw,
but had to ring creative after we built another two with lives from a different batch, turns out it is a real problem after all. just need to add a bit to the registry (and i do mean a very small bit) and it worked

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