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Reason I put +5 LA in to switch for dragonmight if needed which gives +11 LA
Qui is 229 though but when holding dragonmight you get 244... so nothing major and I looked at the swing speed, its nothing major different and personally I dont think you will miss the difference...
If you stayed with astral off hand which the below template has. You can reach 1.5 speed using Celerity.
If you dont want the +5 LA you can adjust the SC to how ever you want.
I think I will have a spare set of gloves/boots for this so I can change if I wanted...
Config Report
STR: 102 / 101 (+27) INT: 0 / 75 Hits: 390 / 400 (+210) AF: 50 /50
CON: 86 / 88 (+13) PIE: 0 / 75 End: 14 / 25
DEX: 0 / 75 EMP: 0 / 75 Pow: 0 / 26
QUI: 53 / 75 CHA: 0 / 75 %PP: 0% / 25%
Body: 24 / 26 Energy: 24 / 26 Crush: 25 / 26 (+2)
Cold: 23 / 26 (+5) Matter: 24 / 26 Slash: 25 / 26 (+3)
Heat: 24 / 26 Spirit: 23 / 26 Thrust: 26 / 26
Essence: 0 / 26
9 / 11 All Dual Wield Skills
3 / 11 All Magic Skills
7 / 11 All Melee Weapon Skills
7 / 11 Axe
11 / 11 Envenom
14 / 11 Left Axe
3 / 11 Parry
11 / 11 Stealth
8 / 11 Sword
Other Bonuses
15 / 10 Melee Combat Speed
10 / 10 Melee Damage
5 / 10 Spell Piercing
12 / 10 Style Damage
Piece Listing
Name: Ice-shadow Jerkin MID
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 3 Thrust Resist
Slot 2: 3 Slash Resist
Slot 3: 3 Crush Resist
Slot 4: 50 Hits
Slot 5: 27 Constitution
Slot 6: 3 Stealth Skill
Slot 7: 3 All Dual Wield Skills
Slot 8: 4 Melee Damage
Slot 9: 4 Style Damage
Slot 10: 6 Constitution Cap Increase
Utility: 78.5
Name: Dragonslayer SB MID
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 22 Strength
Slot 2: 40 Hits
Slot 3: 5 Heat Resist
Slot 4: 5 Cold Resist
Slot 5: 5 Spirit Resist
Slot 6: 5 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 7: 1 Melee Combat Speed
Utility: 54.7
Name: Dragonslayer SB MID
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 22 Constitution
Slot 2: 40 Hits
Slot 3: 6 Body Resist
Slot 4: 6 Energy Resist
Slot 5: 6 Matter Resist
Slot 6: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Slot 7: 5 AF
Utility: 60.7
Name: Astral Torporific Leggings MID
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 3 All Melee Weapon Skills
Slot 2: 40 Hits
Slot 3: 16 Quickness
Slot 4: 16 Strength
Slot 5: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Slot 6: 2 Melee Combat Speed
Slot 7: 2 Melee Damage
Slot 8: 2 Style Damage
Slot 9: 7 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 10: 7 Constitution Cap Increase
Utility: 46.3
Name: Crafted Item5
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.0 of 32 Overcharge: 5
Gem 1: 10 Strength - Flawed Fiery Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 22 Quickness - Precious Airy Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 7 Heat Resist - Imperfect Heated Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 5 Left Axe Skill - Imperfect Icy War Rune
Slot 5: 10 AF - (Crafted Item Bonus)
Utility: 60.3 SC Cost: 29g 32s 60c SC Price: 29g 32s 60c
Name: Crafted Item6
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 Overcharge: 5.5
Gem 1: 19 Constitution - Faceted Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 1 Sword Skill - Raw Watery War Rune
Gem 3: 7 Envenom Skill - Faceted Dusty Battle Jewel
Gem 4: 1 Stealth Skill - Raw Airy Battle Jewel
Slot 5: 3 All Dual Wield Skills - (Crafted Item Bonus)
Utility: 72.7 SC Cost: 26g 63s 20c SC Price: 26g 63s 20c
Left Hand
Name: Astral Conflag MID
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 3 All Dual Wield Skills
Slot 2: 10 Fatigue
Slot 3: 15 AF
Slot 4: 10 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 5: 4 Melee Damage
Slot 6: 4 Style Damage
Utility: 15.0
Name: Dragonseye Strand MID
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 3 All Magic Skills
Slot 2: 18 Constitution
Slot 3: 30 Hits
Slot 4: 4 Crush Resist
Slot 5: 4 Slash Resist
Slot 6: 4 Thrust Resist
Slot 7: 5 Spell Piercing
Slot 8: 35 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 58.5
Name: Shades of Mist MID
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 15 Strength
Slot 2: 15 Quickness
Slot 3: 4 Fatigue
Slot 4: 10 AF
Slot 5: 5 Melee Combat Speed
Slot 6: 3 Stealth Skill
Slot 7: 3 Parry Skill
Utility: 50.0
Name: Eerie Darkness Stone MID
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 5 Body Resist
Slot 2: 5 Cold Resist
Slot 3: 5 Heat Resist
Slot 4: 5 Energy Resist
Slot 5: 5 Matter Resist
Slot 6: 5 Spirit Resist
Slot 7: 4 Crush Resist
Slot 8: 4 Thrust Resist
Slot 9: 4 Slash Resist
Utility: 84.0
Name: Soulbinder's Belt MID
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 7 Body Resist
Slot 2: 7 Cold Resist
Slot 3: 7 Heat Resist
Slot 4: 7 Energy Resist
Slot 5: 7 Matter Resist
Slot 6: 7 Spirit Resist
Slot 7: 35 Hits
Slot 8: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 92.8
Left Ring
Name: Zahur's Ring MID
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 6 Body Resist
Slot 2: 6 Energy Resist
Slot 3: 6 Spirit Resist
Slot 4: 6 Cold Resist
Slot 5: 6 Matter Resist
Slot 6: 60 Hits
Utility: 75.0
Right Ring
Name: Band of Clandestinity MID
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 60 Hits
Slot 2: 18 Strength
Slot 3: 4 Envenom Skill
Slot 4: 4 Stealth Skill
Slot 5: 5 AF
Slot 6: 5 Melee Combat Speed
Slot 7: 20 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 67.0
Left Wrist
Name: Cyclone Bracer MID
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 11 Thrust Resist
Slot 2: 10 Crush Resist
Slot 3: 10 Slash Resist
Slot 4: 2 Melee Combat Speed
Utility: 62.0
Right Wrist
Name: Dragonscale Bracelet MID
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 4 Thrust Resist
Slot 2: 4 Crush Resist
Slot 3: 4 Slash Resist
Slot 4: 35 Hits
Slot 5: 21 Strength
Slot 6: 4 All Melee Weapon Skills
Slot 7: 2 Style Damage
Slot 8: 5 AF
Slot 9: 35 Hits Cap Increase
Slot 10: 5 Strength Cap Increase
Utility: 66.8
Qui is 229 though but when holding dragonmight you get 244... so nothing major and I looked at the swing speed, its nothing major different and personally I dont think you will miss the difference...
If you stayed with astral off hand which the below template has. You can reach 1.5 speed using Celerity.
If you dont want the +5 LA you can adjust the SC to how ever you want.
I think I will have a spare set of gloves/boots for this so I can change if I wanted...
Config Report
STR: 102 / 101 (+27) INT: 0 / 75 Hits: 390 / 400 (+210) AF: 50 /50
CON: 86 / 88 (+13) PIE: 0 / 75 End: 14 / 25
DEX: 0 / 75 EMP: 0 / 75 Pow: 0 / 26
QUI: 53 / 75 CHA: 0 / 75 %PP: 0% / 25%
Body: 24 / 26 Energy: 24 / 26 Crush: 25 / 26 (+2)
Cold: 23 / 26 (+5) Matter: 24 / 26 Slash: 25 / 26 (+3)
Heat: 24 / 26 Spirit: 23 / 26 Thrust: 26 / 26
Essence: 0 / 26
9 / 11 All Dual Wield Skills
3 / 11 All Magic Skills
7 / 11 All Melee Weapon Skills
7 / 11 Axe
11 / 11 Envenom
14 / 11 Left Axe
3 / 11 Parry
11 / 11 Stealth
8 / 11 Sword
Other Bonuses
15 / 10 Melee Combat Speed
10 / 10 Melee Damage
5 / 10 Spell Piercing
12 / 10 Style Damage
Piece Listing
Name: Ice-shadow Jerkin MID
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 3 Thrust Resist
Slot 2: 3 Slash Resist
Slot 3: 3 Crush Resist
Slot 4: 50 Hits
Slot 5: 27 Constitution
Slot 6: 3 Stealth Skill
Slot 7: 3 All Dual Wield Skills
Slot 8: 4 Melee Damage
Slot 9: 4 Style Damage
Slot 10: 6 Constitution Cap Increase
Utility: 78.5
Name: Dragonslayer SB MID
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 22 Strength
Slot 2: 40 Hits
Slot 3: 5 Heat Resist
Slot 4: 5 Cold Resist
Slot 5: 5 Spirit Resist
Slot 6: 5 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 7: 1 Melee Combat Speed
Utility: 54.7
Name: Dragonslayer SB MID
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 22 Constitution
Slot 2: 40 Hits
Slot 3: 6 Body Resist
Slot 4: 6 Energy Resist
Slot 5: 6 Matter Resist
Slot 6: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Slot 7: 5 AF
Utility: 60.7
Name: Astral Torporific Leggings MID
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 3 All Melee Weapon Skills
Slot 2: 40 Hits
Slot 3: 16 Quickness
Slot 4: 16 Strength
Slot 5: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Slot 6: 2 Melee Combat Speed
Slot 7: 2 Melee Damage
Slot 8: 2 Style Damage
Slot 9: 7 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 10: 7 Constitution Cap Increase
Utility: 46.3
Name: Crafted Item5
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.0 of 32 Overcharge: 5
Gem 1: 10 Strength - Flawed Fiery Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 22 Quickness - Precious Airy Essence Jewel
Gem 3: 7 Heat Resist - Imperfect Heated Shielding Jewel
Gem 4: 5 Left Axe Skill - Imperfect Icy War Rune
Slot 5: 10 AF - (Crafted Item Bonus)
Utility: 60.3 SC Cost: 29g 32s 60c SC Price: 29g 32s 60c
Name: Crafted Item6
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Imbue Points: 37.5 of 32 Overcharge: 5.5
Gem 1: 19 Constitution - Faceted Earthen Essence Jewel
Gem 2: 1 Sword Skill - Raw Watery War Rune
Gem 3: 7 Envenom Skill - Faceted Dusty Battle Jewel
Gem 4: 1 Stealth Skill - Raw Airy Battle Jewel
Slot 5: 3 All Dual Wield Skills - (Crafted Item Bonus)
Utility: 72.7 SC Cost: 26g 63s 20c SC Price: 26g 63s 20c
Left Hand
Name: Astral Conflag MID
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 3 All Dual Wield Skills
Slot 2: 10 Fatigue
Slot 3: 15 AF
Slot 4: 10 Strength Cap Increase
Slot 5: 4 Melee Damage
Slot 6: 4 Style Damage
Utility: 15.0
Name: Dragonseye Strand MID
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 3 All Magic Skills
Slot 2: 18 Constitution
Slot 3: 30 Hits
Slot 4: 4 Crush Resist
Slot 5: 4 Slash Resist
Slot 6: 4 Thrust Resist
Slot 7: 5 Spell Piercing
Slot 8: 35 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 58.5
Name: Shades of Mist MID
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 15 Strength
Slot 2: 15 Quickness
Slot 3: 4 Fatigue
Slot 4: 10 AF
Slot 5: 5 Melee Combat Speed
Slot 6: 3 Stealth Skill
Slot 7: 3 Parry Skill
Utility: 50.0
Name: Eerie Darkness Stone MID
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 5 Body Resist
Slot 2: 5 Cold Resist
Slot 3: 5 Heat Resist
Slot 4: 5 Energy Resist
Slot 5: 5 Matter Resist
Slot 6: 5 Spirit Resist
Slot 7: 4 Crush Resist
Slot 8: 4 Thrust Resist
Slot 9: 4 Slash Resist
Utility: 84.0
Name: Soulbinder's Belt MID
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 7 Body Resist
Slot 2: 7 Cold Resist
Slot 3: 7 Heat Resist
Slot 4: 7 Energy Resist
Slot 5: 7 Matter Resist
Slot 6: 7 Spirit Resist
Slot 7: 35 Hits
Slot 8: 40 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 92.8
Left Ring
Name: Zahur's Ring MID
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 6 Body Resist
Slot 2: 6 Energy Resist
Slot 3: 6 Spirit Resist
Slot 4: 6 Cold Resist
Slot 5: 6 Matter Resist
Slot 6: 60 Hits
Utility: 75.0
Right Ring
Name: Band of Clandestinity MID
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 60 Hits
Slot 2: 18 Strength
Slot 3: 4 Envenom Skill
Slot 4: 4 Stealth Skill
Slot 5: 5 AF
Slot 6: 5 Melee Combat Speed
Slot 7: 20 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 67.0
Left Wrist
Name: Cyclone Bracer MID
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 11 Thrust Resist
Slot 2: 10 Crush Resist
Slot 3: 10 Slash Resist
Slot 4: 2 Melee Combat Speed
Utility: 62.0
Right Wrist
Name: Dragonscale Bracelet MID
Level: 51 Quality: 99
Slot 1: 4 Thrust Resist
Slot 2: 4 Crush Resist
Slot 3: 4 Slash Resist
Slot 4: 35 Hits
Slot 5: 21 Strength
Slot 6: 4 All Melee Weapon Skills
Slot 7: 2 Style Damage
Slot 8: 5 AF
Slot 9: 35 Hits Cap Increase
Slot 10: 5 Strength Cap Increase
Utility: 66.8