Sayin Goodbye for a bit!!!!1



To all those that I know, just wanted let you all know Im leaving my beloved hometown of Stoke, and the curfew`s and burnt-out cars, evil looking ladies, nasty characters roaming the streets etc etc.........



The town of fine women(ratio men-women 1-5 Ive been told !?!), fine clubs, fine ppl, and better opportunities than my down and out hometown......

anyways, just wanted say a broad and brief goodbye for now, Im keeping my account and when Im up and running Ill be back with a vengeance.

a big thanks to all my friends in B&Q, Exiled, and many others from all over Alb. Especially my good mate Chanasdar who helped me weigh up the pro`s and con`s of my decision.

So, goodluck and happy gaming to all, hope to see you`s when I get back and I imagine many of you will be lvl 50 if ur not already, so a big grats in advance....

TAKE CARE ALL :D and be good :p


I am off upto Nottingham tonight what a town IT ROCKS!


good luck m8 and hurry back :D will miss you but at least u will have some to lvl with when u get back (i lvl slow :p)

:fluffle: :sex: :whip: :wub::sex:

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