Save my sorc from my evil gimp-specs



I have a little sorceror, he has a sensible spec of body/mind, enough to get the pets and enough to do some damage...

I'm tempted this patch to make him either full matter or matter/mind...

I like the cool sorceror pets... but I'm very tempted by matter :)

save me! :) dissuade me! please :)


While ur at it I have a lvl 26 sorc who is so gimped he can't even charm a brownie rover :\
I've tried checking the templates out on some charc builder website but the bloody link was dead, and also have searched these boards for some idea's - but only things ive found are templates for lvl 50's.
Just wondering what a good base line spec would be if I started at lvl 26 - I want a little bit of AOE mez and enough to charm a decent mob, but also want to be able to nuke some if I have to.

Any help would be appreciated ;)


you want 20 in mind by level 27 so you can charm yellows still...

that leaves you about 16 or so in body for nukes

how have you specced so far?


Originally posted by Fingoniel
you want 20 in mind by level 27 so you can charm yellows still...

that leaves you about 16 or so in body for nukes

how have you specced so far?

All over the place, have some in mind, some in matter and some in body rofl - ok ok it was my first ever charc created.. i was a noob i admit!

yep, thats all i needed really, long as I can still charm the yellows im happy.



Oooookay if you like the matter spells, cabbies do it better. The sims make pretty cool pets too :) matter is currently a redundant line for sorcs simply because it turns you into a poor man's cabalist... which some might argue makes you a gimped gimp. (note: I love my matter cabby and dont let anyone tell you they sux, he pwns)


noooo you mentioned the G word...

I'll have to go matter now :(

(Mercenary first char
Cabalist second char - spec about as messed up as skaven's
Earth Wizard third char...
see where we're going here? :))


Matter spec, erm.... supp runemaster/manadritch/icewiz snareDD....
spec DoT... useless (well, AE instacast interupt i spose) dex/qui debuff.
On the other hand, AEmezz and a lvl40 pet?
Not ALL that gimp...


Naw it'd be no pet :) (well maybe a level 1 wolf for company :))

the aoe debuffs don't interrupt...

I need dex/qui debuffs (all three of them) to pwn friars in /duels of course! :)

basically you get

dd/snare (same as ice, but with gimped range till 1.54 - stealth-boost!)
stacking DoTs (quite nice actually)

more debuffs than you'll ever need (actually, that's any debuffs really)

baseline single target root, mezz, confuse, amnesia...

I'm wondering whether I go all matter for now or go more mind for a bit and get me a pet...

(got a few final specs... 50 matter 20 body could be fun if they fix the level 20 spec root, or 41 matter 34 mind...)

Hrm tis rather similar to mana/mentalism Mentalists... cept better damage on the DoTs, but no power or heat buffs... and no aoe dot.


Another thing I noticed yesterday was that my (mind) sorc's debuffs are now insta-cast :D oobar!


Originally posted by Fingoniel
Hrm tis rather similar to mana/mentalism Mentalists... cept better damage on the DoTs, but no power or heat buffs... and no aoe dot.
Slow down there... ments don't get heat buffs or debuffs, or ae mez, or pets that don't chew you up. :p
Mana/ment mentalist gets spec dot, ae dot, base dot, hp regen, mana regen, heals (spec and base), mez, confuse, stun, and no useful nuke (only nukes are light). :p


50 Matter, 20 Mind !!

Urgh . .

IMO Matter is still a waste of points. I'd only spec it to get the first DD/snare and only then as it's on a different resist to my Mez/Root (can be used as a 3rd attempt to get away if the target is CC immune to mez/root).

Matter is supposedly good in PvE for soloing (double DoT), but it seems that fast damage is king in RvR so I'd question the merits of a slow ticking DoT (I only use mine to interupt Casters/Archers).

Also you'd be left with the 14 spec AoE Mez (lol) and no AoE Root.

Don't do it ;)



Cabalists are Uber

i rock.... Cabalsts rock

Tomorrow i rock even more.

Matter Sorc <<< Matter Cabby

and with a cabby if i spec matter, i still get great base line pets

admittidly some are broken though but the ones i use a great, just DONT get Juggernaut RA it SUCKS more than thoses girls u see down side streets....

i digress (sp?)

Thanks Wiffle, indeed Cabbys rock

Tilda :D


Oooo just thought of this too,
(sorry for thread Hijacking if thats what im doing, im not sure)

Im not sure which to make,
-- a full rejuv Cleric/enhance
-- a mainly body rest minds ish sorc
-- earth wizard

umm think thats it

but i cant decided which one to make =)

Tilda again

p.s. you should here the crys in our guild chat when i strip... (Gawain :D )


50 Matter 20 mind is a very uber spec imo....... 1v1 duesl nothign beats that.

with the right RA's, you can crit your dot for 200 dmg a tick, with a 250-500 dmg Snare DD....... when fighting tanks i was getting 4 snares in by time they reached me.... if they still wanted to fight u can run back twice as fast as them and finish em off.......
Mezz gets gimped to hell next patch with only the people in the center of your mezz beign affected by the full duration of time.

#1 The DoT's on 50 matter spec are evul!
#2 Snare DD is nice, 250-500 dmg on average with speed decrease
#3 Mezz is gimped next patch


Don't forget snare gets fixed in a later patch.


mmm :)

ok you've failed miserably... I'm going full matter...

Slow down there... ments don't get heat buffs or debuffs, or ae mez, or pets that don't chew you up.
Mana/ment mentalist gets spec dot, ae dot, base dot, hp regen, mana regen, heals (spec and base), mez, confuse, stun, and no useful nuke (only nukes are light).

neither does a full matter sorc ;)
the resist debuffs are in body spec , the ae mezz in mind spec along with the pet,

Mana/ment mentalist gets
Base Dot, Spec dot, Aoe Dot
Mez confuse stun, base nuke
those funky regen things

Matter sorc gets
Base dot, spec dot
mez confuse amnesia
spec nuke/snare
base lifedrain
more debuffs than you'll ever need

Mana/ment gets more toys (and some nice ones at that), but the matter sorc's DoTs are both in the same line so both at highest level, the (single target) mezz is baseline too...

they're a little bit similar :) but not very. Oh well I'll tell you how I do anyway ;)


Originally posted by Tilda
Oooo just thought of this too,
(sorry for thread Hijacking if thats what im doing, im not sure)

Im not sure which to make,
-- a full rejuv Cleric/enhance
-- a mainly body rest minds ish sorc
-- earth wizard

umm think thats it

but i cant decided which one to make =)

Tilda again

p.s. you should here the crys in our guild chat when i strip... (Gawain :D )

Everyone and their brother is making a rejuv/enhance cleric these days - I made a smite/rejuv ;)

Body sorcs are superb, might want to level up with body/mind fairly even to get the pets (until you hit 24 mind or wherever you're stopping at)

earth wizzies are fun :) different anyway....

no worries about the hijack :)

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