Savages ... your answer needed :)!!



Hi all,

wanted to ask some questions aboput savages :)

1. How u begin typical rvr fight :) ?
2. How many of you uses different Claws, i mean Slash,Trust, Crush. I mean have It With you in rvr, and changing it in battle or so :) ?
3. Which buffs are most used in RvR combat :) ?

4. And last one : Your specc :) and hp unbuffed :) ?
5. Your average dmg u make in rvr :) on yellows :) ?

Thx to those who gonna answer :)

P.s. Lair Rule is on: When u have nothing to say, just say nothing.


Not that many use crush claws, not many at all


Well theres never 'a way to play' you'll find your own, but mine so far I can tell ya.. im valk race, got about 1500 hp unbuffed (uncapped), I use 2x thrust weps most of the time, cos - Thrust damage = 50%dex50%str slash = 100%str - Valk = dex/qui mainly. Wild Call is a good anytime h2h style and Clan's Call has a 2sec(ish) stun from behind with quite nice damage. When fighting proper melee fights, I use attack speed decrese and Increase Evade style's.

at lvl 45:-

Vs lvl 50 Caster.

Vs lvl 50 scout.

Stats on my lvl 50 buffed Savage

I use evade shout, increased melee damage shout and haste shouts, if i get the chance to do a resist shout I will.

specced 50h2h 42savagery rest parry.

Hope that helps m8.

btw, nerf your smilies!!11


oh pudzy is it true please i thought ALL H2H was 50%dex/str
not slash 100its liek saying hunters spears are str bases on the slash ones please can somone clear this up for me once and for all!?


Thinking of doing a 2h savage on excal,is 2h axe better than 2h sword?or other way around?and what's good 2h savage spec?heard they do very good,nice hits pudz btw.


Ah thats a point, if you plan for a h2h savage, make it 2h till 40 then respec.

36 savagery

could be a nice 2h spec, havent really seen any others, but with this you get a decent attack speed/parry shout and higher than normal parry.


Thanks and by the way what's a good h2h spec?

I have heard from a savage on excal 44 weap(h2h or 2h) 49 savagery 9 parry is good but that leaves very low parry so your spec seems a more all rounded spec.


just reading about the 49 savagery seems a waste to me on a h2h savage.

last thrust buff= infiltrators wont attack you cos they die usually
last haste buff= only good for 2h you be close to cap if not cap if you choose valkyn/kobald with 10 qwik *if not its about 2/10ths of a second faster or something stupid.

personally im going 50 H2H to get as much wepon skill chances to 2/3/4 hit as possible.

45 savagery last evade buff... id stop there if you really want and drop off a few H2H points and a tiny bit more parry.

id rather have the 50 style for PvE and tiny bit more wepaon skill

im not sure about this splt spec milarky, if i wanted that id be a zerker

hmm whatever :)


Ok finally decided i am doing 50 h2h 39 savagery 18 parry and being a little kobold:) leaves no points left too and kobold should hit that 1.5s speed cap.


Only bothered getting my savage to BG1 level, and currently no intention of xping further although stranger things have happened.

Spec I'd thought about was 2h: 44wep , 42 savagery and 25 h2h. The 25 h2h spec with +11 and RR's should, given the stats provided by VN logs, provide approx a 25% chance of double hits and very occasionaly triples.

Fundamentally this should be a consistent damage dealer, with the occasional nice hits. But like I said, no personal damage logs myself, all opinions are based upon reading the boards across the pond.

old.Ozird Rinfut

Originally posted by pudzy
Ah thats a point, if you plan for a h2h savage, make it 2h till 40 then respec.

36 savagery

could be a nice 2h spec, havent really seen any others, but with this you get a decent attack speed/parry shout and higher than normal parry.

50 hammer? the 50 style is the 3rd from a block followup, not very useful for a savage.

I plan going 50 axe, 40 savagery and rest parry i think it was. Got 41 axe now and like it very much :)


Originally posted by pudzy
I use 2x thrust weps most of the time, cos - Thrust damage = 50%dex50%str slash = 100%str

Wrong. All HtH weapons, no matter what type of damage they do, are 50/50 str/dex. Try equipping different type HtH wepaons with identical stats, your weapskill will not change.

You can't say that slash and thrust are 100 str and 50/50 str/dex because it is not divided like that, it is divided by weapon skill name and not the type of damage. Axe, hammers and swords are 100% str, spears are 50/50, HtH are 50/50, Bow is 100% dex as are staffs.

And for the questions asked by the original poster:

1. How u begin typical rvr fight ?

A: In big brawls I pick a target and attack, if I do not get CC'ed I fire my self buffs and kill away. If it is small battles I fire the buffs straight away because if I get CCed a healer can usually cure it before buffs run out. I try and use the side and back positional styles due to their bonus to attack, I use attack speed debuff every so often as well, taunt shout to interrupt casters.

2. How many of you uses different Claws, i mean Slash,Trust, Crush. I mean have It With you in rvr, and changing it in battle or so?

A: I stick with claws, mainly because I HATE the look of greaves. Greaves have a slower speed allowing you bigger hits tho, but afaik slash is the best choice in regards to armor bonusses/neutrals. I don't switch claws around ever, I am maxed in all but fire resist (22) and HP (+140) and have no use for different claws other than damage type. But you attack so fast taking the time out to switch weapons is more wasted damage than the different bonusses can make up for.

3. Which buffs are most used in RvR combat ?

A: Haste and evade for myself, use DPS buff regularly as well along with a resist type depending on battle and how many enemies I have on me and how much hp I have left.

4. And last one : Your specc and hp unbuffed ?

A: 50 HtH, 42 savagery, 9 parry. Parry is useless in RvR as it is now, whereas evade 4, advanced evade + evade buff and a couple dodgers will benifit you way more. Unbuffed I have around 1600 hp I think, 2150ish buffed with decent buffs (32 aug shammy speclines, 50 baselines, get even more with 47 aug shaman buffs) and still 60 under hp cap from items, I am kobold with +10 con at birth.

5. Your average dmg u make in rvr on yellows ?

A: This is a tough one, as your damage varies so much. I hit casters for 160-250 regularly pr hit, plate tanks 90-120, chain 110-140 a hit. This has many variable tho, your own amount of buffs, how many the enemy has, how good resists they have and ofcourse the stuff they wear. I've hit ppl for well over 900 but also for under 400 with quadhits. Generally I like to melee "soft" targets first, as in cloth, leather and studded. I generally hand any hybrid a good beating, once I soloed two friars at once :p

GL with your savage :)


matt if i was you i'd do 2H sword/axe 5>20 then H2H 20>40 then see which you like best.

1. How u begin typical rvr fight ?

I normal go for the support class's or casters but most of the time i will try and protect my groups healer/casters.

2. How many of you uses different Claws, i mean Slash,Trust, Crush. I mean have It With you in rvr, and changing it in battle or so?

I use 2 Slash weapons I do have both slash and thrust 99%q SC crafted claws but its a pain to switch each person you fight so Slash is best been nautral to most armor types.

3. Which buffs are most used in RvR combat ?

Always use Haste/DPS/Evade buff if I have a 2h user attking me ill use a resist buff. Use resist buff when I have more than one person on me to.

4. And last one : Your specc and hp unbuffed ?

50 H2H 42 sav 9 parry, see my sig for unbuffed and buffed stats.

5. Your average dmg u make in rvr on yellows ?

See my daoc screenshots in sig


K, didnt know that, I thought the game was based on damage type rather than weapon type, easy mistake.

Efour, too much savagery, parry does f00kall in rvr anyway, shouldbe evading like a monkey with just 36.


Originally posted by pudzy
K, didnt know that, I thought the game was based on damage type rather than weapon type, easy mistake.

Efour, too much savagery, parry does f00kall in rvr anyway, shouldbe evading like a monkey with just 36.

Yeah parry is shit in rvr for a damage dealer tbh they rarely get chance to parry as they take support/casters first so will be chased,also quad hits how do you do them?yeah i know this may sound a stupid question but i haven't played a savage yet,do they take mana or something?


just luck

percentage chance

like ur DW on merc


Originally posted by pudzy
Ah thats a point, if you plan for a h2h savage, make it 2h till 40 then respec.

36 savagery

could be a nice 2h spec, havent really seen any others, but with this you get a decent attack speed/parry shout and higher than normal parry.

44 hammer 49 savagery and rest parry is better imo for hammer savage :)


Would think hard about parry.

The Savage TL has asked Mythic to nerf Savage parry in light of the block/parry fix in 1.62. He feels it makes the class too overpowered and is trying to preempt any damage nerf by jumping in now and having savage parry ability toned right down. By that I reckon he means remove the parry buff.

As it was the TL who pointed out the imperfect hit bug, I reckon they'll listen.

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