sanya baaaaaad idea

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sanya has been led astray.....

Them’s the questions. Speaking of European players, there are a bunch of crazed lunatics planning a tour of "Albion." Seriously. They’re going on a week long camping trip/sightseeing tour/drinking binge, with planned stops at sites found both in game and in real life. It looks like more fun than ANYTHING, and I surely do wish I could go. Their website can’t take the hit a Herald link would bring them, so forgive me for not posting such a link – but I just wanted to give a shout out to Amothus, Sparklehorse, and the rest of the CT crew for coming up with the plan in the first place. If this trip is fun, they’re planning future trips to "Midgard" and "Hibernia."

someone email the woman and put her straight....


Actually, I already have emailed her to say that CT are a bunch of cunts.
For what it's worth ^^


what you need is someone strong to guide you


like meeehhh

Futurama and Tool?! A man of taste, Arnor :p

edit: sorry, troll of taste :p


so so sad

Well... as Cronn said...


in case you missed it

Them’s the questions. Speaking of European players, there are a bunch of crazed lunatics planning a tour of "Albion." Seriously. They’re going on a week long camping trip/sightseeing tour/drinking binge, with planned stops at sites found both in game and in real life. It looks like more fun than ANYTHING, and I surely do wish I could go. Their website can’t take the hit a Herald link would bring them, so forgive me for not posting such a link – but I just wanted to give a shout out to Amothus, Sparklehorse, and the rest of the CT crew for coming up with the plan in the first place. If this trip is fun, they’re planning future trips to "Midgard" and "Hibernia."

This particular trip is booked already, with the bus already rented – but just out of sheer curiosity, who thinks that sounds like fun? Would you go if it had less camping and more showering? If you’ve got an opinion one way or the other, write to me with the header TOUR. Seriously interested parties only – if you don’t even have a passport, please wait until the topic comes up again. It probably will.

If you’ve planned a trip like that, or even just a gathering of players at the local Dairy Queen, and you’d like me to announce it, just drop me a line ( with GATHERING in the header. I’m happy to publicize any event that is really going to happen – please, no "maybes or might bes."

Have a good weekend, everyone! A little bird tells me there will be some updates next week on long awaited things, so watch this space.

are you going to start flaming people for copying US now?



At least somebody loves us, even if it is an american...

Aule Valar

and everyone knows how intelligent americans are, especially sanya....


I must say... The trip sounds like great fun - too bad it's the CT bunch who's leading it. However, I find it fun do so something like this, when (random quote of CT people):

it's only a game ffs! grow up!

'nuff said!

[CT] Clone

Originally posted by old.Fangrim
I must say... The trip sounds like great fun - too bad it's the CT bunch who's leading it. However, I find it fun do so something like this, when (random quote of CT people):

'nuff said!

rofl...FFS! its only a tour


I think fair to them, if they're doing a tour :)

I expect the lack of linkage to their website is not entirely to do with bandwidth though :) (can imagine the reaction of the average herald reader to the CT forums..)

The trip they did to Llyn barfog was quite cool :)

Admittedly they're a bunch of arses at other times but hey ;) their tours are ok.


For CT

CT= The reason condoms were invented...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................nuff said ;-))


Well, few things I guess....

Firstly, the main reason we're complete 'cunts' as you put it in game is because of the people we play with. You're all upperty fucking dick heads with no sense of humour - blah blah crap argument been there before etc etc.

Secondly, outside of the game, we're a great laff and a nice bunch of peeps. Our tours are generally a great laff and everyone involved loves it to bits.

Thirdly, not only are Mythic HAPPY that we're doin the tour, but they've seen our forums, they loved the barfog thing, and they're providing us with a lot of promotional material for the tour - WHOOPS did I say that out loud???

Why must you all think you're so high and mighty that you have to email Mythic to inform them about what such 'cunts' we are? We've taken the time to organise a 1000 pound + tour around the UK in HONOUR of the game aswell as contacting various people for sponsorship and promotional material.

Who else is doing this???

So what exactly then, makes us 'cunts'?

Jealousy is the best form of flattery, and we and Mythic have a great relationship now. We have hiddin nothing from them with regards to our forums, and even when we did Sanya still went and found it all lol.

Why can't you just let bygones be bygones? If you think we're such 'cunts' organise your own tour, email Sanya and tell her... but then again, would you want to be seen copying Chaos Theory?

Now there's a dilemma.

Grow up, and live with it.


Originally posted by [CT]Clone1
Well, few things I guess....

Firstly, the main reason we're complete 'cunts' as you put it in game is because of the people we play with. You're all upperty fucking dick heads with no sense of humour - blah blah crap argument been there before etc etc.

ALL of us? You mean like EVERYONE? Like all the lowbies who has never seen the BW forums in Mithra AND in DF?

Thirdly, not only are Mythic HAPPY that we're doin the tour, but they've seen our forums, they loved the barfog thing, and they're providing us with a lot of promotional material for the tour - WHOOPS did I say that out loud???

So that's why they put up that excuse of why not posting the link to your pages? :rolleyes:

Why must you all think you're so high and mighty that you have to email Mythic to inform them about what such 'cunts' we are? We've taken the time to organise a 1000 pound + tour around the UK in HONOUR of the game aswell as contacting various people for sponsorship and promotional material.

That's great! But there's alot that's not. :p

So what exactly then, makes us 'cunts'?

Awwww, you know what we meen :p

Jealousy is the best form of flattery, and we and Mythic have a great relationship now. We have hiddin nothing from them with regards to our forums, and even when we did Sanya still went and found it all lol.

Oh.. obviously they didn't find EVERYTHING. Or if they did, they certainly didn't front it on the Herald did they? :p

Why can't you just let bygones be bygones? If you think we're such 'cunts' organise your own tour, email Sanya and tell her... but then again, would you want to be seen copying Chaos Theory?

Oh, we didn't start the copying thing, and we're probably not going to keep up your tradition :p


Before any plans of ravaging my own beautiful country are made, allow me to say, after living in the "Vale of Mularn" and training at the Uppland military base (no not Svasud you nutters), with roots in Jamtland, having bathed in Vanern "swamp" and fought of the fierce inhabitants of Malmo(hus), that it really really is nothing you wish to tour :p


About the Mythic non link thing...

Sanya sed she wanted to put a link to our tour site in the email, but she did forwarn me that a lot of fan sites have been closed due to too much traffic from links on the Herald. As I get charged for excessive bandwith usage, and the fact that the tour site is a flash site (being 375k) I kinda figured that my ISP might have kittens at 1500+ ppl viewing 375k a time.

That's all, my fault not Sanyas - she was more than willing.

And do you not think the fact that she is accepting PERSONAL EMAILS TO HERSELF regarding people coming on OUR TOUR as something a little bit more than just a bunch of 'cunts' going arounf the UK?

Just leave it kids.

Why must you people be soo petty as to try and ruin everything that anyone tries to do?

Oh, one amendment - I didn't mean EVERYONE no, I apologies, a lot of ppl are real cool in game - but they aint the anal people on barryswhine forums.


Originally posted by [CT]Clone1
That's all, my fault not Sanyas - she was more than willing.


thxinfo ^^


Originally posted by [CT]Clone1
Just leave it kids.

Why must you people be soo petty as to try and ruin everything that anyone tries to do?

And here it finally comes to an end :p


Originally posted by [CT]Clone1

Why must you people be soo petty as to try and ruin everything that anyone tries to do?

Oh, one amendment - I didn't mean EVERYONE no, I apologies, a lot of ppl are real cool in game - but they aint the anal people on barryswhine forums.

well lets see,

1. ruining Mithra for lowlevels with a bad excuse.
2. Harrasing other players preventing them from buying DF stuff.
3. being totally cocky about in on the forum.

that said, I am a firm believer in second chances, so I will wish you luck with your tour and IF you guys clear out your act ingame I might even regain some respect (nothing wrong with an occational laugh, but can you truly and honestly say that the DF thing wasn´t being exagerated(sp?) from your side?).


didn't an american guild kill all the df merchants.. but they were roleplaying. CF might have been doing the same thing?


Originally posted by Conchabar
didn't an american guild kill all the df merchants.. but they were roleplaying. CF might have been doing the same thing?


CT was copying the americans, and in a very bad way.

GOA obviously meant that they did it to harrash people and not for roleplay as they all received a 3 day ban

[CT] Clone


just like to add, and correct you guys...we never got banned for the df thing..

the ban was for something else..

dont know where the df ban thing came from..


Clone, I think you're cunts because I have yet to meet a Chaos Theory member who was not an ignorant retard with the rare ability to whinge more than me about less whinge-deserving things.
Ergo, you're all cunts. Furthermore to act like cunts and then tell everyone that they have no sense of humour... oh god, come on. Most of us get past that level of humour when we're about 9 years old.


You lot always make me laugh... you go on and on and on and on making up a big long speal saying you know everything, when really you're miles from the truth!!

that one about a lame excuse about not linking to our pages, thats a good one, as it is Sanya went to our web page herself and joked about it's content and gave us the choice wether we wanted a link to our tour site, which we declined because face it, what english isp is going to like 50,000 people hitting it within the space of a couple of hours - is run on a personal account - not a business one.

anyways, heres some Sanya quotes for you
Who cares if it brings new customers or not, that's the coolest thing I've
ever heard. *We* want to go, for heaven's sake.
if we were on the same side of the ocean, I'd beg to come
the extent of our
involvement with the Euro servers is pretty much emailing zip files every
few weeks
You guys do use the "c-word" a little more than most forums I've seen But
since you hadn't *given* me a link, I assumed it was very much "enter at your own risk" :) for me!
I will mention your tour on my column tomorrow and
ask people to write to me if they're interested in a rated-R-for-language
tour involving camping and drinking for a week

So in reality, Mythic, know all about our ban, they know all about our language, they know all about our site, they know all about our antics in excalibur, they know all about us re-enacting the merchant killing.. AND THEY DON'T CARE

So go on peeps, keep making up pathetic attempts to flame, email her to your hearts content, whinge and whine to the ends of the earth - we couldn't care less, besides I love laughing at the long winded storys you lot make up...
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