Salvaging metal


Cap'n Sissyfoo

How does your metal working skill determine the amount of metal you salvage from an item? I know that having 700+ skill is needed to get the most out of asterite drops but if, for example, I had *just* 700 MW skill would the amount of asterite I gained vary?

Hmm, I am not being very clear. Okay, lemme try it this way. I have several dozen arcanium drops in my vault which I would like to salvage when I hit 900 skill. Would it be better to wait till I hit 950 skill to get the most metal out of them or does it not matter? I don't intend to trinket them...just craft more doohickeys using the metal. :)


you can salvage them at 900, you just will have to make more trinkets cause you can only make the one which uses 1 metal instead of 2 but the money gained will be the same



Plus the higher your skill doesn't determine how much metal you salvage for - it either works or it doesn't - but if it doesn't, generally speaking, you lose the item.


Re: metal

Originally posted by legaoniel.old
Plus the higher your skill doesn't determine how much metal you salvage for - it either works or it doesn't - but if it doesn't, generally speaking, you lose the item.



Re: metal

Originally posted by legaoniel.old
Plus the higher your skill doesn't determine how much metal you salvage for - it either works or it doesn't - but if it doesn't, generally speaking, you lose the item.

No..... In fact your skill is the determining factor in how much metal you will get back from a particular item.

If your skill is below the level of the item, then you get less metal back, if its higher then the level of the item, you get the full amount of metal back. If your skill is really low, you wont get anything back and loose the item.

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