Salvage operation thread...


old.Trine Aquavit

We've got one night to get the stuff off GOAs site onto here. Save what you can before it all gets consigned to history!

Call me selfish, but I'm saving my songs :)

From: 'the nerve of some people'

Sarum The Black makes a jibe about Trine:

Trine sings:

"Sarum The Black, the Albion Arch Mage
Should really be locked in a well padded cage
Beasts run for miles and plants start to whither
When Sarum the Black comes travelling hither
The fear he inspires comes not from his spell
But from something a little more 'au naturel'
The danger he poses to all that he passes
Is that humungous great cloud of poisonous gasses
The power of which comes within his means
Simply by eating one tin of beans"

From: "So long... and thanks for all the flames"

Brannor announces he's leaving...

Trine sings:

"Brannor the Good, was an excellent Mod,
But he took one flame too far from some miserable sod
Tired of the whinges and endless flame thrower
For the very last time: 'I don't work for GOA!'
So he hangs up his worn-out, old moderating sticks
(+3 on dealing with insufferable pr*cks)
And looks for a quieter, easier life
Away from the bile, the ignorance and strife

But lo, from the forum, some voices are heard
'Hey, Brannor, if you don't mind, we'd quite like a word'
'We don't want you to go, it's as simple as that'
'We like your good humour, and chewing the fat'
'We know you can't keep taking stick with impunity'
'But you bring such a lot to this new-born community'
So, Brannor, drop the modding and keep playing your tanks
Don't go and leave us for those insufferable yanks!"

Brannor reveals it was all a joke for his 1000th post...

Trine sings:

"So Brannor the Good becomes Brannor the Bad
It seems that this chap is a bit of a cad
For his one thousandth post he had planned and he'd schemed
His intentions to leave were not what they seemed
It was all just apart of an elaborate joke
To play on us naive, young Camelot folk
He'd pretend to be going and stir up reaction
To find out who's on his own 'Brannor faction'

Well, it looks like we fell for it 'hook line and sinker'
And that Brannor McThife is a bit of a stinker
And though it was his friends that he mostly defrauded
The success of the deception simply must be applauded
So, well done Brannor, you got us all this time
But from now on it'll be you who'll be in the firing line
For you have to understand that more than one can play those games
And we will all remember: 'So long, and thanks for all the flames'"


Damn, I remember those on teh GOA forums and they are just so excellent.


i chose to salvage my storys and put them in a much nicer setting :) check the link in my siggie and itll take you to my tavern :)


I don't feel like salvaging anything really when I start to remember all the things I could've said after some incident ;)

Sarum TheBlack

Looking back over old, old posts is fun.. (yes, I'm bored today) I still have the song about me lurking on my PC somewhere, but I'm bumping the thread for.. well for no real reason really. So sue me.

(remember Brannor's big scam first, and laugh, for those of us who were about all those months ago)

Sarum TheBlack

Hey! get that pointy stick away from me... they kill us weak casters you know..

Sarum TheBlack


Yay for danyan!!

Gonna get yourself owned now Mr.!!

old.Trine Aquavit

Hey, I got bumped!

This song is also available from my collection (see link in sig).

Haven't written anything new for a while. Malmo seems to have drained me of inspiration :(


Originally posted by Aeiedil
i chose to salvage my storys and put them in a much nicer setting :) check the link in my siggie and itll take you to my tavern :)

what link?

Sarum TheBlack

Originally posted by old.Trine Aquavit
Haven't written anything new for a while. Malmo seems to have drained me of inspiration :(

I'm a source of inspiration to many... tho I guess since you've never met me (afaik) I guess I don't count ;).


who the hell dredged up this thread? its ancient
what tales i did do are on but atm i am at uni so not writing on the site, and havent been for a while for this reason

however i am now writing a nwn module that will make the player track down Aeiedel Aldaron, and so uncover his story (i hope, if the aurora toolset starts working better) :) so far i have put a version of muire tombs in (theres a rift in the family, for reasons that will be obvious if i ever publish the module), more than likely i will just wind up keeping the module for my own reference for a story :) muire tomb has some nice level 20 items in ;) instead of a scorpinia regina theres a spider queen that drops a nice cloak :) still working on it anyway :D shall try to remember to keep forum posted :)

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