WD on RR5 m8
It probably took Zilly a lot longer than most SB's of his calibre to pop RR5...but only because he always puts his guild before any personal quest for RP. When he's needed he is always there...as well as being the best damn recon in Midgard (example of which was the 2 hours patiently monitoring and giving accurate feedback on Excal prior to the relic raid yesterday right up to the point he gave us the green light to go.
CE is proud to have you as a member m8 !!!

It probably took Zilly a lot longer than most SB's of his calibre to pop RR5...but only because he always puts his guild before any personal quest for RP. When he's needed he is always there...as well as being the best damn recon in Midgard (example of which was the 2 hours patiently monitoring and giving accurate feedback on Excal prior to the relic raid yesterday right up to the point he gave us the green light to go.
CE is proud to have you as a member m8 !!!