/salute to a good (player for a change)



Yesterday while defending Dun Crauchon I spied Dunderklumpen *the big green troll skald(c)* and decided to chase him, I think the only reason he was backing off was the fact that there were several hibs waiting outside the keep so it was a bit dangerous for him to approach me but still... I start to run towards him when suddenly my hard drive starts wirring like mad and I'm booted instantly to windows :( "oh shite" methinks "I'm a dead lil elfie when I relog".

So I logs in again and lo and behold there in front of me, not 3 ft away is Dunderklumpen *the big green troll skald(c)*, he waves to me then turns and leaves the scene... it's all I can do to wave back.. and run back to the keep cursing the game and my crap pc equally but yet appreciating good fair play by an enemy player when he realised it was just technology and not ability that would've got him some free rp's.

so anyway, /salute to Dunderklumpen *the big green troll skald(c)*
a fair player and a nice person also... Though you missed out on those 23 rp's you woulda probably got for killing this elf. :D


Yeah Dunderklumpen is one of the nicest guys around, hes a real sweetie and a very good player.

And you are worth slightly more than 23 rp's Cornell :D

Noita Helsdottir
Spiritmaster of 46 Winters
Eye of Odin
Flammen Vakten


hehe, nice to see some middie with some code of moral or whatever one can call it :)

/em salutes Dunder



aye dunder was really fair....just don't expect all of us evuuuul mids to do the same :D


errr... we dont ;)

mids are barbarians and we know it :cool:
what that makes dunder... i dont know.. a soft middie? ;)


green sissy girl :D well fair enuff if he wants to go around helping hibs his choice but i would bolt u ne time i c u cornell.. i luv elf casters :D


Originally posted by Shike
hehe, nice to see some middie with some code of moral or whatever one can call it :)

/em salutes Dunder


From my experience mids are always far more fair, moral and lets not forget fun opponents to fight. Albs are just... albs :/


<nod> I'd have been hacking away at your corpse while your modem reconnected.

Level 50 Infiltrator

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by svar
From my experience mids are always far more fair, moral and lets not forget fun opponents to fight. Albs are just... albs :/

Hey, I don't care what side I'm playing, or who I'm against. Take that stupid (cleric?) Alb we found alone last night by the Sucubi...he waved, we hit, he went squish, we waved. Priorities. ;)

Once tracked down a group of merauding Hibbies (with teh Firetruck leading us. ;) ) Ganked them, and watched as their lowbie druid - who must have gone LD and was why they were waiting around - logged back in to see 3 trolls hacking away at his green ass with his high level group lying dead around him. :)

Kill first, emote later.


- Pathfinder -

Seriously, people not killing characters who are in transit so to speak need their heads examined ;) If you don't kill him/her, what then? Run off, or just stand there waiting for them to log on? If you're solo, and a cleric logs on, you probabaly signed your own death warrant :p Honour concept is TBH meaningless; if you're so honourable, I suppose you never attack a group of eight if you have three groups with you?


3 groups of against 1 is just unfortunate for the single group (unless they are good or much higher level). But killing someone when they're not even in the game was what this post was about.
The single alb Brannor mentioned probably knew he had no chance against a full group an so decided just to wave, I also do things like this when I realise I am already dead...

I'm not saying everyone has to do it and it definitely wasn't any flame on people who do kill as people are clearly logging in, just saying thankyou to Dunderklumpen *the big green troll skald(c)* as he clearly favours playing the game over racking up rp's without using any skill at all. Hell! as he was stood there waving to me I could've just stunned him and nuked to death but I'm not that bad either.

I like the satisfaction I've just got the better of someone due to their mistakes, my skill, and often a little luck but not due to some technical issue that no-one has any control of :)

- Pathfinder -

War is war ;) If I run into someone solo, fair enough we fight, but I'd neevr stand around and wait for someone to log in ;)

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by - Pathfinder -
...but I'd neevr stand around and wait for someone to log in ;)
I thought all you SotL'ers parked in docking stations to rest every night and recharge, and when you, Blaen, login, you just /stick to the nearest one.

Oh wait, that's Eye of Odin...no wait, that's the Borg, no wait. That IS Eye of Odin. :flame:

The last bit's true though isn't it? You follow someone back to where they logout, then logout after them, only to return before them and wait to be led off somewhere again, right? RIGHT? ;)



- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Oh wait, that's Eye of Odin...no wait, that's the Borg, no wait. That IS Eye of Odin. :flame:

Quite so. Long live the Mid Zerg!

The last bit's true though isn't it? You follow someone back to where they logout, then logout after them, only to return before them and wait to be led off somewhere again, right?

Yes, do you expect me to get my own bloody RP?



Oh NO!

Dunder's gonna have a big head now. Don't tell him he's any good.. get back in your box Dunder...

'I want to come out and wave to the nice elfies'.

They don't wanna see you, now shut up while i padlock the lid.

'Adrira let's me come out and wave to the nice elfies..'



Exact same thing happened to me today.. I was running from the APK to AMG in emain, and suddenly I get s "Dunder waves to you!" message and I see a big bulky green shape wobbling along behind me. I do the typical inf reaction.. F8-stick-garrotte, and he parries easily. I think "I'm dead" and because I'm gray to him I put my weapon away, and dance. Then bow. Then point into the distance. Then run away.

Thanks for letting someone else kill me :)

old.Max Payne

Originally posted by Brannor McThife

Oh wait, that's Eye of Odin...no wait, that's the Borg, no wait. That IS Eye of Odin. :flame:


what do you all got against EoO?


Somehow i did never really post in this thread so obviously related to me so i do it now :)

Actually i had the wrong qb open what ment to be my insta dds was just my silly /wave macro... Darn..

btw i love this thread /clap /clap..


Oh man how old is this. :p

Standing outside Odins pk's with Dunder was a laugh. :D


Only a year m8 :).. come to camlann and we shall stand side by side again :p


I am serching BW for old posts and upon reading this my eyes got all watery :p
Originally posted by Glacier

U was the first enemy i ever encountered in this game.. as the lowbie Cyrax the lvl 31 Warden.. u tricked us all over the place with your sneaky skills :).
Back when hibs had no 50`s, the names on everyone`s lips was Dunderklumpen, Blood, and Death :)


All those memories /cry... and blood is gone.. /cry even more

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