salmon of doubt


Private Dancer

has any1 read this sposedly 6th book in the hitch hikers guide series... which it doesnt appear to me to be (although it would b great if it was) coz i love the hith hickers guide series and teatime but im not to keen on dirk gently!

... and if u have read it... is it worth reading?????


I have read it.

Half the book is autobiographical and talks about all kinds of rubbish about his life, views, opinions and general crap....still an interesting read...Gave me more of an insight into his life and experiences...some of which was very amusing indeed!!

Then there is also part of the 6th book of Hitchhikers guide which was getting really interesting and then stops dead...which is very disapointing as I was quite absorbed in it.

There is also a short story with old Zaphod which was very amusing.

I am glad I read the book but it wasnt what I was expecting.

I guess i'm just sad that he has passed away and didnt finish a book that would have been as good if not better than the others.

edit: there were quite a few quotes in there I would like to extract from the I will have to read it again...which will be easy enough to do.

Testin da Cable

I read it, but it didn't particularly blow my whistle. imo the story just died after "the restaurant"


I'm half way through it and will finish it one day. I go through bouts of reading. Read everything I can get my hands on for a couple of months and then I stop reading for a couple of months. Strange really.

Private Dancer

Yeah... I do the same.... I think it has to do with the weather... i read loads in the summer.... almost excesivly.... then i hardley read anything in the winter...... dont know why tho!

(sorry bout the double post..... didnt mean too!)

Private Dancer

Yeah... I do the same.... I think it has to do with the weather... i read loads in the summer.... almost excesivly.... then i hardley read anything in the winter...... dont know why tho!

anyway... thx ppl... i might get round to reading... it sounds worth a look... but not really urgently!


Originally posted by dysfunction
II guess i'm just sad that he has passed away and didnt finish a book that would have been as good if not better than the others.

One of the greatest tragedies was that Adams was not only one of the world's literary genius, he was also one of the world's biggest procrastinators.

A recommended read is Dont Panic, the story of how people worked very hard to get Adams to produce anything, he was an incredibly difficult person wrapped up in his own world.

IIRC, the H2G2 Radio series had finished and Adams had done the first book which covered about 50-60% of it, so the material and the ideas for a second book were already there, nevertheless the publishers realised that with the release date looming and he still hadn't started, that something drastic would be needed.

Eventually they rented a flat for a month and didn't let him out until he'd completed it.

This form of writers block probably came from his perfectionism, sadly he didn't really become a prolific author, when you compare him to the equally brilliant Terry Pratchett, who has written around three times as many books in half the time.


I dont think he really enjoyed writing that much. Its something that just happened to him and not something he strived to do...even though he wrote very well.

He certainly gives the impression in this book that he was hounded all the time to meet deadlines for his books etc and then still missed them (which I think he secretly enjoyed doing)!!

I love Terry Pratchetts books they are absolutely superb. which reminds me I must buy his latest one!

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