Sale of Few Mp Stuff



KKs, gonna go lvl my alt full time now. Got a few MP pieces for sale tho :

1 X Scale Af 102 Helm MP
1 X Scale Af 102 Sleeves MP
1 X Scale Af 102 Gloves MP

Ill be in semi-retirement as crafter but i still might do a few orders if i get really bored.

For af 102,
Full rf is between Low 2ps to 1.6ps.
Full Scale is between mid-4ps to 3.4ps, depending on remakes.

Contact Wooddie, Woodhind and Woodtwigs for offers.

Typicall Woodhind (the ACer) is parked at AF, so go there if u wanna buy anything.

Till then have fun, and thanx to me old patrons :D

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