wont s/s drain ur power since ur gonna use the base single DD in void? ive got a 25% dura temp (assuming you're void to debuff for someone) for ya though if you're interested and you can just swap to s/s whenever's stuff on you.
i have s/s on all my casters and i have no mana issuses! i have ofc 25% siphon, capped toa stats, 25% dura, and then infernal sleeves and a greater power myth.. i never run out of many when 8vs8 or even with 2 figths in a row.. so the thing ppl asks about the problems about s/s and mana.. its not a problem.. and bonus with s/s is that u often block the theurg/druid/hunter pets![]()
Yeh but uve got a million dollar template, not everyone has access to power myths AND infernal sleeves. Blocking pets is meaningless, it still rupts your caster![]()
Ehh you should be interupted even you are blocking?
well it works like i say believe it or not![]()
was playing my heretic yday and i was healing a groupmate. a skald charged in and i blocked his hit and i got interrupted. Infernal sleeves are around 300 to 400plat, assuming you can find someone that is willing to sell one. Yes you obviously wont notice much power loss if you're using spec spells, but, Bloodomen as example, a void eld would undergo heavy losses since he has to use his Base DD's as his primary dps. Keep in mind that going into combat halves your power regeneration.. infact i think it completely stops your natural power regeneration.
edit: You think that blocking ignores interrupts, but iin daoc, if you complete 75% of your spells cast time you cannot be interrupted anymore, unless amnesia/stun/mezz/silence etc. Since you're playing casters i can safely assume you are casting on cap spell speed (1.5 seconds). So in other words, you're most likely crossing the 75%, hence why you arent being interrupted.