Can't wait to own your ass.
Except cornokz
I'm fine man.
I'm fine man.
Sorin back like the proverbial prodigal twat I see.
And you still reply like a butfucker.
This gonna be ur 4th banned acc on FH?
Fun to make new FH accounts i guess
No.. i just don't give up.
If i wanna be able to view and post on fh, i will.
No.. i just don't give up.
If i wanna be able to view and post on fh, i will.
No.. i just don't give up.
If i wanna be able to view and post on fh, i will.
No.. i just don't give up.
If i wanna be able to view and post on fh, i will.
Ignore him and he will go away
Don't reply to his posts and he will most likely get bored and leave.. Dorimor did after some time and so did most of the rest
Listen guys..
When i was 12, i fucked my teddy bear.
Cuz no girls wanted me
They still don't.
Am quite honestly interested to know how it feels to be the most hated person on a forum. While I usually wouldn't care, I do have to wonder, with all of the comedic exits of past, what with dorimor, wrathofsaurons and all the others of late, what really drives you to keep coming back here?
I ask this only in a matter of complete bemusement (sp?). I for one cannot honestly see why an educated person would want to continue with this ridiculously stupid persona just for shits and giggles, even if they didn't have a 'life' as such.
I see why.
Its quite simple my friend.
Its a matter of persistence and activity.
When i get home from work or training i have nothing else to do.
I either sleep, spend time with my gf, go FH, or do daoc.
And i'm a very stubborn person.. if someone bans me for what i see as an unvalid reason,
then i won't accept it.
I keep comming back and back because i don't accept the reason i got banned, and i want people to know that i can still reply, weather its good or bad posts.
So in the real world you would be like shit on your shoe, no idea where it came from and impossible to get fucking rid of.
I don't mind his posts tbh, it's just the same as anyonelses, I'm just interested as to why he keeps coming onto forums whereby no-one actually cares of his opinion. Granted I'm sure no-one really cares of mine, I'd just hope I'm not as hated as him...and the day I was would be the day I'd just stop posting.
It's the whole curiosity thing...and no, I'm not going to be killed like a cat