RvR vs PvE



I dont think either one.is better then the other,cant rvr without pve

In game,You hear alot Frustation,no matter what realm.Thats why i always allow stealthers on my team,help them lvl

2 chanters at moment,EM Spec Secondry Spec mana

I suck in rvr,but in pve I am number 1 suggested players have a team,unlike mana spec enchanters my pets 10 times as strong

Enchantiment/mana has the strongest pets in the game.it is fact
Even thou i have great strenght,its great weakness i cannot rvr,totally related on my pet,2nd Golden rule in rvr is iggroe the pet,attack the master

thats not the point sorry about that
Ok point I am tryin bring across,That Classes that cannot be pve as well,as other should never be told no when they ask for a group,life of nightshade,ranger ect of any realm is not as easy,its really tuff


Craftin rvr

People how dont have guilds I Suggest u find one,instend of making one,at low lvl guilds take time effort on all parts,but the game is about team work with your realm m8s

No one can truely rvr without the help, from crafters little
my friend made me some rvr gear for my ranger,procs sc u know the works,save me time of doing myself
it cost me 500 gold,not unreasonable price,sense it only take a 30 salvage items to make,Best way to support your realm,is offer realms a deal sc procs or crafted needed rvr gear

I made countless ppl,i never meet before free stuff,because really didnt need money at the time,so being helpful helps

Truths comes to shove we all fighting as m8s in the end,rvr

Teamworks what this game is all about


Someone call the news papers Shocking new revelations! Its hard to find a group as a archer or assassin class!!

...oh now wait a minute

Uncle Sick(tm)

Am I the only one developing horrendous headaches every time Raving Eejit posts news from la-la-land?

www.dictionary.com - you'll love it.


my friend made me some rvr gear for my ranger,procs sc u know the works,save me time of doing myself
But don't you have 3 accounts with 8 LGm crafters on each?
Seems odd that your friend would be faster than you.

Uncle Sick(tm)

I feel like standing up for the raving underdog.

stfu all tbh fgs!!


Originally posted by chretien
But don't you have 3 accounts with 8 LGm crafters on each?
Seems odd that your friend would be faster than you.



Ravin do you ever bloody read what you write ???..101% of it is pure bollocks..and thats if you have a good day


Re: Craftin rvr

Originally posted by ravingdog
I made countless ppl,i never meet before free stuff,because really didnt need money at the time,so being helpful helps
Teamworks what this game is all about


Ravin do you ever bloody read what you write ???..101% of it is pure bollocks..and thats if you have a good day


Re: Craftin rvr

Originally posted by ravingdog
I made countless ppl,i never meet before free stuff

dating guide for women?


When I started I made a ns, but within a month I'd changed to a stealther cause I couldn't level with it as my first char. I don't think many people take a stealth class to 50 if it's their first char, or if they do, it takes a very long time. So most people will be clued up on how hard this class is to get in to a group in the first place. And if they made that decision, then the blame can't be placed entirely on the people who shun them. And this isn't really going to change unless Mythic make them more group friendly.

Don't get me wrong, I let stealthers in my group unless the rest of the group thoroughly objects. I sometimes make a point of trying to start a group with my bard/druid/warden with a stealther.


Is ravingdog teh seel or something in disguise?

though actually, thinking about it... Teh seel makes far more sense.

old.Gombur Glodson

Didn't we tell you to fuck off already?


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
Didn't we tell you to fuck off already?

no that was you in the mirror's hall at Tivoli again

Urgat Rip-Eye


Don't go!

Ignore the above.

Continue to provide us all with these highly entertaining threads!



Originally posted by Flimgoblin
Is ravingdog teh seel or something in disguise?

though actually, thinking about it... Teh seel makes far more sense.

I almost was insulted..then you actually said something sweet and nice and cuddly about me!!

*hugs Flimmy!*


I dont quite understand that ? You changed from a stealther to a stealther because a stealther is hard to level as a first char ???

Originally posted by old.Alliandre
When I started I made a ns, but within a month I'd changed to a stealther cause I couldn't level with it as my first char.


heh, I actually didnt understand the first post at all

/still trying to figure out whatta hell he is talking about now


damn.. not gonna get any work done today cus of this silly post..
need to find out what it says.. is it in some foregine language or?
If it is it can only be Dook that is posting since he is a foregine


right, you got pbae, damage shield and heat debuff in mana, why the hell would you go enchantments for pve....

Urme the Legend

I suck in rvr

Ravingdog yeah.. you must suck in RvR with so many high realmrank characters! :great:

When will you stop writing these silly posts?


Originally posted by Urme the Legend
When will you stop writing these silly posts?

When we all stop responding to it like it is great news?

Berz Blackburn

ravingdog that may help you :



Originally posted by Slinker
I dont quite understand that ? You changed from a stealther to a stealther because a stealther is hard to level as a first char ???

ah but that's the cunning thing. the stealther he changes to is his *2nd* character and therefore no longer hard to level.



ravingdog takes jibberish to a whole new dimension.... :great:


Teh Seel crack code now!::

I dont think either one.is better then the other,cant rvr without pve

(I don't think in either one. One is better then the other. Can't RvR without PvE.)

In game,You hear alot Frustation,no matter what realm.Thats why i always allow stealthers on my team,help them lvl

(Ingame, Frustation talks a lot. No matter what realm. That' why i allow stealthers into my team and help them level.)

2 chanters at moment,EM Spec Secondry Spec mana

(Zhiibazhaaba my brain is on fire, let me put it out before i run out of coca-cola.)

I suck in rvr,but in pve I am number 1 suggested players have a team,unlike mana spec enchanters my pets 10 times as strong

(I'm bad in RvR but in PvE i'm the number 1 suggested player into team. My pets are 10 times stronger then mana enchanters.)

Enchantiment/mana has the strongest pets in the game.it is fact
Even thou i have great strenght,its great weakness i cannot rvr,totally related on my pet,2nd Golden rule in rvr is iggroe the pet,attack the master

(Enchantment/mana has the strongest pets in the game, this is a fact. Even though my muscle big and bulky, it cannot go into RvR because it doesn't know how to. In RvR the second golden rule ((where's the first? -Seel)) is to iggnore the pet and attack the master.)

thats not the point sorry about that

(Well bugger, i wasted all this time and space for something that isn't important.)

Ok point I am tryin bring across,That Classes that cannot be pve as well,as other should never be told no when they ask for a group,life of nightshade,ranger ect of any realm is not as easy,its really tuff

(Ok, the point of this whole thread is that classes cannot be PvE as well as others can. They should never be told "No" when they ask for a group. Life of a nightshade, ranger and such of any realm ((We got rangers in Middy? -Seel)) is not easy, it's really hard.)

So let's review.

First this guy says that RvR and PvE are different and one isn't better then the other..well...duh.

Then he speaks that there's a guy named Frustation and that he invites stealthers into his group, helps them level evidently. Well, good for Frustation. He's kind to stealthers. And evidently this is why he invites stealthers too.

Then he speaks jibberish so i decided his brain was on fire.

Then he speaks that he's the number 1 choice for other players to invite, simply because...his pets are 10 times stronger then enchanters. Now that's strong people!

Then comes this: Enchantment/mana has the strongest pets in the game.

Well..if his pets are 10 times stronger then an enchanter, how hard are his pets?! Must be 10 times strongest pets.

And lastly, he brings out his point:

Classes are different and...suprise coming...

Stealthers arn't loved.

Hope this clears things a bit.


Tohtori> Thnx m8! now all of ravingdogs jibberish makes sence to me! :clap: :clap: :clap:
must ask ravingdog to rewrite the manual for me! :lol:
But then u'll have to translate it again Tohtori... do u mind? :D

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