rvr theurgists - what do you want from YOURS?



Well there are 3 options really aren't there, based around the three levels of PBT. Disregarding the abilities of individual players, which do you prefer in your RvR groups, and why?

1) 10sec PBT, high air spec - primary nuker / backup mezzer / stun pets
2) 8sec PBT, high-ish ice spec - secondary nuker / ae rooter / nuke pets
3) 6sec PBT, low-ish ice spec - tertiary nuker / debuffer / melee pets


In my opinion, PBT should be moved to the Wizard Earth Spec and all Theurgists granted a class respec to either Wizard (for PBT and nukes) or Sorcerer (for CC and Pets)....


An ice wizard with 10 sec PBT would be uber! ;)

Please Note, before all the Theurgists out there start flaming, this is not intended to be taken seriously.... I do, after all, have one of my own!


I like to see more 10 sec pbt stun pet nukers tbh.

es, 6 sec pbt rules, but single fg RvR needs more dmg dealing classes. So I think 10 sec pbt might balance the group a little more.


I also like the 10 sec ice spec, only because Outlaw RoX though. I don't think it would work as well on a low realm level dude.


outlaw was low rr once too...

ice line is underestimated, that aoe root is powerful mojo

and unlike mezz, is not "curable"


why do theurg send air pets onto keep doors btw?

earth pets last longer and hit harder so umm?


Originally posted by K0nah
why do theurg send air pets onto keep doors btw?

earth pets last longer and hit harder so umm?

Most air-theurgist don't have the earth pet on the quickbar and never use it because it's greencon.

The only use I have for earth-pets (I am an air-theurgist) is to increase the amount of opponents on high lvl monsters. Really high monster (Dragon, Apocalypse).. Because they last longer and it's not about the damage they do but the amount of attackers they add.

I rarely use pets on keepdoors. The damage they do is very low on the doors and I can use my mana better by killing guards, spamming AoE-mezz/root on gatekeeper/door to stop charging defenders and/or interrupting PBAoE'ers inside.


As for the keep door thing, the earth pet is green con and air is blue (for an air-spec theurg).
From that I have concluded that the airpets would hit the doors the hardest (i have no hard evidence so flame me).

As for the theurg spec, i always enjoyed the air-spec because it has extreme versatility coupled with annoying pets and kick-ass nukes.
An air spec theurg is not just 'back-up mezzer'. No he is a walking can of kickass CC-combo waiting to be unleashed. The 23 sec AoE root is often underesimated, so is the 27 sec mez. combine those two and you can hold enemies at bay for quite a while.
If that is not enough, use a pet as a ghetto 20 sec interrupt on caster/healer.

(yes, sometimes i miss playing Psyche).


Originally posted by Motowntheta
Poor earth theurgs nobody loves us :(

we love you Ast come back from the dark side! B&Q need you :D
oh and Thorwyn IS your father :m00:


Originally posted by nume
we love you Ast come back from the dark side! B&Q need you :D
oh and Thorwyn IS your father :m00:

Who told you :p


sence albs need so many classes to get the "backbone" of a grp, air would be the best choice imo....for some needed damage and backup cc(pets)


Personally, ill end up with 10Sec PBT and the last Air nuke in the spec line. Imho this is the only viable spec for Theurgists atm, ICE isn't without its merits, but imo it doesn’t touch the Air spec. The majority of Theurgist lvling up atm are going Air, and I’ve found myself in a group with another identically spec'd Theurg on more than one occasion, this is a great benefit to any good, 10 Sec PBT which stacks to give 5Sec effectively (if timed cast's are timed correctly) and 2 Powerful nukers... With these 2, there is little required from a healer, and a friar to back up heal if we were in trouble would usually more than suffice.

The Earth spec 6sec PBT line, imo is utterly useless, the 6sec PBT itself takes soo much mana, the only offense the Theurgist has is his earth pets, or of course base Ice DD (hmmm variance anyone ?). How many pets can be thrown before power pool is dry, and down goes PBT, not very many :(

I can't see myself as anything other than an Air Therug tbh, with more and more lvling with Air, and some respecing Air, there are plenty to go around, get a few in a group in emain, and all u need is a spirit cabby to /assist and you’ve got a group that’s going to drop mobs incredibly quickly...(caping for 666 or so dmg every 1.5sec hurts apparently :p)

Of course others may argue the case of other spec's, and i guess its all a matter of preference, Outlaw seems to be goin well with his Ice spec ;) wonder if he'll ever respec :)

- Chinook lvl 49 Theurgist.


Sorry but if an air theurg lays down mezz in a group fight I will inadvertantly find myself scraping my nails across something nearby :rolleyes:
Other rvr experiences have pushed me towards believing that 8sec pbt really is a big improvement over 10sec...


Guess it all comes down to personal style.

I think the airspec rocks because of the versatility, the CC, the nuking and the ability to beat almost any class 1v1.

My second choice of spec would be the 8sec pbt / aoe root combo, but nuking stuff with the 209DD nuke is just so much fun.

As for the theurg mezz, no sane theurg fires it if he has a sorc in his group. It IS a ghetto mezz and the aoe root IS a ghetto root, but they have their uses.

(And for all you theurgs out there; the 49 sec baseline single root is an uber weapon!)


I ve got a lvl 50 warden, although low RR.

The difference between 10 sec ptb and 6 sec ptb is the same diference in melee damage between a caster and zerker.

I would take in a balanced RvR group:
2) 8sec PBT, high-ish ice spec - secondary nuker / ae rooter / nuke pets

- 8 sec gives nice protection
- Root is usefull ( you don't need a mezzer if you allready have a sorc)
- Ok nukes

But then again, it is more important how good people are and know there tools, then how they are specced.


Originally posted by bracken_woodman
So dust him off... :)

Or do you mean steal him back? :p

WF: I don't think he meant air mezz, when he mentioned CC. I think he mentioned chain stun/interupt pets.


The range on the Air therugs AoE Mez(1250) restricts it a lot, also, very few have the last aoe mez(duration 32sec) in the air spec line as most would take air to 47 at the highest, I find the base single target Ice root and Air pets much better forms of CC, however, a qc Aoe Mez on a cleric / caster who’s being attacked my multiple targets isn’t without its usefulness...

Also, would take a LOT of improvement to the Earth or Ice spec line for me to give up my 209.7 DD.

With a high Earth Spec, you are just as effective /sticking someone and going afk...

Earth therugs really needed some love, instead they got Penetrating Arrow and Rapid Fire... gg.


quite simple really, Air mezz is 100% totally useless in a decent Full group in RvR, u basically have 10 sec BT and N00k that is it, o and your Air pets are gr8, if u r soloing or get jumped by a SB.

8 sec BT > 10 sec BT ( I blatantly notice it)
AE root > pathetic Air mezz assuming u have a sorc in your group (post patch, there are no excuses not to!). Atleast it serves a function If I get it off b4 sorc mezzes or once mezz runs out/nme purge.
my DDs....they got me > 6m RPs I aint complaining.
Earth/ICe PEts in Fg vFG are indespensible 10 * >>> mezz!
lol 4 unCCable earth pets on a nme, guaranteed they be crying irl! - especially if they are trying to heal/mezz/DD :p

Admitedly u need MCL 2 and PoT for 8 Sec BT.


i prefer choice number 1 ..

i was full pbt before the respec patch and it was BORING as hell , sure i helped my grp better. but i dont pay my subs JUST to help my realm . i pay my subs for myself to have WHILST helping realm :) sitting/standing/running 6pbt and not being able to do anything elsedue to running out of power sucks . and also cant kill much with crappy nukes . man cost to much. hence when respec patch came i repced to 26 earth and v high air pec. for pbt "still helps my grp" lowish ice "still got ae root even if only low duration" ghetto ae mezz "can be usefull " and hard hitting nukes :) and they are a lot more fun to play cos i can actually kill stuff and can actually do stuff without running out of pow so easy ,,, and of course still gt pbt to help grp more still .


im air spec with crap pbt atm...my opinion....i want to be ice with 8 seg pbt ...
air mezz...thats a mezz? against normal resistences lasts the same as a stun nearly :)
nukes are ok.....cant compare to a wizz though...
only good thing are pets but still, only rlly used on a 1vs1

In a good RvR group.....the mezz ruins everthing....gime respec for ice :)


Best PBT, adds extremly much to a grp.

You need the see the whole perspective. Might not be more fun for the individual, but more fun for the whole grp in general. He might not be able to solo as good, but whats the point in running around solo with a thurg?


Originally posted by skile
Best PBT, adds extremly much to a grp.

The Theurgist will still die within seconds of the start of any fight! :rolleyes:

What I find ridiculous is that a Warden can spec for 6s PBT and still bring other useful functions to the group as a backup healer and hybrid fighter. A full earth Theurgist can do little else other than tickle the enemy with baseline nukes while trying not to drain his power too quickly.... and nuking is only going to draw attention to himself and get him killed! :clap:

To be honest a full earth Theurgist has only one function, and so has little utility value as part of a group.


air theurg without a doubt for the nukes and stunning pets.


my current template is 8sec pbt and 41 air.
i been playing for long times, not as long as outlaw tho :)
The aire ae mezz is not very good...
as in rvr , 1250 range u start to mezz, mid could possibly get on you before u finished casting. but balance air and earth specc is nice to have both greatest pet. If i am given a chance to respecc i would go for 8sec pbt/ rest ice or 37 earth / rest ice for better lvl haste debuff.

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