Rvr the fun is back!



The last two days really have been fun even thou ive eat dirt more than anyone :clap:
Seems like beta rvr days to me..
mids/hibs/albs RESPECT :clap: :clap:


I'll have to agree. Last couple of weeks there have been loads of albs (of course) and hibs in emain, but not single mid. These last two days some mids have shown up in emain wich is great. Your numbers are still lot smaller than hibs and alb ones but it's getting really good.:m00:


Smaller and smaller... whole last evening we were trying to make a break in Emain with one group :p usually met 30 albs or 30 mids... oh well... was fun though... damn Woody... seems im your favourite target :) ill get you next time... or next time after that... or after that... :twak:


Darn and just the time I went for a RvR break :( Got a bit sick of it...


One thing i have noticed about us albs...

Normally.. we have no balls, we cower behind the wall, and keep getting rooted, stuned, dead.. rezzed and it starts again...

But the last few timesd i was there... we charged... As soon as we albs get our fingers out and are brave enough to charge the enemie on the other side of our wall.. we win!

Its great!



LOL that is so funny. Maybe its because there are usually like twice as many of you? There was another late stand off last night at the Alb wall, (about 1:30am GMT). The rvr all evening had been great btw, about 20 Albs turn up at the wall fom the pk. After pushing back the previous attack, we had gone back to the wall quicker than usual becuase Mids kept popping up at the small tower. The force of Albs anyway was about equal to our own, and the stand off began ZZzZ. 30 Mins later its still going on the Alb force is consiberably stronger then ours now prolly x2, and u still did not come! Not until A smallsih grp of Mids arrived into the bowl forcing us into Crimm valley. :rolleyes:
Anyway it was a fun night cya all there tonite :clap:


On numbers

I hope I'm known to be fairly straight talking and uninclined to exagerate....

During peak hrs (8 - 12) The Alb army last night was big enough for the following conversation:

hib1: "30+ Albs in the pipe"
me: "you sure?"
hib1: "Yep we got about 20 hibs at crim, should be ok"
me: "erm if there's 30 in the pipe lets release and get to crim"
hib2, 3 + 4: "why????"
me: "because a good 20+ are chasing a mid group towards cruach and theres still a minimum 30 by my body at the wall :/"
hib2: "releasing"
hib3: "releasing"
hib4: "releasing"

This is by no means a complaint, fighting against the odds is far more fun for me :)

But I am very puzzled why so many players don't just steamroller into our keeps more often?


The funniest thing last night was me and one other standing valiently at DC defending whilst albs were too chicken to attack.

And whenever a large group turned up at the keep there were usually only half a dozen of us there and yet we still managed to chase them off every time ;-)

That and taking out a group of purple hippies using high lvl skald speed to stay out of reach of their blades whilst dropping hammer blows onto their heads ;-)

And even the dying was as fun as usual... being able to die on the tower hill and watch the battle unfold is a highlight for me ;-)


my comments are actually about when we are evenly numbered...

I wouldnt make coments like that if it was obvious we outnumbered u 2:1 cos it would just be stupid


Originally posted by yaruar
And whenever a large group turned up at the keep there were usually only half a dozen of us there and yet we still managed to chase them off every time ;-)

Oh yes, the good old trick - Mr. CC! ;)


The worst thing about last night is that I have decided to give RvR a rest and start lvling again but got bored after soloing one pip and got a call from a mate saying things were kicking off...

I'm never going to get of lvl 36 at this rate ;-)



I think the albs do pretty well, we retreat to crim, they attack, taking on us and gaurds. Just a couple of mezz/roots can make a huge difference at a gaurd pop. Take for example the gaurds chasing the Albs down the valley, they seem to be the only folks that don't turn and leggit, they calmly stand mezz and nail the gaurds.

Sadly last night, some pesky hib was mezzing them so they couldn't do much.
I still died though, although the few hibs behind me that stopped running, were enough to send them packing to the wall again...ont the side though, I seem to be Grommit's love toy, or doe he kill everyone as much as he kills me?

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