RvR Tactics - Non existing



Im fairly new to this game, played for about 3 mounths now. And i hear alot of ppl complaining over mainly 2 things:

1, Their class has been nerfed
3, RvR is boring becouse its only about Zerging

I spent some days to look around and ask ppl why this is so bad and what the reasons for it is.

This is not a fact, its a question, can it be this way?

Many feels that their class they spent hours and hours exping with now is useless in RvR becouse ppl in other realms complained over those classes and got em nerfed. There are specially some classes that has been nerfed alot, i have no intention to make lists over diffrent classes, becouse it doesnt matter really.

Keep this in mind becouse i will get back to it laters.

Ppl are complaining about Zerging in RvR, that its hard to find a good 1fg vs 1fg fight, or 1vs1 fight. Well 1 vs 1 isnt so hard to understand really, it will allways be hard even if there wasnt any Zerging going on. But when it comes to good old figths 1fg vs 1fg there is a very simple answer to it. For some reason is it so that the realm that has the biggest population has the weakest classes (when it comes to RvR). Alb has most players, therefor the albs are weaker in RvR (overall). This almost forces albs to zerg (or go solo if they are a stealther class). 1fg vs 1fg isnt a fair match even if both groups meeting eachothers has a good strong composition of classes.

One example is CC, i played in all realm and alb classes are really much weaker, in alb i play a lvl 50 sorc, the sorc is really a very balanced and good CC, but when u stand face to face with instant mezz, group purge etc u stand no chance, im dead before my 3 sec mezz goes off (and if i get 1 good mezz of im dead after the group purge). And CC is the most importent part for success in a fg vs fg fight. Woulnt it be more fun if both groups had to use some tactic and that the group with best teamwork won, not that the ones that can get mezz away fastest (not albs), or the ones that can get mezz of fastest (group purge) won. The CC example is probely the biggest weakness albs has, but there is more of em out there.

So to sum it up a bit, rvr tactics and fair fun fg vs fg fights will not happen until classes are equal over the realms, ppl cant complain over zerging if they think that one realms classes should be weaker becouse they are more ppl. People should stop complainin over the fact a class owns anouther class in 1 vs 1, some classes is simply not meant to be solo classes, and thats a good thing. For example cant my sorc win over almost any other class, and i dont care about that, i like teamwork, but when i cant do any good in a 1fg vs 1fg fight im forced to run in a zerg even if i find it kinda boring.

If u have suggestions etc over how u want to balance the game, try to think bigger then "i wanna nerf that infil becouse its not fair i cant kill him 1 vs 1".

And one last thing, all those yber freaking RA:s are ruin this game, makes the game more static and boring, not more dynamic and funnier as it was meant too.


So is this actually about tactics or a thinly disguised 'alb has no insta CC' whine?

Apparently ALL hib groups have a high RR druid in them because your mezz is ALWAYS group purged. AoE root follow up broke has it?

So you run up to a group with a class that can insta CC you who sees you coming and you complain that you cant cast your mez. Do you think this is a good tactic?


no its not a wine, i dont play my sorc anymore (almost atleast), its about realm vs realm unfairnes that makes RvR tactic useless as long realms cant figth against eachothers in equal numbers...

Hibs are the ones complaining most about Zergs, and still they cant understand why albs dont wanna figth 1fg vs 1fg

I play as hib too, and the diff is huge if u compare the abilities to figth 1fg vs 1fg (so i think its not very strange that hibs dont like zergs ; )

I would probely go over to play my sorc again if it was possible to have some fun with it again, but as long as alb cant win exept in big zergs i will play mainly with in the hib realm

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