RvR-groups in Albion



Been trying soo hard to join a group in emain, but apparently ( /yell Lvl 45 arms) does not work, my guild is only about 40 members so I can´t rely on them...snif..
I have been trying to create a group too, but as soon as the first one joins and sees that there are only 2, he disbands... Usually without saying " sorry,but I will only join a 7 ppl group, cos I´m a self-centered prick".....

I´m starting too feel that alb/excal can go to hell, and a better place would be Order of Knights Templar ( A real Roleplaying guild)..Maybe it will be more fun there..

Flame me if you want, don´t care... may move soon to Pryd anyway!


Yeah. I sometimes get that too. Some days I can roll straight into a group, others can be a nightmare.
The worst ones though are when I join a group which is composed entirely of one guild. There's a nasty habit of them discussing what to do in guild chat then suddenly buggering off and leaving me :( Happened 3 times that now :rolleyes:

I'm in the habit of the following steps now

1. Yell lfg at APK (not literally yell lfg, but you know what I mean)
2. Yell lfg at AMG
3. Ask alliance for a group
4. Wait for next teleport and ask again at APK
5. Clear off back to albion and give it up as a bad job and xp/quest.


Sorry :(
You have asked me a few times, but we are normally full/holding spaces for guild/alliance people.
I find it hard to get a group sometimes too, if I don't go with my guild.
You might want to try a more rvr centred guild if you aren't getting what you look for from your guild - just a thought. There are plenty out there :)


For now I will get some more levels in me, somehow, so I dont con blue to level 50 anymore.


I'm a lvl 36 Scout and had my first real go at RvR this weekend. After a few group problems I got into a couple of good ones! Thanks to those people who were very cool and we did our fair share of killing!

I don't think moving to Prydwen will help m8, you'll get some of this everywhere! I'll group with you anytime tho, my scout is called Celeb.

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