RVR - Get stuck in or get the hell out of RVR!!!



I have just logged off after one of the most appalling examples of albion cowardice i have ever seen. 30 Mids were holding AMG in emain against 50 - 60 Albs. It is very clear that Albion is full of cowards and RvR tourists - You know who are! (Apologies to the 25% of Albs who do indeed have the guts to charge or support a charge - again u know who u are too ).

The term "sheep" is too good describe Albs since at least sheep tend to follow each other mindlessly - Albs just watch others and follow only when they thinks its safe to do so.:mad

R v R is NOT a spectator sport. Either you participate or you stay at home!!!! Standing back and watching others charge while you just "wait and see" dooms the charge to failure and is utter cowardice.

Milling around on the alb side of wall is just pointless. You are just heaping RP's on the enemy archers. Hing, Nolby etc just luv it and just hand it to em on a plate! ;(

"But i'm new to R v R" or "I'm not very high level" some of you may say "what difference could i make?". If you go with the charge you are at the very least a distraction for the enemy. As you rush in and every time an enemy targets you they are least not targetting a more effective comrade. Furthermore mids and hibs are just as cowardly as you and 7 out of 10 will retreat if they see a horde charging at them (regardless of the con). Once a retreat has begun then the killing really begins!! (this works both ways - ever noticed how many times uve been killed while running with ur back to the enemy????).

Do not be afraid to die. In RvR its going to happen alot!! So get used to it. BUt whats to be lost? Nothing - So WHAT if u die during the charge?!! At least you will have died so that others may live and you will have the satisfaction that the enemy was routed. The alternative is to be picked off by stealthers and archers!

So please, Albion, no more R vR tourists or cowards. Either get stuck in or get the fook out of emain or whereever. Your passive presence simply sets a bad example to all around you.

Well there you have it. Ive had my rant. I have posted this thread in the hope that it will inform and persuade some and shame others into action.

On a very much related topic I think its about time we agreed a new leader or group of high profile leaders. Lets face it , "Finster" was no Napoleon but we all listened and followed his instructions (for better or for worse). People need a leader (i'm not putting myself forward btw:p ). The Leader doesnt have to be a genious, plain simple competence will suffice - even zerging needs someone get zerg inertia rolling ;) The mids were leaderless for the past coupleof months and look how crap they were. Now tthey seem to have some form of figurehead and they seem to be back in the game. Albion - get over the loss of Finster - theers plenty more talent in albion lets get behind a figurehead and get organised. :cool:

Strondor Frostmane - Level 47 Theurgist.

(apologies again to those brave 25% of Albion who regulalry form the vanguard of charges etc)


I can never resist the charge, even tho i have no hp or armor :/
Shame some of our tanks dont seem to share this much.

but i found something to do when u get messed :D


(pic from one of the early charges)

I love the way ice pets can cast thro walls too :clap:


I agree, but they were more than 30 mids tonight.
I saw their numbers when they, at last (putting off to the sick skirmish of AE spells, yes mids... your AE spells really suck in damage) decided to charge.

The problem is everybody do "/y CHARGEEE!!!" and nobody hears nothing. It's a total caos.
If somebody is in charge... I think tonight in amg was Zoyster or Arthwyr.. at least hear them and do what they say... if we fail.. at least you can blame them...

Casting AE and insert tiny arrows in the ass of 1 tr00l can be funny 30 minutes.. tonight was a sick battle of hours. Could be lot funnier if we charge and win or if we charge and die, release, come to sauvage and in 15 minutes we are all there again (hibis could show in emain for a while too... dammit).

I say.. please.. if you want really have fun, just heard the ppl that is in charge fof the raid/skirmish, be organized, and look to another place and not only to the amg gates.

About rezz problems... I try to rezz first to my group, then if I have spare power, rezz the rezzers clerics/palatas. Rezzing takes lot mana, that could be used for better purpose. I enjoy battles at walls when they end in a well done charge (no matter if we die or win).

...Furthermore mids and hibs are just as cowardly as you and 7 out of 10 will retreat if they see a horde charging at them (regardless of the con)...

True true indeed. They run like hell ! :p

P.D. To midis: Albion should let you keep the relics, as since you re-toke your STR relic, I've neer seen so many yellow con midis. If you feel more capable now.. then we let you keep the relics...
Emain was so sad... without the big ass of the tr00ls! ;-)

We are sheeps? perhaps...... beeeeeehhh..... beeeeeehhhhh


Originally posted by deadparrot

I love the way ice pets can cast thro walls too :clap:

I used to love theurgist pet too.. but tonight I watched midis used ice theurg stood in the front of alb walls using them to cast AE upon us.. too hard cast heals and/or rezz with nasty 75 damage firespears/hammers spells hitting everybody...
I like to hide behind ice pets tough! :)


Right on Strondor. Embarrissing being at wall tonight.
Dying when charging is ok, but not when the support you expected is standing paralyzed back on the other side of the wall.
Albs WAKE UP and BE BRAVE. We need to show we can fight together now more than ever..



Don't think Brave is in the alb vocabulary... Well the few is that have must be half hibs bastards.... :)


1st post said it all . well said :clap: :clap: :clap:

as for leader/leaders ive seen 3 or 4 peeps who have made the effort to takecrotrol of a army and seemed to know what they are doing . i think it be a good idea if a leadership council was made and that grp of leaders can organise different parts of raids battles . so the main leader doesnt have to think about all sorts of shit thus slowing everything down .
for example on relic raids
leader #1 controls main army in getting them to destination
leader #2 organises scouting party
leader #3 organises sige groups
leader #4 controls re-enforcements .

of course during this they are all communicating betwen each other , also would be great if albion gets a lot of more established guilds into a allience and maybe the guild leaders can gather ideas/strategies from there guild members and albion has a protected forward that ONLY the guild leaders of the said guilds can all discuss tactics etc etc .. with this sort of foums where only the gms can post . it will enable you to organise a very organised raid days in advance "as long as gm's keep mouth shut" hence enabling a well organised raid and not much chance of a spy finding out or a leek to hibs/mids .

only thing i wouldnt like to see happen is a ego trip leader who think his way is the right way . all leaders should be able to take critisism and be able to listen to others ideas before makin a final descision .

Bleri McThrust

I died many times last night in the battles at AMG last night, both on there side of the wall after charging and ours after dieing protecting a cleric trying to ress. And I must say that there where lots of things during last nights battles that both dissapointed and annoyed me :( .

Yes the charges were badly supported but why ??? Was there enough tanks ready to perform such an action ?? On 2 occasions I heard the yell to charge straight after being ressed and was in no way ready for it. On a third and the last time i went in desperation. I was on half health and went for it just to hopefully tie up a mid and let someone else through. Did anyone check to see if we as an army where ready for the charge ??

The air was full of Yells. "Ress this guy" "Ress that guy" but very few for "Help the healers and try and ress people as fast as possible". Also yells at an army to stop ******* around and do as your told etc etc are hardly likely to gain peoples respect and understanding. It's not easy, especially in the heat of battle, but whats needed imo is encouragment not discouragement.

Communication ?? What is yelled at the front of the army is NOT neccesarily heard at the back. This information needs to be relayed back. What I could hear when dead at front was not the same as when I was resting at back.

On a last note I actually put someone on ignore there last night :(. The constant yelling of that person and swearing at people finally got to me and I hit the ignore switch.

On the subject of leaders, Finster, Tomask, Kci etc sought out people, worked at communicating. That I fear is whats missing at the moment.


I agree im only lvl20 but i still go in the charge and do what i can(if anything) but ive seen lvl 35+'s standing behind and waiting for the outcome of the fight before they charge, its obvious to me that ppl my lvl will lose a charge if they arent supported by those that stay behind

so go damn annoying


I'm with yah Strondor. It's lonely when I charge a mid healer and get ganked by 5 others and don't see anyone close of my fellow m8s. But what we also need are good sorcerors, mezzing on time etc. Because that's the only way the enemies win, by mezzing most of us and then get us 1 by 1.


Being a tourist, I like to walk around places where the big guys are working. If I participate in the rvr, I will get killed and albion will become a no-go zone, wich is very bad business for the inn's, taverns and other tourism-based facilities.
So, please do not piss on the sightseeers, protect them!


Well, I was one of the ppl that actually charged :rolleyes:

Died 15 or 30 seconds later (I actually hold out pretty long ;) ), released went XP'ing, since it was the 3rd time ppl yelled charge and it was the 3rd time that half the army was still sitting...

Emain so far has never been organized, and I wonder if it'll happen... Even when ppl say "mids at amg" you see groups of 1~8 ppl leave seperatly...

Oohwell, I'll return when I'm 43 or 44... See if it has gotten any better...


if there is a group charging... just charge with them.......


what about tactics?

I totally agree for the most part, I was there last night and despite being a modest level (compared to the big guys at least) even I charged if the crowd charged, heck I want realm points after all, even if I have to be a sheep to get them, barr barr. But as someone mentioned above I believe, it takes more then the balls to charge to win a battle. Its no good moving to the next hot zone when the clerics havent repowered and half the newly rezzed are still suffering from rezz sickness (which may not bother casters but is a big problem for us tanks).

One example that springs to mind was at the middie wall when someone was yelling to push forward and someone else was yelling to spread out and stay behind the wall to avoid getting all the tanks instantly mezzed altogether, something that happend previously at the albion gate.

As for the tourist problem, it wouldn't hurt to re-group at the end of each battle so that the stragglers get put into organised groups, they might not be so sight-seerish when they get the party buffs on them and realise they can be a part of it. People are leaving the groups all the time, keep all groups to the max 8 for maximum benefit.

Everyone knows who the big players are, you see them out there at the front of it in every battle, there the ones that are usually purple and organised lol. People follow them wether they are trying to be leaders or not, lets cut to the chase and make them leaders officially if they want to be.


:D I was on that night and had probabley the best night I`ve ever had on rvr, you prob saw me, the cabalist that died every 30 seconds. Managed to take out 1 or 2 reds each time tho, so was a good laugh. Racked up 1400rp ;) These were gained by taking out the archers by hiding behind your pets Frostmane, they make a great shields from being seen, shame they only last for 20 secs :(

I agree we could do with sorting out a couple of alb leaders as at the mo it completely messed up. The problem we have at the moment is that too many people are trying to be leaders and it is causing loads of chaos.

Elfslayer lvl 43 Cabalist

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