RvR ffa Group for Danes only Give it a thought at least.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 19, 2005
(writing in english as its a english forum).

We are 3 danes currently:
Edore (Custodia Malacitana), Miva (Custodia Malacitana), Xyaiht (The Dragon Legion).
Well the story basically:
Edore, xy and me have trio'ed / duo'ed alot of times, not that it dosnt give decent rps or anything actually we tend to make our days worth alot of times..
But we have talked and discussed that when Guild groups in rvr is either filled when we log in or ml'ing or what ever is going on, it could be nice with a bunch of bored danish people teaming up ever so often, and basically having fun on what ever we decide to do.
We all agreed (edore, xy, miva) that we wont make any restrictions on classes or rr's as its purely intended to be for all our danes amusement or we at least hoping for it.

The requirements are as:
RR: None as said we dont care really what rr you/it/she/him is.
ML: No requirement as well really ml's are nice yes and i know edore is ml5 cleric, xy is ml2 stormlord(going on mlraid to get ml8 or so i think, Miva is ml1 o_O going on same raid as xy to get ml9 pet in da house :p)
But not a demand.
Level of rvr xpertise: Well if you are teh wtf pwn of doom np, if your the person who havent rvr'ed alot then np either, the point for the .dk group is to gain a nice lvl of rvr xpertise as a group, and who knows mebbe arrange a few keep raids in time..

So what can i tell you of the 3 of us we currently are...
Lets start with Edore:
Edore is a Cleric at his mid realm ranks, ive personally experience edore since we both where new to albion on Excal, edore is a nice person who really enjoy a group for fun rather than the wtf pwn of doom groups, make no mistake tho he is a kickarse healer, who knows often when to stun or run the hell away :p
Edore formerly came from Justice til he got recruitet to Custodia Malacitana, where he know still is and i think plans to stay.
Edore has a few other alts as well but he likes his cleric(to xy and mine's pleasure).
He is a loyal fella who has a weakness of getting deathblows if he can see theres no danger and he has a shot for it ;>
He is Crazy on a 13 skal id say 11 at least.

Xyaiht is a personal irl friend of mine, he isnt the most loud person in a crowd actually he often prefers to not speak at all instead of blabbing alot of weird words(like i tend to do), he does has a temper, but its never ever let out on anyone in daoc he keeps it cool so to say.
He resides in The Dragon Legion where he has been ever since he startet playing daoc (i got him adictet to daoc mwahahaha).
He plays a fire wizzard(xyaiht) mostly in groups and does a nasty job at it, but he does have a scout, infil both a lvl 50 he enjoys playing and we use in the trio often as well (stealth popping ftw!).
Crazy Factor: id say a deffo 11+ on Xyaiht

Uff self biography is anoying... anyhow
I've played daoc since the release of the game, spend 4-4,5 years playing midgaard, now i dedicate my "gaming" to Albion Excalibur and i am soo Staying in the realm.
I play a Sorceress in game mostly(miva) wich i think im doing a fairly ok job at, im losing some mezz fights and winning others(mainly hibbie fights i lose funny enough).
I do have a 40enhance/36rejuv cleric i swith to on occasions where i mostly play defensive buff shear role... honestly im not gonna say im the best cleric, cause i still have a few things to learn about that class... for once how on earth they keep their hotbars on 3 hotbars only (im currently using 7hotbars and i still feel i miss something).
I am a proud Custodia Malacitana Member and as Edore i intend to put my energy into the guild 100% as well.
Crazy factor: uff im a deffo 13, i tend to say nonsense, and sometimes i should deffo shut up :>

Not sure if all this is any help for you danish people out there.
But we planned on making the thread together(i got the typing role on /random 100 and roled 2).

So basically if you have found your self unable to get a group sometimes, and you like speaking danish on voice com (sometimes we might settle for group chat mode tho), and you would like to make a stronger bond between some of us danes on excalibur via some rvr, and you prefer other rvr zones than agro isle...
and if you feel alittle crazed then send me private msg with your ingame (most logged on char) char name.
oh Don't be afraid cause your char dinged 50 as you read it, we all have to start somewhere so why not here :>

We are looking for at least:
3 other Danes, however we prefer to keep it around 7-8 max, and we intend to run the group as often as posible (Should be approx 1-2 hours a day).

We are not look for:
People who leaves just because of a bad run first run, im one three three seven peep.
Unless ofc they keep the im leet remark to them self.
People who look down on the other group members duo to lower realm rank.

anyhow all i can think of for now..
Give it a thought

Edore / Xyaiht / Miva


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Sounds like a nice idea etc, and decent people. Good luck mates :)

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