RVR Etiquette



OK, I will start with an apology for all my fellow MIDs I got killed last night. It was a pretty stupid thing to do and having thought about it I would be just as p$%%^ed as those players were. But I did apologise to those that messaged me and as I am about to explain I am new to the world of RVR.

Can someone please tell me where I can find answers in guide form or tell me as replies here about the etiquette you should adopt in mass RVR battles?

Scenario: Was with a couple of people in a group in Emain. When we got there about 9:00pm last night there were about 50-70 other mids in various groups and lvls. We all went off to the first gate and slaughtered any hibs in the way. With 70 players descending onto the poor hibs that got in the way it was very difficult to pick a target someone else was not or would not attack moments later. This ended up in our party getting Realm and Bounty points for 1 hit on an invader. While I would not dream of stealing XP from other players in PVE it seems impossible to avoid in this situation unless you stand by and do nothing in which case its pointless going. In addition if I cast area effect spells they also hit invaders other people were attacking. Is this an acceptable way to get RP, obviously if there are less people out there the situation becomes easier but when there are 100+ people mixing it up what’s the right way to do things. I don’t want to annoy any one but at the same time would like to do this more often.

In case your wondering what I did last night to kill so many, I cast an area effect on a large group of mezzed hibs, releasing them to slaughter our people. Very sorry – lesson learnt, everyones got to learn sometime !


hehe no worries m8

This happens to all once or twice and once you know how to handle you will still make accidental mistakes.

People make some mistakes sometimes, just say sorry and it's ok. People who will keep on whining about it just forgot they are playing a game and need a 15 minute break. Than they will be fine too ;)


Lol, stealing RPs? This isnt xping, but I see your point, in RvR it is to kill or be killed, so nuke away and hope to get some realmpoints out of it, thats they way RvR works, there is nothing like stealing a kill in RvR (thou very irretating when a stealther showes up and steal a solo kill)

That is my point at it atleast


I was not concerned about you stealing RP's Through AEing Albs, It was that you broke all there mez's :) Which is a big nono, Espically when we are only half there force :)


Well imho your fighting for your realm not for RP's, hence all got to help. Altho if U see a 1vs1 U might stay back. (atleast until ur realmer is starting to loose :)


xaxster dont worry about it, when i had a runie i would hit anyone and everyone with ae dd bolts debuffs the lot, and get small amounts of rps while that invader is getting beaten down by our tanks, i never saw it as RP stealing, just killing the enemy as quickly and proficiantly(is that even a word?) as possible.,

as an archer now i can get away with breaking a mez from distance cuz they will drop dead in 2/3 shots :clap:


Never had a problem with *stealing* RPs. We albs have never really seen it as a group on group thing. More of an Alb on mids/hibs thing. So as far as that goes f8 and blast away. As far as the ae goes...no no no no no, did I mention no, as long as people are mezzed. As a mezzer I take it personally to see 15 mezzed people standing there being picked off one by one like they should be then boom, some idot with an ae come in and breaks mezz on 10 enemy players. Unless your realm are RP whores in big battls then the same should apply. Now, this only conts for big battles. The smaller ones are much different, if you come upon a group fighting another group it's best to sit back and watch, if your realm mates are getting stomped on then throw some muscle into the mix, but if they are winning then leave it alone.


although someone did say to me the other day when i put my spear into a highlander, "pls dont steal our kill" first i thought you rude fuck, i hope ure team go LD, ure the only one standing and you /yell for help while i stealth away from ure dead body /laughing at u moahah *ahem*

and i still do think that, and ill help myself to what ever i want.


I wouldn't worry too much, it happens. Learn is main thing. I fooked up last night at mmg releasing Miss from mezz myself and prolly got fair few alb killed too :(

Damn /effects self. The ole red mist gets the better of me sometimes, in fact often :rolleyes:

I'll stick to moving targets in future. And wont attempt to take on Novamir with no endo either ;)


learning curve mate, at least you accept that it was a mistake, now you move on. Never worry about rp's mate, it is bollox, the amount of times I get RP's in emain is so little it's scary, loads of the time I am mezzing, healing and rezzing and getting no RP's because I am an ungrouped bard.

If someone has a problem with losing the odd few rp's to a realm mate, then are serious contenders for Counterstrike...


Originally posted by xaxster
Scenario: Was with a couple of people in a group in Emain. When we got there about 9:00pm last night there were about 50-70 other mids in various groups and lvls
Originally posted by Ailelun
I was not concerned about you stealing RP's Through AEing Albs, It was that you broke all there mez's Which is a big nono, Espically when we are only half there force
According to my calculations, that makes for 140 odd Hibs in emain that night. Nice turn out guys. Zerg 'em :clap:

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