RvR Efficacy



RvR Leadership

I find it rather amusing, and also quite frustrating that, notwithstanding every man and his dog pronouncing anathema on individual players and on Albion as a whole for our failures in RvR, we are simply not learning from our mistakes.

This continuity of blind individualism without regard for collective responsibility is done against a back-drop of resentful spitefulness, petty and childish arguments on specific errors in game-play, and disrespect for those people who want to lead, not to increase their own egos, or because they like telling people what to do, but because they believe they have the experience and maturity sufficient to lead Albion to victory.

Instead of people saying “Fair play to you mate; thanks for taking the initiative even though we died” you lot have to stick your ugly two penny-worth in, and berate some of our finest leaders just because you died. So what ? You died ! If you don’t like dying and releasing don’t play.

I’m sure I’ll get flamed for saying this – it seems that every1 gets flamed for even breathing ! – and of course you’re entitled to say and act how you want. That’s not my point. My point is, that Aussie at least took the initiative and had a go. OK, so he wasn’t exactly Russell Crowe, and so he called someone a monkey. So what ? When you lazy lot grow up and respect people who are not motivated by individual greed and the growth of their own fat egos, I, and along with many of my 50th level colleagues, will actually look forward to a shared rotational leadership.

I know this will fall on deaf ears, that because many of the people who are reading this are 15 years old (and not 30 like me) who simply do not have the maturity and leadership experience derived from actually leading people in the real world (no disrespect intended), they will retort in the only way they know how, with invective.

Last word : if you want to win in RvR, let people who have a natural ability to lead with maturity and a track record of proven competence do their job; as long as the rest of us fall in line, we will do much better in RvR.

50th Season Paladin
Defenders of the Realm


If you're that long winded and try to cram as many words from your thesaurus into everything in game you'd have hardly got past saying hello when the enemy has charged and killed everyone. :p
Also hasn't the whole "OMG Albs suck cos we have no leader!" thing been done to death by now? Does another post really achieve anything other than make you look like a pompous ass?

Also, a good leader would address himself to his target audience... you might want to dumb down your post a bit. :p


Nice, reasoned post :clap:

Just hope that those you refer to can read !


good stuff :)

shame it'll go *whoosh* over many a head...

needed to be said all the same.

not that phrasing it as: 'STFU and listen' would have worked either (Fin has tried ;))


I can understand it :) although I got an A* for english in school and I have NO IDEA what invective means :eek:


in·vec·tive Pronunciation Key (n-vktv)
Denunciatory or abusive language; vituperation.
Denunciatory or abusive expression or discourse.

Of, relating to, or characterized by denunciatory or abusive language.

[From Middle English invectif, denunciatory, from Old French, from Late Latin invectvus, reproachful, abusive, from Latin invectus, past participle of inveh, to inveigh against. See inveigh.]
in·vective·ly adv.
in·vective·ness n.


\In*vec"tive\, a. [L. invectivus: cf. F. invectif. See Inveigh.] Characterized by invection; critical; denunciatory; satirical; abusive; railing.


\In*vec"tive\, n. [F. invective.] An expression which inveighs or rails against a person; a severe or violent censure or reproach; something uttered or written, intended to cast opprobrium, censure, or reproach on another; a harsh or reproachful accusation; -- followed by against, having reference to the person or thing affected; as an invective against tyranny.

The world will be able to judge of his [Junius'] motives for writing such famous invectives. --Sir W. Draper.


n : the expression of bitter deep-seated ill will; rancor [syn: vituperation, vitriol]

yawn ;)

p.s. nice post, too bad all those 15 year olds with no leadership experience will ever read this...


In other words, invective means, throwing abuse at someone. Hope that helps ) See you all in Emain tonight.


OMFG.............the penny has just dropped, ODYSSEUS !!!!!!

Psyche is the lame-assed group killing f*kwit whose throat I wanted to throttle on a few occasions at tanglers for what can only be described as reckless pulling!

lmao....I needed a laugh!

ooooo I coulda keeeeeled u u gimp! :p


Me? Reckless?
naaaaa mustta got the wrong fella ;)

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