Well, for the first time last night I actually enjoyed RvR. I'm only a baby level 24 cleric, I have no experience of rvr whatsoever, and normally I die in approximately 2 seconds the minute a hib eld lets off a nuke, or an archer spots me. Or if by the grace of God I manage to stay far enough back, the minute I try to heal, rez or buff someone (thereby showing that I'm a cleric), bam, I'm dead.
So as you'd expect, I decided not to do RvR until I'm a higher level. But last night, I let myself be persuaded. I wanted to log off anyhow so I thought, why not, let's go for 10 minutes or so until I die, then I'll log off.
So we go to Emain. There's eventually about maybe 20 albs in total, milling around. Takes awhile to decide what to do, then we head for mid wall. Surprisingly enough, we made it. I actually hit someone once - think it was a hib, not sure, my mind tends to blank a lot in rvr along with the frame rate - most of the time I end up running aimlessly round in circles praying that an eldritch won't target me or anyone near me And Mid wall was deserted, apart from I think 1 troll, who I think was trying to quit when about 90% of our mini-army jumped on him. So we press on - we end up sitting outside Mid telekeep for awhile. A couple of people came out - I think Lofff was there - I tried to hit him, don't think I managed it however, but luckily he didn't turn his attention to poor little grey me as he was more concerned with the level 50's we had with us. Think he went down eventually, but it took awhile! Anyway, someone then said that we should head back to the wall and ambush the Mids there. We headed back to the wall, half the army got split up and on our way back to our wall, got ambushed by a relatively small but powerful group of hibs and wiped out in seconds. Which is what I normally expect from RvR.
But... and no doubt you're all wondering.. the point of this post is that I had a great time, I survived a remarkably long time (surprised me no end) and thanks to all the people both on my side and the opposing sides, for not necessarily targeting the grey running around in the middle trying not to get noticed, and allowing me to double my realm points from a massive 31, to a stunning 78!
Although I think I will try to level a bit more before I do any serious RvR, that restored my faith in the enjoyability of RvR.
And Ash - I WISH you wouldn't one-shot me <grins> it's really annoying.
(Disclaimer: this message is not intended as a flame to anyone at all in any way and apologies if anyone sees it that way! Flame me if you want, but I'm trying to be pleasant and sort of introduce myself to these forums as I haven't posted before!)
So as you'd expect, I decided not to do RvR until I'm a higher level. But last night, I let myself be persuaded. I wanted to log off anyhow so I thought, why not, let's go for 10 minutes or so until I die, then I'll log off.
So we go to Emain. There's eventually about maybe 20 albs in total, milling around. Takes awhile to decide what to do, then we head for mid wall. Surprisingly enough, we made it. I actually hit someone once - think it was a hib, not sure, my mind tends to blank a lot in rvr along with the frame rate - most of the time I end up running aimlessly round in circles praying that an eldritch won't target me or anyone near me And Mid wall was deserted, apart from I think 1 troll, who I think was trying to quit when about 90% of our mini-army jumped on him. So we press on - we end up sitting outside Mid telekeep for awhile. A couple of people came out - I think Lofff was there - I tried to hit him, don't think I managed it however, but luckily he didn't turn his attention to poor little grey me as he was more concerned with the level 50's we had with us. Think he went down eventually, but it took awhile! Anyway, someone then said that we should head back to the wall and ambush the Mids there. We headed back to the wall, half the army got split up and on our way back to our wall, got ambushed by a relatively small but powerful group of hibs and wiped out in seconds. Which is what I normally expect from RvR.
But... and no doubt you're all wondering.. the point of this post is that I had a great time, I survived a remarkably long time (surprised me no end) and thanks to all the people both on my side and the opposing sides, for not necessarily targeting the grey running around in the middle trying not to get noticed, and allowing me to double my realm points from a massive 31, to a stunning 78!
Although I think I will try to level a bit more before I do any serious RvR, that restored my faith in the enjoyability of RvR.
And Ash - I WISH you wouldn't one-shot me <grins> it's really annoying.
(Disclaimer: this message is not intended as a flame to anyone at all in any way and apologies if anyone sees it that way! Flame me if you want, but I'm trying to be pleasant and sort of introduce myself to these forums as I haven't posted before!)