RvR... but where?



Well..30+ and its time to learn the rvr grounds, I runned around in emain and rezzed a lot of fallen albies but all the enemies i met were purp to me and ended up getting killed 3 times by patrols and hibbies.

So my question would be, where could i find people around my lvl to fight against. ... lvl 30ish


to sum it up in 2 words....u cant! Unless the lower RvR zone has been introduced (i aint played since early march). Go to Emain and on the off chance you might see a couple of blues and yellows.
I started to go when I was lvl 30, there were alot of purps and a few orange/yellow/blue con. Basically its best to lvl to 35 first, then go kick butt in emain.


Originally posted by Matthias
to sum it up in 2 words....u cant! Unless the lower RvR zone has been introduced (i aint played since early march). Go to Emain and on the off chance you might see a couple of blues and yellows.
I started to go when I was lvl 30, there were alot of purps and a few orange/yellow/blue con. Basically its best to lvl to 35 first, then go kick butt in emain.

theres a lot of places to go for a lvl 30 and find similer and lower con enemys . namely yggdra/upplands/gorge etc etc , its getting to them past all the purp mids/hibs and all the patrols and mobs thats the hard part :p

i been to gorge plenty of times with my scout since she was lvl 21 and ive seen plenty of yellow+ hibbys to me .


I see. Dinged 34 last night and got 5 bubs ill 35. I guess it will go better tonight :)


Lusse, if you see me in Odin's Gate, give me a shout (if your near Sauvage)... I'll show you the way to Yggdra (may be even Uppland, but thats tricky due to patrols)...

Seeing I meet a lot of gray/green/blue there, should even be fun for you ;)

Saying you cant RvR at 35 is just not true...


yes me wedge and a few lowbies prefer to rvr gorge, mt collery , upplands and yggdra (mainly upplands and yggdra) due to less lvl 50s patrolling odins than emain , also hadrians wall can be fuin too but hard to get to if you dont know the way (LOTS of AAggro) there sort of areas where you get rvr but you dont get 100 lvl 50s running at you.You may come across one lvl 50 or a group of 30s so its fun for 6-8 ppl to just go check out these areas, also what puts alot of ppl off we take with us is, it is a long trip , sometimes you get hit by a patrol on the way , and sometimes there are no ppl in those areas (unlike emain ya guarented action) but thing is you survive for more than 10 mins and you can go rvr at like lvl 25+ in those areas as long as your with ppl who know the way :) so if you see either wedge , icy , zold, vireb about in odins or emain give us a shout we wont mind taking you along :)
And as for lvl 35 rvring i was earning rps AND KILLING with my friar at lvl 25 and ppl say friars are crap at rvr :) kinda dissagree eg near ownage of purp bard (this was at lvl 29 so hes at least 6 lvls above me) , he mezzed me laughed thinking i was a caster and sat down waiting for mez to wear off mez wear off i slap him with defenders fury there goes 1/4 his health he beat ,me due to stick bug and him moving out of sight but imo one slap for 1/4 dmg on a purp is kinda ownage espec when i evaded him 3-4 times hmm and friars suck in rvr ? i kno ppl who would love my resist mind buff after 1.48 :)

Madonion Slicer

I never had to travel far for Action, run to Salvage - Port to Hibbie - Get to the second wall gate thing and there they are and there i die.

Emain where is this? and how do i get there would like to run into some of my own lvl.

Are there maps to the frontiers anywhere?

Exiled Mage, need you to take me on another RvR Trip:D


thats emain in hibby its where the high lvls hunt its where you port from sauvage and yes you die in 5 mins thats what we are saying :p upplands,yggdra, mt collery , and cruchean gorge are like our snowdonia and forest sauvage , low lvls are there xping as long as you show respect and dont xp kill and of course dont go owning greys then its all good fun. as for maps check out


has all maps and also some nice mob listed mapos for hunting :)

Madonion Slicer

Thx Zold,

Cant wait for the battle grounds, will have my 35 for the last BG and my Wiz will be 24 for the first BG, that is going to be alot of fun.

I doubt i will lvl my Armsmen anymore as he will be the highest lvl for BG and not worth taking to 40+ as you only get owned in RVR anyway.

My Wizard is great fun and i will get some RvR experiance in the BG from 24 to 35, then once i hit 40 i should be able to hold my own in RvR.

Good things are coming.:clap:


Well, if you play your armsman correctly, and dont get fooled by the "lets run into that group, we'll own" ego... Then you should be 'ok'...

I usually last a bit with my armsman (Zold usually dies first ;)) but it happens far too often that I'm the first to go down too... It all depends on the group, scouts, infiltrators and minstrels can solo good...

But you'd have to be a damn good wizzie to 'own' on your own... (I know a few that can though ;))

RvR like XP'ing, is much more fun in groups... And just like XP'ing, you can kill almost anything if your group is good enough...


as for owning in rvr one bolt from a lvl 50 runey to as lvl 40 wizzy ya dead :p


Well i say u can go to RVR as lvl 20, not to kill!!

Go Hiking, learn the map, name of the places, etc etc, u will get killed, np, but the 1 Prob what we have is peeps dont know the names or direction of the places..

And it would be good help to peeps that r new in rvr, to read and look about the names of the places and where they r..

Makes a lot easier to play, and it aint so confusing!!

Our guild uses f.ex Tk, amg, mmg, dc, crim, bowl, mill, front mill, 2nd valley, valley, mid tk....and then when u know where they r u dont get lost 99% of the time!!

WE Albs should do something about that!!

Hibs is easy, and most of the peeps who knows Hib well dont have a Clue about the Mid...

I was like that, readed, learned etc etc, but still dont know the names a lot in Mid.

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