Running Servers



Right I got A hooJ prob

I just got ADSL + Home network to share connection. That works NP. Problem is when i create a server in Hl/Wolfy it kiks up but puts it on my network IP. Now im no foo im not opening a lan game but actually on Internet games.

Any1 know how get round this I use Zonealarm as well btw :puke:

old.Reverend Flatus

You need to be a bit more specific about your set-up.

Testin da Cable

-what pc are you running the server on?
-is it the same one as the gateway?
-are you running a gateway or some wierd router thingy?

example: if you're running a wolf server on the 'gateway' box, you'll have to find out how to tell it to use the 'outside' ip number _and_ you'll have to tell your zonealarm to allow 'wolf_server.exe' [or whatever it's called] to run as a server.



My computer is the gateway thats the 1 im trying run the server from. Zone Alarm Is confirgured properly as far as I know its Double ticked on Allow connect and allow server.

We had it running on a game of red Faction But I had to take the network cable out to get it to work and this is not acceptable as my bro is paying towards the price ;) of DSL

U say i have to tell it which IP to use shudnt This happen when IM Createing a server i.e if i create a lan game on hl it shud put it on lan ip and if i set 1 up on Internet games it shud use the outside 1 :( Like I say in me first post its opening it up on Lan all the time no matter what game i try.


I understand what you mean.
I had a PC with two network cards in, I used to run a Q2 server on it. I never did figure out how to get it to use one card's IP as opposed to the other.
It sounds like your problem is similar. How to get the game to broadcast on the internet IP rather than the internal network card's IP, yes?
I'd love to know how too if anyone knows....



This is kinda me last port of call iv tried Intels Page/forums for the Network cards and BT are no help cuz im not supposed to share me ASDL :firedevil And I know the peeps on here must love to sort technophobes like me out :D

another thing i havent mentioned in zone alarm me network card is ticked on security settings advanced.

I just tried running a dedicated Internet server Game in wolfenstein from my compy (the gateway) but when i went on my bros comp it said it found the sever on local :( grrrrr

Testin da Cable

ah, but as far as I know, that's normal for some reason.
I had it with dedicated UT servers [three in same box on my lan].
Although others were playing on them from the internet, I could only see them in the 'lan' section of my server browser. it was strange at the time but didn't seem to affect things in a bad way so I let it lie.

old.Reverend Flatus

Yes, I have the same thing with my Q2 servers.

old.Reverend Flatus

Originally posted by MINI
...and BT are no help cuz im not supposed to share me ASDL ...

I think they don't care whether you share it, they just don't support it. How would they know anyway?


Which OS are you using? There's a skank you can pull on Win2K to make it use the external IP and not the internal IP. Lemme know



Running Win98se so i cant use skank

So if others were on ur UT servers I take it ur servers were visible in Lists or did u give the peeps ur ip

If u gave ur ip then thats my problem I run winipcfg to get the default gateway and as u know this doesnt give the port :21016 bit at the end. B4 the lan i used to just open it up in HL get the full ip from console, I know its Lame but i know no other way, and report it back in IRC So how do i find out the port its using if its saying its putting it on the network IP?


Upgrade to Win2k then :p It's a damn sight more stable than the 9x codebase

Testin da Cable

No, I didn't give out my IP number.
UT has a configuration file [as does any gameserver I suppose] where you can specify if it should show up on the internet [or not]. In the same file, you can specify if you want your server to register itself with the so called masterserver to show up in what you call 'the lists'.


Simple solution for a simple mind :)

Buy a new PC! :clap:


this is wot u need to do for a HL server its wot i did

I take it u usin ICS..

right go here and dload ics configurator

this will open ports on ics

you can also dload the file for hl so it auto configs ports etc

now when u done that this is the commad line u need to put

C:\Sierra\Half-Life\hlds.exe -game cstrike -ip213.23.45.78 -port 27016 +maxplayers 10 +map cs_backalley etc

replace ip for ur ip

also go here for for runnin a cs server etc

if im wrong i apoligise ;) but the details bit sketchy

plus im pissed as well ;)

another noe i posted this on the forum
thats for a HL server....

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