Runemaster free RPs for ranger/scout they say



I have read a few times that runemaster are like free RP for archers.

That has not been the case for me. It may be that I have only met newbs cause I only played in first and second BGs.

When a Scout/ranger shot me the Bladeturn absorb the first hit then I can chose to /face cast dmg magic or suppress sight.

As I can cast faster then they can reload and shot me again I have succeded most times to interupt their shot and kill them.
Oh and I'm going darkness so I got a little faster casting time then most others.

Will this change at higher lvls or is this version totally wrong?


yes the problem is when you are occupied with someone else in target, and you cant /face or see them because they are behind tree etc

anyone who has low HPs, or is low con, and without a shield, is easy prey for an archer.

bladeturn helps of course, but the lurikeen ranger will have such a fast draw time that he can kill you before your second bubble if you have 10s PBT. with 8s it gets a bit more complicated and the rm has a lot more chance of getting off the QC nearsight


At the BGs it is not as 'specced' or 'defined' as it is at 40+

At the lower levels, mages can tank sometimes, to finish off the last bits of health the mob has left.

At the higher levels, grey cons will kill you.. you cannot tank at all.

Similarly, the arrows will hit you harder, they will shoot faster, and you will not have as much time.

As you get higher, you start becoming a 'true' mage, and depart from the non-mage aspects, ie ability to take damage.

And the same applies for archer types, their shots become very deadly.


my wizard was running around emain ( on prydwen :) with a yellow hunter attempting to kill her about 6 times with me getting away and then him catching up as I rested/changed direction, I musta survived about 14+ shots in total with no backup at all :)

didn't actually damage back though, longer range than my spells, no nearsight, no pbt, (and im ice spec so my bolts do pap all).

If i was a runemaster with a good quickcasted nearsight, pbt I'd probably be able to batter the hell out of even con scouts/rangers or at least make them run away. I actually rarely die to hunters I just start running as soon as I see my bladeturn go down, and as they usually try and snipe from their max range im home free...


Speaking as a scout only, not ranger. I don't engage a RM from long range, too risky, i stealth up to him and take off his BT, slam/bow/bow and he's most likely dead. If i can't get into melee range I don't attack. Either way I can't lose, 50% of the time I can't win either though, that's life.

- Odies


i dont think it auto-selects the archer after the first shot coz they was stealth so u cant do /face i think coz thats always been the case for me.


I rarely try to kill an archer once he has started to shoot me.
Most of the time the first arrow hits BT so i see where it comes from, so i press sprint and run out of his range and they normaly leave you alone for a while then :) Unless when the target pops up and its a blue con or something, then i might have a go.
Also by not running in a straight line you get picked on less as you are running in and out of their range instead of a straight line where they can run ahead and await you.


If the RM has nothing targetted, my first arrow will make him target me.
He can then choose: short or long range counter; damage or suppress sight respectively.

When the hunting bows come you will be dead meat every time unless u have 1200+ hp as it gives me 2 shots before im nearsighted - sometimes even 3 - remember that while arrow 1 is in the air, im nocking arrow 2, meaning no. 2 is fired 1-2 sec after first hits

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