


Can it be true that they will patch us either today friday, or tomorrow?

I've heard it, around from peeps, just cant find info anywhere


Originally posted by HiredGoon
Can it be true that they will patch us either today friday, or tomorrow?

I've heard it, around from peeps, just cant find info anywhere
Hmm, Kemor said news tool is coming by the weekend... hmm... I have also heard this patching rumor from various people...


Dont get your hopes up. There has been no official word, and the last thing we need is people whining if there is no update over the weekend.

If there IS an update, its a bonus, but till its announced, dont get your hopes up.


Noo, no update today, i'm going away. On the other hand, maybe it's good to not be around on patching day ;)
For the 1.45 patch i had an incredible luck, although i didn't think so at the time. I had a day off and struggled to get the patch, which after all went pretty smoothly. But then i was going to work on thrusday, friday, and semiwork over the weekend (not be home at all). Not good i though, but when i heard what had been happening, it wasn't so bad after all :)


Originally posted by Kihon
Dont get your hopes up. There has been no official word, and the last thing we need is people whining if there is no update over the weekend.

If there IS an update, its a bonus, but till its announced, dont get your hopes up.
True, very true. We would have gotten word much in advance and at the moment I do not believe the rumours even though they have reached me from elsewhere aswell.
However.... the incoming news tool might bring light on the subject.


Originally posted by Aeiedil
wheres the news tool :)
On it's way and most likely knocking on the door any moment if Kemors word holds true.

Bleri McThrust

News tool is there now :(

Dont get excited though. All it says is things are coming STILL.

When are we going to get something that tells us WHEN things are happening .

1.48 is not even 2/3 translated so how much longer fo we think its going to be :upyours:


just stop talking and hoping about those f-ing patches and u wont get so pissed of (lame) before every patch

just en-f'ing-joy the game as it is atm and as someone said take the patches as a bonus and be very happy when they arrive


Im still over the moon with the last patch :D


Firstly just let me say that I am quite happy to continue playing with or without the patch. I love the game and am very happy playing it in its current state.

I have just checked the 'news' page and read through the info. This particular paragraph struck me as odd:

"As you know, we cannot patch some servers and let others in an older version. This is why, even though there is no translation needed for the English servers, they will be patched at the same time as the German and French ones."

1. No translation for the English servers ! Previously they told us that they still needed to do translation to take out the Americanism's (is there such a word?) Obviously given up on that idea or it was an excuse for why there was so much delay with the 1.45 patch.

and so ...

2. Why can't they patch the English servers before the others? Theres no translation - as they themselves say. Perhaps this is something to do with their contract with Mythic? Perhaps they are worried that all the French and Germans would run off to the English servers - but then wouldn't they have already gone to the US servers ? For - happy customers on the English servers. Against - possibly unhappy customers on the French/German servers and there are more of them - but at least there is a reason for theirs due to the translation.

Just struck me as a strange paragraph, that was all.

Oh, and by the way Kemor if you happen to read this when I went to the 'news' page all the surrounding info changed to French - only the news was in English :)


Originally posted by markm
Perhaps they are worried that all the French and Germans would run off to the English servers - but then wouldn't they have already gone to the US servers ?

It is a bit different running off to the US servers... you need a new copy of the game, US one... you have to pay a different monthly fee and the timezone differences can be a bitch. However moving to the European english servers just needs logging on there and making a new character.
OH well, now we know what stage the patch is at. I doubt it took all this time to get on realm translated and stuff so it shouldn't be that long.... just play the game :)


Originally posted by markm
Firstly just let me say that I am quite happy to continue playing with or without the patch. I love the game and am very happy playing it in its current state.

2. Why can't they patch the English servers before the others? Theres no translation - as they themselves say. Perhaps this is something to do with their contract with Mythic? Perhaps they are worried that all the French and Germans would run off to the English servers - but then wouldn't they have already gone to the US servers ? For - happy customers on the English servers. Against - possibly unhappy customers on the French/German servers and there are more of them - but at least there is a reason for theirs due to the translation.
i agree with you the game is mucking great
your point numbered 2 on your post
you are forgetting the USenglish to proper english lik wot we waz taut at skol.....


Originally posted by dittytwo
you are forgetting the USenglish to proper english lik wot we waz taut at skol.....
The english server patches are translated in no manner what-so-ever..... if GOA wanted to they could give us it now, but they won't since they are french themselves =P


And my point was that GOA themselves say that no translation is needed for the english severs, so they are not even bothering to take out the American jargon and convert it to proper English :) We could have the patches now on the English servers if they wanted to/legally could (?)


The reason why GOA won't patch the english servers:

If the english servers (Excalibur ad Prydwen) were patched to 1.48 and the rest weren't, people who play on multiple servers would find it difficult to play.

It's just alot easier to patch the servers all at once, for both GOA and us players.

Ok, so it's inconvenient, we all want battlegrounds and the like, but it won't be long until the patch is complete, as GOA have now got more people working on the translation and the testing.


I'm not happy with just 1.45, I want 1.48 asap... being a lvl 50 Sorcerer, it's annoying that I know I can only have humanoid pets until the patch... no bloodletters for emain... no Icestrider Interceptors... no medial telamons... until the patch.


Originally posted by dittytwo

you are forgetting the USenglish to proper english lik wot we waz taut at skol.....

and what kind of english would that be, my good man

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