Rumours of the realms



"Ye know these old Bone-eaters in the hills of Uppland ? Well, tell ye what. Two nights ago, I was there with my usual partner, shooting some of these big, slow, stupid things, ye know, just making a leaving, good training and nice skins. Well, after a couple hours above their camp, we suddenly saw a dozen of them blue-eyes elves rush in the camp ! Of course, we found a good tree to hide behind, you know, just to be safe in case these elves didn't like the blue skins any more than the bear skins, heh ! Anyway, we stay there a bit, carefully keeping an eye on what these pointy ears were doing and guess what ? They secured the area, sent scouts all around and just installed their own camp ! Can't say I like these Bone-eaters, but heh !, I'd rather have a drink with one than meet these blue-armoured elves face to face ! Should listen to me lad, stay here, put some wood in the fire and enjoy the night. You don't want to go out there…"

hmmm... ain't it called "just making a living"?... o_O


Bone-eaters are French ????

Well, that explains a few things :p


the camp the isalf invaded was indeed a fenrir camp, but i have reliable intellligense that it might not be the only camp invaded.


i wanna be in an event :)

so far ive only been in one - the duelling one on the svartalf island near gna

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