Rules, Refs and Serverknowledge

  • Thread starter old.[GoE]HellkeepeR
  • Start date


Yesterday we had a war vs MDR which was quite fun to play.
However, it left open 2 questions:

1.) Why are the servers still on mp_timelimit 30 when the rules say it should be 35? (match format, rule #5)

2.) How come refs don't know how servers work? Our ref yesterday couldn't be convinced that timelimit is counted form mapchange, not from the actual rcon-command mp_timelimit?

It wasn't a prob yesterday but I figure it could be in the future so this should be taken care of.


Firstly: The rule about 35 minute games was somewhat scrapped because 1) we couldn't get our heads round it, and 2) we couldn't get the server guy's head round it. So all games this season have remained at 30 minutes (inc. prematch) the webby just hasn't been updated.

Secondly: Who was the ref? We generally expect our refs to have some idea how the whole configs work, so we'll see why this young man/woman didn't come and ask us.


In our last three games we have had some difficulties getting ref and server. I can understand that is hard to keep an active ref-team when the league has gone through so many difficulties, but I certanly hope that this will improve for the playoffs.

/me is looking forward to the playoffs and hopes the routes from Scandinavia to UK clears up :0)


quist just contact me when u need a ref and a server.

i really dunno which matches and when i have to ref anymore. Before BW "died" we had 100% control of the situation, but i feel that the troubles BW had killed the bwtfcl feeling, no more ref chainletters in the mail anymore and lesser battles are played than before.

so i am an emergency ref nowadays hehe
ppl come to me when no one else can ref :)


Thanks Gonzo your help is much appreciated but as everybody noticed we've just been through hard times and we need to reorganize ourselves.

Urb was sending all wars through the ref mailing list for some reasons he disappeared.
My comp burnt 15 days ago so it doesn't help either.

So the actual way of proceeding is to go through IRC on #bwtfcl and #bwtfcl-refs and to contact an admin/ref.

Regarding servers Taz is responsible for allocating them.

So plz ppl the solution is NOT to come to anybody having rcon and nicking a server for a game. We are on IRC to sort everything out until we have further news regarding next season and everything.

I am taking this opportunity to apologise again to refs for not having updated the number of wars. Not that it is important for prices because none are given this season but it would have been nice for clans to see who are the active refs. Reasons why ? First I had some viruses, then couldn't upload on the ftp then we kinda stopped (and ftp access was down) then my comp died. I'll make sure to have an online backup for another season :p

To sum up... please continue to send your fixtures we are doing our best to make this league the quality you are used to and are expecting and sorry if this is hard times but hoppefully games can still be played and we are still having fun :)

Good luck to all teams going through playoffs :)

Thx a lot to all of you for this season



Gonzo said it but I'll repeat [for effect ;)], before BW went into o_Oness we were fine, after we were not, this is for many reasons, mainly 99% of people seemed convince BWTFCL would never survive, and kinda 'disappeared'. This inlcudes a heck of a lot of refs, y they didn't return I don't know
As for servers I'm repeatedly kicking the BW guys but they're not responding [at least not at speed], again this is due to the uncertainty with BW, in this case a new guy is in charge of servers and has fuck loads to do to catchup... o_O!
Refs that don't know rcon shudn't be refs, we had problems this season due to the fact that we were so short of refs that we had to take all we cud get and this led to getting some right ****s, this will be sorted at the end of the season [soz, tooooo f**king busy atm] by sending all refs on the vuz uber course in non-o_O reffing, this shud sort out problems


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