Rules of DAoC


Jan 12, 2004
Ok just been thinking and wanted to share this...

When I play DAoC I kinda have my own rules when I play and they are:

1: Dont add on Fights
2: Dont add on FG v FG
3: See something unfair e.g: 2 v 1 or generally someone being outnumbered no matter which realm they are in.
4: If an Enemy attacks a player who just finished a fight and is on low HP i'll then join in regardless of which realm they are in.
5: Add on players who add on you, another words KoS (Kill on Site) as they show no respect so why should I in return.
6: Add on FG's when they constantly steam roll you when you havn't even interfered with them in the first place.
7: Anything goes when Relic Raid, re-taking towers or keeps.

The above are just a few rules I try to stick by when I RvR and I'm sure theres more but I cant think of anymore at the moment.

So when you guys RvR do you have your own rules you try to stick by or?
Please keep this post clean as this isn't a flame. Just wondering how others play.



Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
mine are

don't add on decent 1 v 1s

ruin newbs day if they are trying to zerg down soloers

add on every full group fight i see if i am playing stealther, there aren't any decent groups left anyway, just randoms with attitude, they deserve to have their fights ruined (1 or 2 exceptions)

treat people how they treat you, morons who add and zerg for the holy RP deserve to be called plankton.

If someone adds from my own realm on my fight i pull off, let the retards get spanked, only way they will learn that they shouldn't pvp if they cba to get equipped/learn to play properly, Maybe add a /rofl, the PM spam from randomcasterofd00mxxxx is amusing. if anyone adds on my fight from another realm i spank them first, if its a worthy opponent they usually pull off anyway.

respect the few decent players left on the server


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Pretty simple rules I play by:

1- The only duel in DAoC is between realm mates, hence the /duel command.
2- No ganking of greys unless they decide to get involved
3- Try and respect true soloers but I have no respect for players who have no respect for others. If I see a soloer add/zerg/gank, they become fair game until the server closes. This goes for cowardly assassins who jump rr1 mages. As such, there's almost no true soloers left as the vast majority zerged their way to rr7+, then decided they were now soloers and grew an attitude to match. There are about 5 players who I will never add on right now, thats about it.
4- So-called duelling-circles are to be zerged into the ground. It's lame-ass care-bear rp pling and it needs to be stopped.
5- FG's are fair game for anyone.
6- (most controversial imo) If i see a realm mate or a group from my realm about to lose a fight, i WILL intervene every time. I cannot as a Hib sit by and watch while enemies gain rp's and get stronger if i can help prevent it.


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
I will always assist my realm mates if they need help unless they have specifically asked not to be helped AND by not helping them I don't put myself in any extra danger.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
Ok just been thinking and wanted to share this...

When I play DAoC I kinda have my own rules when I play and they are:

1: Dont add on Fights
2: Dont add on FG v FG
3: Add if I see something unfair e.g: 2 v 1 or generally someone being outnumbered no matter which realm they are in.
4: If an Enemy attacks a player who just finished a fight and is on low HP i'll then join in regardless of which realm they are in.
5: Add on players who add on you, another words KoS (Kill on Site) as they show no respect so why should I in return.
6: Add on FG's when they constantly steam roll you when you havn't even interfered with them in the first place.
7: Anything goes when Relic Raid, re-taking towers or keeps.

The above are just a few rules I try to stick by when I RvR and I'm sure theres more but I cant think of anymore at the moment.

So when you guys RvR do you have your own rules you try to stick by or?
Please keep this post clean as this isn't a flame. Just wondering how others play.


Add the once a week just give a shite, and try kill everything (except for the noble list) and u have my list aswell.

Hoden Mayhem

Fledgling Freddie
Aug 27, 2004
1) Spam AoE hammers in every fight, quick bar slot 1 Purge slot 2-8 Mjol

2) try to do 1) at least two times before I get killed.

3) Try not to die before Roo.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 4, 2004
1) Make my non-adding standards known in an effort to get as few people as possible trying to interfere in my own fights.

2) Have a good excuse ready when I get caught not playing by my own rules.

3) go to 1)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 13, 2005
1) - Grapple Kagato for my Bainshee crew.
2) - Grapple Bradlex for my Bainshee crew.
3) - Grapple Imco for my Bainshee crew.
4) - Grapple Kagato for my Bainshee crew.
5) - Grapple Nuxto for my Bainshee crew.
6) - Grapple Kzn for my Bainshee crew.
7) - Grapple Eul for my Bainshee crew.
8) - Grapple Babybanana for my Bainshee crew.
9) - Grapple Kagato for my Bainshee crew.
10) - Grapple Perly for my Bainshee crew.
- No wait I can't find that one, disregard :(

As you can see grapple nerf had a huge impact on my playstyle :(


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
1) - Grapple Kagato for my Bainshee crew.
2) - Grapple Bradlex for my Bainshee crew.
3) - Grapple Imco for my Bainshee crew.
4) - Grapple Kagato for my Bainshee crew.
5) - Grapple Nuxto for my Bainshee crew.
6) - Grapple Kzn for my Bainshee crew.
7) - Grapple Eul for my Bainshee crew.
8) - Grapple Babybanana for my Bainshee crew.
9) - Grapple Kagato for my Bainshee crew.
10) - Grapple Perly for my Bainshee crew.
- No wait I can't find that one, disregard :(

As you can see grapple nerf had a huge impact on my playstyle :(

You mean standing stuck on Zarwina with BG 100% while the enemy tanks takes down every other person in your group? :D


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
1. Make up a new rule every time I login.

2. Decide that everyone else should follow it and bitch if they don't.

3. Flame on FH about it.

oh no wait...

just the one rule: SMITE!


Dec 22, 2003
never add on fair 1v1's unless its a known zerger.

Add on someone thats getting zerged anyway because I may as well get a few rpts out of it :(


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
1) Login
2) Say hello to the cnuts in my guild(Ging, Tog, Manisch etc..)
3) Do my best in whatever grp I am in
4) Add whenever Manisch tells me to
5) Not adding on soloers(except when Mani tells me to as it's a known zerger etc..)
6) Bitch and whine at Tog when we get killed(always his fault, being afk picking his nose and so on)
7) /stats everytime I kill something(got no idea why the fuck I do this! It has become an addiction!)
8) Be nice to everyone(Besides Friky ofc!)
9) Try to have a laugh
10) Logoff

That's pretty much it :D

- Ambasher aka. Bambi

It's the 11th commandment anyway. "Thou shalt not Grapple Perly." :fluffle:

Go down faster Perly :(


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 8, 2005
U forgot mention another rule Arauddry :

dont use vanish on fair 1v1 fights ever coz that pisses ppl off and when they find u and kill u they might emote u for that act


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 26, 2005
1: Don't add on fights
2: Don't add on FG fights
3: Never even help if being asked about it when it's a fair 1on1
4: If someone add's on my fight, flame em and back off so he can try kill the enemy on his own
5: Help on 2on1's if its not fair or if being asked for help
6: Don't add back, as revenge doesn't make anything any better. That wouldn't make me a "better" player to revenge add.
7: When in FG; Don't hit on the respected soloers and add on fair 1on1's - Let the group im in do that.

No one seems to under stand point 6. Which makes quite much the whole server gimps anyway. (A few exceptions ofc)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
1) - Grapple Kagato for my Bainshee crew.
2) - Grapple Bradlex for my Bainshee crew.
3) - Grapple Imco for my Bainshee crew.
4) - Grapple Kagato for my Bainshee crew.
5) - Grapple Nuxto for my Bainshee crew.
6) - Grapple Kzn for my Bainshee crew.
7) - Grapple Eul for my Bainshee crew.
8) - Grapple Babybanana for my Bainshee crew.
9) - Grapple Kagato for my Bainshee crew.
10) - Grapple Perly for my Bainshee crew.
- No wait I can't find that one, disregard :(

As you can see grapple nerf had a huge impact on my playstyle :(

would be funny if it wasn't so true.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
1) kill peepz after duels to just avoid the whine (unless imco, nux, censi and maybe some others)
2) enjoy watching fg fights when playing stealther :) (on bridges i'll drop a dot mine)
3) just do whatevah to have as much fun w/o ruining to much fun (wankers wiull get adde upon nevertheless)
4) i aint perfect, rules are for when u're sobre


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 8, 2005
1) - Grapple Kagato for my Bainshee crew.
2) - Grapple Bradlex for my Bainshee crew.
3) - Grapple Imco for my Bainshee crew.
4) - Grapple Kagato for my Bainshee crew.
5) - Grapple Nuxto for my Bainshee crew.
6) - Grapple Kzn for my Bainshee crew.
7) - Grapple Eul for my Bainshee crew.
8) - Grapple Babybanana for my Bainshee crew.
9) - Grapple Kagato for my Bainshee crew.
10) - Grapple Perly for my Bainshee crew.
- No wait I can't find that one, disregard :(

As you can see grapple nerf had a huge impact on my playstyle :(

rofl forgot this post, yes its true when gimped grp ranger goes for bm as masterlevel to grapple and let other gimped rangers in her grp shoot u down what do u expect her do when she rolls a new toon? aint surprized


1) Spam AoE hammers in every fight, quick bar slot 1 Purge slot 2-8 Mjol

2) try to do 1) at least two times before I get killed.

3) Try not to die before Roo.

:) to die before Roo is a crime ... :)
if I die before him, i´ll hope the guildmates will call DAOC " CSI TEAM ", cause there must be a crime behind my dead, if that happens


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 7, 2004
6: Don't add back, as revenge doesn't make anything any better. That wouldn't make me a "better" player to revenge add.

Well said, I'm sorry folks but everyone who has a rule that begins "I don't add unless.." is a complete hypocrite, friends and enemies alike.

If you wanna spread your so called rules then abide them always, you'll only influence players by doing the right thing, not by breaking your rules just because.


Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Well said, I'm sorry folks but everyone who has a rule that begins "I don't add unless.." is a complete hypocrite, friends and enemies alike.

If you wanna spread your so called rules then abide them always, you'll only influence players by doing the right thing, not by breaking your rules just because.


There are rules and laws.

I am willing to reset the shitlit each night but certain guilds never want to play fair, they just race for the RPs and I don't mind racing them back.

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