Rule query - if clans are level on points...



Well I asked Prankster, a ref about this particular rule, and he suggested to me his thoughts on it, but said that it could make a good forum discussion. So, now that I have managed to get on here at last, after about 20 crashes, here goes...

Rules - league layout, rule 3 states:

Clans who finish equal on points will have their place first decided by the result between the 2 clans. If this was a draw then it goes to points for and against over all 7 group games, in the unlikely event this is equal a 1 map match will be arranged.

Now where it says draw, is this solely on maps, or on caps in that match as well? So if say clanA draw 1 map each with clanB but the scores are say 100-0 and then 0-10, where clanA got the most caps in that match... does this mean the result is still considered a draw, and thus its the points for and against in the whole group which are next considered? Or would clanA be placed above clanB due to outscoring them in the draw?

Just picking on a small thing there really, but the reason I ask is that our group, 2C is such a tight one and this rule may well come into play. It all comes down to 3 really crunch games now, NKN vs Rasta, 748 vs MIT and GOD vs Rasta, where everyone just about has a chance of the play-offs still. Whatever happens in these final games, I would just like to say well played to all the clans left in our group, its been a really fun first season in the league :)

Would also be great if our group's points could be corrected, after a clan was removed *cough cough* :)


My thoughts (only they don't count for anything) are that if it's a draw in the league between clans (ie. same points) then the league placing between the two is determined by the scoring of points (actual caps) between the two in previous encounters. If that is also a draw....then it's a combined total of caps against all clans that comes into effect. u mention it maps wins or caps....?'ve made an easily confused man even more confused now.

Anyhow, I'm glad you have enjoyed your league. Ours has been pish. Yet another no-show last night due to the fact that it looks like SRA have folded without telling anyone.

BAH!!!!!!!!!! :upyours:

Perhaps we'll actually get games in the playoffs!


its on the result not the scores of the maps

For instance, if it was A&I vs Clan X and Clan X 0wn3d Rock2 and we 0wn3d CO2 chances are they might win 15-0 and we'll win 10000000-0........

While its still not quite fair it then goes down to the overall for/against as all clans have played the same maps against someone else in the longrun, altho I appreciate it isn't quite perfect as playing a good clan on your best maps are loosing by a small margin isn't as good perhaps as playing a not so good clan and winning 1000000000-0 per map

my two cents...


Just like our recent win over IM, if we were to follow this simple ruling...


I agree it's should be points on match results. If you think about it though, because any normal result splits 4 points ( 3-1, 2-2,1-3), if they have the same scores for them then they will also have the same scores against them. Normal that is, unless a side gets a default win in which case they don't get the point scored against them and the team that did play and wins will lose out.
So I think the winner should be declared in this order:

Match point total, most wins, most draws, least number of default losses, match result, playoff.


well i suggest stick with rules why change them now,

simple really if 2 clans drawn on points, then who won between them, if draw then difference in points for and against (cap-difference as opposed to goal-difference) if level then play match again.

Agreed HHH things are pretty close ok:

Rasta win their 2 remaining games they have 12
748 win remaining game they have 12
NKN on 10 currently playing Rasta in remaining game (NKN draw with rasta they have 12 then Rasta have 11).
NKN win remaining game they go to playoffs on 13.
We beat MIT GoD beat Rasta we both on 12 points goes to match we drew 10-0 0-10..:)p lol) then down to points, we have upper hand at mo ..................
feck it too many

GL anyways enjoyed the league so far 'cept for *Sin* gaah..!



nah I really liked SIN...haven't laughed so much in ages. l337 snipers too :rolleyes:

/edited cos im a complete m0ng and can't spell/


Well I gotta say NKN look good for the 1st place. Then depending on our (GOD's) result against Rasta, it's between us and 748 for 2nd. And as you say, 10-10 in our game... you currently have a 30 point lead over us overall. Also, since you're playing MIT on Friday and we're playing Rasta on Saturday we'll know exactly what we need out of the game. :)


And NKN are playing Rasta in Thursday...ooooh sooo exciting! :)


Aye, sooo exciting, I just got a l33t new pc after years of my old, dying wreck, and NKN just got a jolt server - ;)

Who changed the subject?

Yep, the group is really amazingly tight, and I wish you all good luck, and to have fun as it draws to a close :)
Unfortunately I wont be there for NKN vs Rasta, so gonna be sweating about the result offline at the time, argh.

Whilst I am here.... anyone know about what the maps will be in the play-offs? Are they set, or chosen by the clans at the time, or what?


OOO Rasta tonight!

HHH ..are you going to broadcast the game via IRC so we can follow it??
I could look over Flub's shoulder, but
(1) I would prob put him off and he'd kick my ass, and
(2) all that second hand dope smoke would feck me up for our praccy (you ever see the Rasta car in Predator2? ... his room is like that, lol)
Fingers crossed it a good game (should be fun/hectic) and may the best clan win --- hang on a sec .... we're not playing :p


Heh, soz silent, got here too late. I believe there was a match bot but as per usual it crashed half way through never to return... bleh.

We won tho... RAH :D

Which means nkn are group winners, and its 748 or god playing for 2nd place. Gl to you both :)

Rasta played nicely, yet another high point in this excellent group.

Just gotta make sure we get in div1 now :)

P.S. excuse me for not replying to many threads at all, can see some interesting looking ones, but after a million crashed trying to open them, i just plain give up, gah.

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