Rude Kids - The Unfeasible Story of Viz


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
This is an absolute must for any Viz fan, an autobiography of both the founder of Viz, Chris Donald, and the magazine itself.

Written in a style not dissimilar to Spike Milligan, basically how you'd imagine Viz to be if it were words and not cartoons, very funny and informative, his dealings with the general traumas of life and the added fuckwits of the world of publishing and advertising. Also a nice throwback for me as I was born about the same time as him and lived through the same era.

I'm only about halfway through, but it's enough for me to give it maximum points.

Also got the 25 Year book too, will review that later.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
xane said:
This is an absolute must for any Viz fan, an autobiography of both the founder of Viz, Chris Donald, and the magazine itself.

Written in a style not dissimilar to Spike Milligan, basically how you'd imagine Viz to be if it were words and not cartoons, very funny and informative, his dealings with the general traumas of life and the added fuckwits of the world of publishing and advertising. Also a nice throwback for me as I was born about the same time as him and lived through the same era.

I'm only about halfway through, but it's enough for me to give it maximum points.

Also got the 25 Year book too, will review that later.

Read it a couple of weeks ago. Quite amusing for me as I used to deal a lot with the John Brown advertising people, so I saw some of this from 'the other side'. Can't decide if I actually like Chris Donald though...


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Ooh - that's going on my Xmas list now :)

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