RSO dead

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well to me they are. not that they wore worth a damn anyway, seems that all the time i put in to the clan came down to a cocky bitch who thought he could over throw me.
So due to this i have totaly screwed them sideways. both clan website n clan forums belong to me and i took both with me :)
now i will report them to Quakenet for wasting L resorces.
Mwha ha ha ha haa...

any one have any comments to say better say them now


RSO was not my favorite clan, to put mildly. But a clan disbanding, I couldn't even wish that to my enemys



thb when I joined JCC I heard things of RSO what they did 'n are, when I played the TFFA Finals I almost believed in it (I'm the type of man who wants to judge those things with my own eyes). But the last month I've talked to you and ||Nick|| and you're ok :)

It's sad that recently some other JK2 clans have the same issue :/


new RsO rebirth will be on the way
i cut out the dead wood of the clan and took all the good guys out
it seems that cos i was overthrown in a CL position i will take the name with me and rebuild the RsO clan with a new look and new members also on a new IRC channle :)

im hopeing i can start a clean slate for all members that come along with the move.

and if any i hope you can tell the diffrence between the old RSO n new RsO.

any support you guys can give will be welcome :)


you're a weird fella m8 :)
3 weeks ago you didnt want to set up something new :p

but good luck m8, you know where 2 find me if needed ;)


Well disbanding aint the end of the world, sometimes a new start is a good thing.

I must say RSO had a pretty bad reputation but I've found that to be Word"I chat-kill aint I evil"bearer's influence at ideas about how the clan should be run, got no probs with the rest of them :)

Oh well, GL with things Gray.


well i have to get supirorty over the members who i have respect for and ask them to leave the old RSO on there own.

i have been tweaking n editing the clan website that i reuploaded n set up the foums lol
i changed a shit load of stuff so its all working peachy atm

i need your support as a jk2 community too
{evil as it sounds i would like you to spread the word that RSO is not RsO and any challanges from RSO should be declined but not from RsO.

i hope you catch my drift


RSO is NOT dead

Contrary to what Gray is saying, RSO: is not dead, it currently has more members than Gray's splinter clan.

Gray was ejected for wasting time and non-activity within the clan.

I was left to organise clan friendlies and deal with recruitment. Fact is Gray has taken the website of which [Val]/ All_bad designed, which is plaguerism might i add.

The fact that he has the old website and forum makes no difference, as RSO: are still alive at #clan-rso, we have a new website hosted either here or here

We have full support from all the members of the original RSO: except for the n00b members that Gray has (Wandering_jedi - lol)

The move to eject Gray seems to already have boosted morale, as we have some old members rejoining for example Spikey--------- it seems that Gray was discouraging members to have fun in the clan :/

<quote> So due to this i have totaly screwed them sideways. both clan website n clan forums belong to me and i took both with me

so no gray you havent "screwed us sideways" and you can have the forum, nobody uses it anyways.

Good luck with your clan and your two members. Oh yeah and take nick off your members page cos he has said to me that he is in RSO: as my co-leader!

Stabbed in the back again gray?? oh dear. It wasnt your clan in the first place, it was Word's and I have full support from him on this move, so whether you like it or not, you have been overthrown.

Viva la revolution

RSO: A new era

#clan-rso on quakenet

Just thought I would add my two-pennies worth


Ok guys, you've both had your say, either take it into PM or drop the matter. Otherwise I'll be forced to close this thread.

I'm not in the habit of medling in clan polotics but I dont want this board to become a tool for insult after insult.



Ok warned you both. This thread is being closed. I've not deleted the whole thread just the posts relating to this issue after i posted my warning.

Gray, I hope you agree with me when I say everyone is welcome to post on these boards. That's what they are here for, not just subscribers however the more of those guys we've got the better.

danj122, you have every right to post your side of the story and I've let you do that however it is to end here.

Guys I'll be honest, the second Dan posted to put his side over this instantly turned into a pissing contest. It wont go any further. Any more posts of an RSO vs RsO nature will be deleted as I see fit.

I'm not taking anyones side on this but I refuse to let these boards turn into a Verbal Battle Ground. Take it into IRC or PM, anywhere other than in the open forum. Please feel free to slag me for doing my job :(


BTW I thought Danj was Warning.... Nope my fault it's not Warning :p Sorry for any confusion
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