Rr5 Rule



Put this on a seperate thread so it stands out, please read it all.

Originally posted by Falcor
Anyway as for how im gonna work this out, the raid this saturday will go ahead with current rules, as i dont intend to change them mid week, will judge fairly after saturday how to change rules...

As stated before wish some of u would read back, this is not open for discussion this is how it will happen this week, next week rules will change as to be decided,

Please note, any changes i make are due to polls, and ppl opinions, not the flames and rants of skile and fagane,i dont react well to threats, i react to ppls genuines wants and concerns. If anything, Fagane and Skile have damaged the case for dropping the rule....
I have always said these raid will be fair, as will the rules, skile and fagane have tbh been nothing more than an annoyance, trying to make me look like some evul elitest Nolby gimp, the amount of fuss some of u have made over this is, simply pathetic tbh, i say some not all....out of all the ppl who have flamed and whined i bet NOT one of u would be up for leading a 150 person sidi raid, cuz ya would just rather sit here and rant, and i think some of u should be ashamed of ya selves....

U say theres plenty more ppl to lead sidi raids out there? who? come on not once have i heard a name, neither skile or fagane would, u can bet on that.....dont take raid leaders for granted, that goes for all raids, or i will change to doing guild signup raids, a hell of a lot easier for me....came very close to it with all this crap, the only reason i dont is cuz its not fair on some ppl who wouldnt then get a chance to go...

Changes will be decided on saturday after raid, thats final, and u have until then to vote.

Dont flame dont whine i aint starting another whine thread, this is here for ppl who dont want to read the whine thread....u can post comments if u want, but no more repetitve whines please.


call me a forum noob but what is all this bumping buisness about :eek7:

Kurik BHM



Heh, as I read this I started to wonder if you would be able to muster enough people, checked Duskwave and found:

There are 426 characters in albion/excal who are RR5+..:)


Originally posted by pinball
call me a forum noob but what is all this bumping buisness about :eek7:

Bumping a post is to move the post to the top of the forum list of posts, Most will scan the over the posts listed, paying more attention to the higher posts on the list, As there the most active, Or appear to be coz of bump :)

Also william Shakespear invented the word BUMP :D


To bump or not to bump, that is the question....

A bump a bump! my kingdom for a bmp!


Good call Falcor :)

I await the decision with baited breath (or is it bated, I can never remember)

Oh and bumpage.


"bump" is like using radar in daoc.. just for bb´s

(or is it bated, I can never remember)

it´s bumped..
with bumped breath


abated maybe?

**checks dictionary**

bate 1. Another word for abate. 2. with bated breath. Holding one's breath in suspense or fear.

p.s Bump.


From Esther C Hill Tucker: “I can’t find the definition for bated breath or it might be spelled baited breath. Any clue?”
The correct and original form is bated breath, but the first word is now so rare that it only appears in this phrase. Because bated is archaic, the phrase bated breath is a linguistic fossil. As a result, people have begun to respell it as a word they do know (a process that linguists call folk etymology).
Bated is an abbreviation of abated through loss of the first vowel, and which has the meaning “reduced, lessened, lowered in force”. So bated breath means that you almost stop breathing through terror, or awe, or extreme anticipation or anxiety.
Shakespeare used it in The Merchant of Venice: “Shall I bend low and, in a bondman’s key, / With bated breath and whisp’ring humbleness, Say this: ... ”. So did Mark Twain in Tom Sawyer: “Every eye fixed itself upon him; with parted lips and bated breath the audience hung upon his words, taking no note of time, rapt in the ghastly fascinations of the tale”.
The recent tendency to write bated as baited evokes an incongruous image, which Geoffrey Taylor captured in verse in his poem Cruel Clever Cat:
Sally, having swallowed cheese,
Directs down holes the scented breeze,
Enticing thus with baited breath
Mice to an untimely death. It is best to stick to the traditional spelling, if only to avoid annoying the pedants among us!

Yes am bored.


And bump :p


im in 2 minds personally about the rr5 thing

Yes only rr5s can make full use of the items and in relation to lottos u can be 100% sure that those participating have more-or- less equal potential to good use of it compared to lower rrs who may get bored of the class and stop playing it before hitting rr5, and it means that the weapons can be used for realm-helping rvr and raids rather than being used to kill pygmy goblins.


several people i know in their mid 40s still have already worked sidi items into their final SC, and this means that they'll prolly end up with some dartmoor or df crap if they dont want expensive crafted sword stand ins while they wait for rr5 and THEN the endless sidi raids to get it



I don't have much to say, you can read my opinions. I however think it's a bit sad that Falcor can not stick to the actual subject, you don't make yourself look better by attacking me or someone else. I have never threathened anyone for the note.


I think its important to point out that if Falcor is going to remove the RR5+ rule ( which i hope he does :) ) he is in no way bowing down to Skile or Fagane and no one should see it like that. We all suffer from pride and i expect that if falcor does change the rule he will feel his is under attack slightly due to the way you have gone about trying to get him to denounce his rule. So Falcor if you take what people have said and look at the poll and make a decision while entirely ignoring some more petty members of the community then its a testament to your character ;)


Originally posted by erhardtt
Heh, as I read this I started to wonder if you would be able to muster enough people, checked Duskwave and found:

There are 426 characters in albion/excal who are RR5+..:)

So, you suppose enough of them are going to be on Falcor's RR5-only portion of raids?



What an ego! Please can someone else organise Sidi raids instead of Falcor? I'm sure they'd be so much better and not just an ego trip.......


Although I don't agree with the rule I may come along with minstrel. Quite enjoying Pin's raid the other day, nice playing as minstrel, you die less. See how it goes and if he relaxes the rule or not.

Also need drops, and no cash to buy :p


Originally posted by [PS]Venom
Although I don't agree with the rule I may come along with minstrel. Quite enjoying Pin's raid the other day, nice playing as minstrel, you die less. See how it goes and if he relaxes the rule or not.

Also need drops, and no cash to buy :p

the rule's there on Saturday, but possibly not next saturday :) wait a week and strike a blow against l33tness ;)

Not that minstrels (or thrust mercs or wizards fyi) can benefit from any apoc weapons :)


Originally posted by Falcor
As stated before wish some of u would read back, this is not open for discussion this is how it will happen this week

Stroke your ego a bit more in the denail to accept defeat. You claim to do what the people want, and see whats happening.



+ 1 bump

if i was an alb id lead the raid btw aligro is well enough and competant to lead a sidi raid and has done before hes back form europe also ;)


Originally posted by pez
he is in no way bowing down to Skile or Fagane and no one should see it like that.

Its not pride, its egocentric


Originally posted by Flimgoblin
the rule's there on Saturday, but possibly not next saturday :) wait a week and strike a blow against l33tness ;)

Not that minstrels (or thrust mercs or wizards fyi) can benefit from any apoc weapons :)

Butbutbutbut shiniiiieees....

Heh aye, guess I'll wait another week. Ooh, check your PMs.

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