RR and Information



This morning we had a bunch of Hibbies roaming our frontier takeing keeps and took a swing around Grallarhorn.
Flama was out early to patroll our frontier and Random set up a defence cg all which is by the book.
A fast responce to a potential threat. I was in df at the time and ported out to go and defend our relics.
So I joined the cg and went to Uppland on several occasions i asked in the cg where I should go......... no answer
then Finally after 5 mins I was told GRALLAR !!!!11!!1!!111!!.So after being told Grallar my next question was is that Uppland or Yggdra ????......... no answer.
Now trying to do something usefull I had by then already started to travel to nearest relic keep hopeing it was right one.
It wasnt and I wasnt the only mid saw 5 other mids there who had to turn around and head back to svasud. In pure frustration I logged.
Is it really that hard for 1 out of 20-30 people in cg to write "go Yggdra" would save a lot of time and maybe even a relic.


I fully agree with you Fafnir. But at the time it would have been more effective if someone had answered, remember i wasnt the only 1. Next time it might even cost us a relic. Yes we should all know our frontier but lets face facts most mids are more familiar with emain then our own frontier. on a side note I do know where both relic keeps are, it is just their name which I cant remember.


all those 'careful' hints at that Relic Raid ... <sigh> :rolleyes:


Circe - if you knew they were hibs you should have figured out that they cant take our str relic - they need their own first, which albs have atm.

Only relic they can take atm is power :p


Changes nothing since I didnt know what keep holds what and which keep is what.
nvm it is futile


oh pleeeeeeeeeeeeeez cry more and go back to excal


Im with the ones that say we must know our frontier, the name, place and what kind of relics each keep holds, but its just a fact of being KIND, and answer when someone asks, even if we think its a stupid question.


Originally posted by mid_Efour
oh pleeeeeeeeeeeeeez cry more and go back to excal
Cry more ???? A fellow middie trys to help defend his realm and gets flamed, great way of doing team building.
And e4 Circeline isnt from excal.
Cry more pfffttt I remember when YOU were crying over never reaching lvl 50 cuzz DF had killed malmo and you couldnt get a grp we carried your sorry ass to malmo H-stone and leveled you the last bit.
Circeline is a good friend of mine and I know she has always done her outmost to help around. Now you flame her for being frustrated over not being able to help.
I must say you are a prime example of how not to behave.


Originally posted by circeline
This morning we had a bunch of Hibbies roaming our frontier takeing keeps and took a swing around Grallarhorn.
Flama was out early to patroll our frontier and Random set up a defence cg all which is by the book.
A fast responce to a potential threat. I was in df at the time and ported out to go and defend our relics.
So I joined the cg and went to Uppland on several occasions i asked in the cg where I should go......... no answer
then Finally after 5 mins I was told GRALLAR !!!!11!!1!!111!!.So after being told Grallar my next question was is that Uppland or Yggdra ????......... no answer.
Now trying to do something usefull I had by then already started to travel to nearest relic keep hopeing it was right one.
It wasnt and I wasnt the only mid saw 5 other mids there who had to turn around and head back to svasud. In pure frustration I logged.
Is it really that hard for 1 out of 20-30 people in cg to write "go Yggdra" would save a lot of time and maybe even a relic.



Cush its just a matter of EDUCATION to answer when someone ask, even more when is some1 that is going to help defend the realm.


Imo ppl that dont know where relickeeps are have nothing there to do.


Originally posted by arawem
Cush its just a matter of EDUCATION to answer when someone ask, even more when is some1 that is going to help defend the realm.

Its a matter of education to be able to pick up the information so you know in advance where the keeps are. The daoc world aint that big. Takes about 5 minut to learn where all the keeps are.


Im sure u know everything about the game, just hope that when u sak for help u dont get silence in return m8.


you people are pricks, there are ways people find out things in this game and thats if people help them out. completely ignoreing people pisses me off. you people flaming.......... why the fuck dont u goto excal we dont need people like you here


> Cush its just a matter of EDUCATION to answer when someone ask

No it isnt. You are applying rl rules of politeness out of their context. You ask in a chat a question 100 people know the answer of, very likely noone will answer. Because if all people start to answer such questions, all 100 would do it and you would get spammed chat. It is a matter of eductation if you wish, to a) not answer such questions in chat if you suspect many people present there might also do the answering, and b) not ask such questions in the first place.

It makes more sense to ask such questions via private tells from guildies or just people you know.

And Buddha,

> Circeline is a good friend of mine

Then kindly point your good friend to a site with nice maps. Here, OS webby has quite a decent set of those:




Ottar I was among first people to join cg so at that time there wasnt 100 people in it and you assume that I hadnt tried to ask in /gu. I had and those 2 people online didnt know either if Grallar was in Ygg or Uppland. what im reading from peoples responces is that I shouldnt try and defend relics next time we are raided.
Actually it seems like a whole lot of mids shouldnt care about relics since they dont know if Grallar is in uppland or Ygg.
Sad part is that im getting flamed for not being able to help due to the fact that I didnt know which keep to go to.
I have on other threads read that there are no stupid questions when you dont know the answer, I guess that was wrong.

but but but you could just look on the net for a map !!11!!!
Yes I could have done that but during a relic raid time is of the essence and I figured I would get that information faster by asking then doing a search on Google.
Anyway I now know which one is where, but next time we might not be that lucky, next time we might have 40 mids standing at Mjollnir thinking where are the Albs while the relics are being carried out of Grallar.


I think you have a responsibiltiy to atleast learn where the RK's are. But there are so many ppl that aparently even havent figured out there is a compass in the game. I once heard a guy saying "I know the way to odins from uppland, but i dont know the way from odins to uppland". And most of the times in a CG question falls away due to all the spam there is. I have no idea how the situation was this morning with Circeline since I wasent there. If you ask questions do as ottar said. Ask in /gu or ppl you know or think know the answer in a /send. One of the problems is that many get comfortable with it and think, why bother finding things out for my self, I can just ask my way around. And i guess people that usualy are in these cg's get bored after seeing the same question for the 1000th time.


Bet most people don't know the difference themselves, which is why they failed to answer


Roo Stercogburn

I've usually found for every one person willing to ask what some of us take for granted there are ten not asking because they don't want to look stupid.

We all learn sometime. Most of the longer standing players had the luxury of being able to xp in our own frontiers when there were few higher level threats around.

That is long since gone as the server has many hundreds of lvl50s now so most peeps xp safely to 50 in-realm and then only venture out when they can fight on even terms.

Fair enough, Circeline should go out and try and get some maps and have a look-see for the future but there is nothing wrong asking in a CG for confirmation. As I said, there are probably a lot of peeps that won't ask even though they don't know and will quite happily sit and say nothing while someone else gets flamed ;)


you should always be able to ask a question, any question, but think for youself aswell once in a while :) (ie. you could have done /who whoeverelsewasinthecg or done /who yggdra and /who uppland to find out where ppl where.)


> I have on other threads read that there are no stupid questions when
> you dont know the answer

If you want to get answers to noob questions, ask them in private tells. If you dont know anyone who knows, ask from random people. They wont be particularly happy about it and will also tell you to get some blasted maps but people normally answer private tells. Directly addressed questions work. Generally addressed ones generally dont. The sky is blue, the water is wet, private tells work better.

> but but but you could just look on the net for a map !!11!!! Yes I could have
> done that but during a relic raid time is of the essence and I figured I would
> get that information faster by asking then doing a search on Google.

The trick here is to exercise unusual forethought and study those maps at your own time. I still have a set of maps I printed out the very first day I installed the bloody game and I still occasionally ponder upon them.

Actually, something I recommend to everyone. Even to old hands who normally navigate frontiers on autopilot. When you dont have anything particularly interesting to do - go look at some maps. Its amazing how deceptive the actual in-game terrain can be if you dont pay close attention to your compass. Ask a random mid, what direction goes lake road from Vindsaul? West, right? Wrong! Go look at the map - it goes directly NW. What direction is Arvakr from Vindsaul? NW? Wrong! Its almost directly north. Hey, a quiz - which frontier zones has the most lakes in it? ;)

And Roo..

> Most of the longer standing players had the luxury of being able to xp in
> our own frontiers

Argument looks sensible but it doesnt quite work that way. Exping teaches you close to zero geography. You learn horseroutes, you learn to get to some spawns, you learn where the trainers and dungeons are.

What teaches you geography is exploring. Preferably -with- maps, so you actually correlate stuff you see with where that stuff is in relation to everything else. If you get real lucky, you get some old hand to show you safe routes to avoid aggro and patrol routes. It was somewhat easier to explore in beta days than it's for sub-50's today, that much is true. Then again, back then it took me a bloody week to find a person who knew a safe route to Liegen ;)


Roo Stercogburn

Ottar, I xp'd many levels in lots of areas of our frontier. Explored it constantly from lvl20ish upwards. Rarely did places like undead camp, found lots of wee hidey holes away from Alb and Hib gankers. At the time it was the best place to xp as there was no DF and it was before dungeons had their xp bonus upped.

Still, you're right about one thing: most peeps just want to get to an xp camp site and don't bother to learn their way around other than to get where the group is.

Exploring is not something a lot of peeps seem to bother about.


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Exploring is not something a lot of peeps seem to bother about.
I should really recomend it, it's fun ;)


Originally posted by Cush
I think you have a responsibiltiy to atleast learn where the RK's are. But there are so many ppl that aparently even havent figured out there is a compass in the game. I once heard a guy saying "I know the way to odins from uppland, but i dont know the way from odins to uppland". And most of the times in a CG question falls away due to all the spam there is. I have no idea how the situation was this morning with Circeline since I wasent there. If you ask questions do as ottar said. Ask in /gu or ppl you know or think know the answer in a /send. One of the problems is that many get comfortable with it and think, why bother finding things out for my self, I can just ask my way around. And i guess people that usualy are in these cg's get bored after seeing the same question for the 1000th time.

Must have been me :/ allways get lost when I have to turn left and end up in some fenrir camp :/ which i should just avoid runing S ZZZZZ at runing back :p



Originally posted by zapzap
Must have been me :/ allways get lost when I have to turn left and end up in some fenrir camp :/ which i should just avoid runing S ZZZZZ at runing back :p



no it wasent you


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Exploring is not something a lot of peeps seem to bother about.

Always amazed me when lvl 50's didn't know the way to Odins gate, especially RR4+ ones :)

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